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National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)

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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Case Description | Case Background | Case Objectives | Case Exercise

Case 3. Medicare Reimbursement Reforms (Page 31 of 37)
Phase Two: Finding the Information

Q12. Locate datasets and/or instruments that might be useful in your research into Medicare reimbursement.

Suggested Solution

Use HSRR to retrieve relevant datasets and instruments. Look to see what instruments for collecting information other communities have used. Health Services/Sciences Research Resources -- HSRR can help you find such files. HSRR entries are not indexed with MeSH so you will need to use key words to find relevant entries.

Two datasets and no instruments were retrieved using the term "Medicare reimbursement." Think about other terms you might use to retrieve additional datasets. As in Case two, you would find many datasets and instruments/scales on quality of life and quality of care issues.

If you want to compare your results with those around the country you may want to find national or state level data sets.

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