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Timeline / Reshaping America / 1794: Battle of Fallen Timbers opens Northwest Territory to settlement

1794: Battle of Fallen Timbers opens Northwest Territory to settlement

President George Washington assigns General “Mad” Anthony Wayne to build several forts between the Ohio and Maumee Rivers. He battles a Native confederacy that includes the Miami war chief Little Turtle, the Shawnee chief Blue Jacket, the Lenape (Delaware) chief Buckongahelas, and 1,000 warriors. The U.S. victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers leads to the signing of the Treaty of Greenville in 1795. The treaty opens parts of what would become the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin to settlement.

The Battle of Fallen Timbers is called the “last battle of the American Revolution” because it helps the young nation expand its territory westward.

Federal-Tribal Relations, Land and Water