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Collections: Prints & Photographs

NLM History of Medicine Collections on Flicker Commons

The National Library of Medicine is a member of the Flickr Commons as a means for sharing images from its historical collections, which document the social and historical aspects of medicine from the 15th to the 21st century.

Please visit our Flickr Photostream located at We will be adding more images to our Flickr Photostream, so please check back often.

We invite you to add identifying information to our images by way of comments and tags, however please be aware of our Comments & Privacy Policy. Although you do not need to create a Flickr account to view our images, you do need to create a Flickr account to leave comments and tags. If you already have a Yahoo! user name and password, you can use these to access our photostream as well.

You can find more information on our Flickr images on the Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) database,

Please refer to Help for Flickr for information about using Flickr including commenting, tagging, and downloading images.

“No Known Copyright Restrictions”

All of the National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine images that are included in our photostream in The Flickr Commons are marked “No known copyright restrictions.” This means the National Library of Medicine is unaware of any copyright or use restrictions on those particular images. Their use restriction status in Images of the History of Medicine (IHM) is “The National Library of Medicine believes this item to be in the public domain.” Detailed information about copyright and historical materials can be found here:

If you do reproduce one of our images, please credit the National Library of Medicine using the credit line, “Courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland.”

Comments/Tags & Privacy Policy

The National Library of Medicine reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

The National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division Flickr Photostream is moderated, and all comments/tags will be reviewed after they are posted to ensure compliance with our comments/tags policy.

Our comments/tags policy is designed to encourage respectful, constructive dialogue.

  • Stay focused. All viewpoints are welcome, but comments/tags should remain relevant to the Flickr Photostream and the image being viewed. Only comments/tags that relate to the relevant image will remain posted.
  • Be respectful. Comments/tags will be removed if they contain personal attacks, which include discriminatory, racist, offensive, obscene, inflammatory, unlawful or otherwise objectionable statements, language or content. Comments/tags that contain partisan political views will be removed.
  • Tell the truth. Comments/tags that contain or spread misleading or false information will be removed. Here and in other areas of public discussion, make sure that what you are saying is factually correct.
  • Be careful about including links and personal information. Since all comments/tags are visible to anyone that stumbles upon this photostream, please don’t include or link to any information that would cause security problems or breach confidentiality agreements. We will remove comments that contain personal information (whether your own or someone else’s), including home address, home or cell phone number, or personal e-mail address.
  • Refrain from seeking medical advice. Comments/tags that seek a specific diagnosis or request medical advice will be removed. Please visit NLM’s MedlinePlus at for information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues.
  • Refrain from endorsing a commercial product. Comments/tags that promote a particular service, or product, and solicitation of any proposal or business will be removed.

We reserve the right to determine which comments/tags violate our comments/tags policy and to remove comments/tags at our discretion.

The views expressed within posted comments/tags do not necessarily reflect those of the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the United States Government.

Reporters are asked to send questions to the NLM Office of Communications & Public Liaison through their normal channels and to refrain from submitting questions here as comments. Reporter questions will not be posted or answered.

Thank you for taking the time to review our comments/tags policy. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to hearing from you.

Your Privacy

Flickr enables visitors to respond to images posted by NLM by posting comments and tags. Visitors who wish to post comments and tags need to create an account with Flickr. If you already have a Yahoo! user name and password, you can use these to access our photostream as well. Our Flickr Photostream comments and tags are not collected, processed or reported in any way. When visitors provide their names or other identifying information, that information will appear along with their comments and tags.

The Yahoo and Flickr privacy policies are available at:

Find the NLM privacy policy here:

Last Reviewed: May 17, 2018