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Several pictures of doctors who are featured on the Local Legends web site

MEET LOCAL LEGENDS: By Medical Specialty


State/Congressional Nominator Medical Specialty Audio/Video Clips
Photo of Joann Schaefer, M.D.

Joann Schaefer, M.D.

"Crusader Against Domestic Violence"

"To aid in the first breath is an honor. To aid in the last is a privilege. To share in the journey is the reward of a family doctor. It is an honor and a privilege to practice medicine."
Family Medicine

View Video of Joann Schaefer
[3 min, 10 sec]
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Photo of Joy Mockbee, M.D.

Joy Mockbee, M.D.

"Driving force for low-income health care..."

"Working with refugees in Central America while I was in medical school, I'd listen to their stories, and their words opened my eyes to the injustices and inequalities under which many people have to live. I've wanted ever since to help improve health and human rights with those most in need."
Family Medicine

Photo of Linda Farley, M.D.

Linda Farley, M.D.

"Passionate crusader for health care reform"

"I love working in mixed cultures and bringing health care to people who really need it-the uninsured in inner cities and rural areas."
Family Medicine

Photo of Linda Stone, M.D.

Linda Stone, M.D.

"Outstanding family practitioner, mentor and role model"

"When you have a loving family, a wonderful circle of friends, then the difficult path to medicine is made possible through their kindness and love. To be a doctor, you need to be a relationship-centered person and derive the joys of your day through those relationships."
Family Medicine

Photo of Mercy Obeime, M.D.

Mercy Obeime, M.D.

"Serving the underserved, at home and abroad…"

"I always wanted to take care of people, to help people and being a doctor was the way I wanted to do that, plus a couple of doctors were friends of my family…"
Family Medicine

View Video of Mercy Obeime
[3 min, 1 sec]
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Photo of Patricia Smith, M.D.

Patricia Smith, M.D.

"Dedicated emergency room practitioner "

"The idea of being a family doctor in a small town always appealed to me..."
Family Medicine

Photo of Ramoncita R. Maestas, M.D.

Ramoncita R. Maestas, M.D.

"Clinician and Educator Serving the Underprivileged"

"Family medicine is a wonderful practice; it allows you to practice birth to death medicine, and be involved in the overall health of the whole family, and that's a great privilege for me."
Family Medicine

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