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Healing Ways / Medicine Ways / The Medicine Wheel and the… / Ojibwe Indian stone medicine wheel
Black and white diagram depicting different sized rocks in a circular design.
Ojibwe Indian stone medicine wheel

Key to stone medicine wheel:

  1. Creator - Center of life, the Medicine Wheel itself.
  2. Earth Mother - Gives us our home, and lives.
  3. Father Sun - Warms life, source of energy and light.
  4. Grandmother Moon - Guides dreams and visions.
  5. Turtle Clan - The element of earth. Growth and life.
  6. Frog Clan - The element of water. Cleansing.
  7. Thunderbird Clan - The element of fire. Energy.
  8. Butterfly Clan - The element of air. Transformation.
  9. The North - Knowledge and wisdom.
  10. The East - Daybreak, Illumination. Spirit.
  11. The South - Youth and innocence. Emotion.
  12. The West - Introspection, Looks within.
  13. Snow Goose – Direction.
  14. Otter - Balanced female energy.
  15. Cougar - Leadership without insisting.
  16. Red Hawk - Observant. Messengers of the Gods.
  17. Beaver - Builder and do-er.
  18. Deer - Power and gentleness.
  19. Flicker – Music.
  20. Sturgeon - Moving through life, swimming.
  21. Brown Bear - Sweetness of truth.
  22. Raven - Keeper of Sacred law.
  23. Snake - Power of creation. Transmutation.
  24. Elk - Stamina. To go the distance.
  25. Cleansing - To make clean. Purify
  26. Renewal - To begin again.
  27. Purity - Clean and innocent.
  28. Clarity - Unclouded. Free from darkness.
  29. Love - To delight in a higher state of appreciation.
  30. Wisdom - Knowledge and sense. Intelligence and foresight.
  31. Illumination - To enlighten. Cast light upon.
  32. Growth - To become. To change from one state to another. To advance.
  33. Trust - To place confidence in the reliance on the integrity and friendship of another.
  34. Experience - Knowledge and understanding
  35. Introspection - To look inside.
  36. Strength - Power and vigor of mind.
Courtesy Cedar Tree Institute, Marquette, Michigan