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LNC (LOINC) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.


Summary of Changes:

1. New Class:

Abbreviation Class
PANEL.EYE.SPECULAR MICROSCOPY Specular microscopy panel
PANEL.SURVEY.CoVSocEcon SARS-CoV-2 Related Socioeconomic Questionnaire panel
SURVEY.CoVSocEcon SARS-CoV-2 Related Socioeconomic Questionnaire survey

Original Files:

The UMLS uses files publicly available at

  • Loinc.csv
  • MapTo.csv
  • ComponentHierarchyBySystem.csv
  • PanelsAndForms.csv
  • LoincIeeeMedicalDeviceCodeMappingTable.csv
  • LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
  • LoincUniversalLabOrdersValueSet.csv
  • AnswerList.csv
  • LoincAnswerListLink.csv
  • LoincPartLink_Primary.csv
  • LoincPartLink_Supplementary.csv
  • ImagingDocumentCodes.csv
  • ConsumerName.csv
  • Group.csv
  • GroupAttributes.csv
  • GroupLoincTerms.csv
  • ParentGroup.csv
  • ParentGroupAttributes.csv
  • Part.csv

In addition, the UMLS receives a file of abbreviations with expansions called 'Loinc_<ver>_Abbreviations.csv'.



LOINC Identifiers in the UMLS are generally based on field 1 of Loinc.csv, or field 1 of Part.csv (PartNumber). For some termtypes, the atom may be associated with multiple LOINC entities. For example, a component may be a part of multiple fully-specified names. In these cases, the atom (e.g. a CN, or Official Component Name), is assigned an MTHU# during Metathesaurus source processing.

  • CODE:
    • For term types DN, LC, LN, LO, MTH_LN, MTH_LO, OLC, OOSN, OSN: the LOINC _NUM (field 1) from Loinc.csv
    • For term types LPDN, LPN: the PartNumber (field 1) from Part.csv or PartNumber (field 3) from LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
    • For term types CN, MTH_CN, HC, HS, LS: an MTHU#, assigned during Metathesaurus source processing.
    • For term type LA: the AnswerStringID from AnswerList.csv
    • For termtypes LG and OLG: the GroupID (field 2) from Group.csv and/or ParentGroupId (field 1) from ParentGroup.csv
  • SAUI: Not Applicable
  • SCUI: Same as CODE for term types DN, LA, LC, LG, LN, LO, LPDN, LPN, MTH_LN, MTH_LO, OLC, OLG, OOSN, OSN
  • SDUI: Not Applicable


Expanded forms of certain atoms are created during Metathesaurus source processing by applying abbreviation expansions extracted from the LOINC Users Guide. In these cases, the expanded form is generally assigned the same identifier as its original form. Expansions may also include converting patterns such as "little e" or "super little b" to "e" or "^b" respectively.


CN Official component name:
CODE = MTHU#, assigned during Metathesaurus source processing; same as CODE for respective MTH_CN as applicable.
STR = Loinc.csv field 2, subfield 1 (COMPONENT).
DN Display Name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv field 41 (DisplayName)
HC Hierarchical class:
CODE = MTHU#, assigned during Metathesaurus source processing (same as CODE for respective HS).
STR = expanded form of Loinc.csv field 8 for CLASS or expanded form of Loinc.csv field 14 for CLASSTYPE.
An additional HC atom, "LOINCCLASSTYPES," is added during Metathesaurus source processing as a hierarchical placeholder.
HS Short or alternate version of hierarchical term:
CODE = MTHU#, assigned during Metathesaurus source processing (same as CODE for respective HC).
STR = value of Loinc.csv field 8 for CLASS, or value of Loinc.csv field 14 for CLASSTYPE.
LA LOINC Answer:
CODE = AnswerList.csv field 7 (AnswerStringID)
STR = AnswerList.csv field 11 (DisplayText)
LC Long common name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv field 26 (LONG_COMMON_NAME)
TTY = LC is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) is not = "DEPRECATED"
LG Loinc Group Name:
CODE = Group.csv field 2 (GroupId) or ParentGroup.csv field 1 (ParentGroupId)
STR = Group.csv field 3 (Group) or ParentGroup.csv field 2 (ParentGroup)
LN Official fully-specified name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv fields 2-7, concatenated with colons, i.e. F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:F7
TTY = LN is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) is not = "DEPRECATED"
LO Obsolete official fully specified name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv fields 2-7, concatenated with colons, i.e. F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:F7
TTY = LO is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) = "DEPRECATED"
LPDN Parts display name:
CODE = Part.csv field 1 (PartNumber)
STR = Part.csv field 4 (DISPLAY_NAME)
LPN Parts name:
CODE = Part.csv field 1 (PartNumber)
STR = Part.csv field 3 (NAME_CASE_INSENSITIVE)
An additional LPN, "LOINCPARTS," is added during Metathesaurus source processing as a hierarchical placeholder.
LS Expanded system/sample type:
CODE = MTHU#, assigned during Metathesaurus source processing
STR = Expanded form of Loinc.csv field 5, subfield 1 (SYSTEM).
MTH_CN Component, with abbreviations expanded:
CODE = MTHU#, assigned during Metathesaurus source processing; same as CODE for respective CN as applicable.
STR = Expanded form of Loinc.csv field 2, subfield 1 (COMPONENT).
MTH_LN Official fully specified name with expanded abbreviations:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Expanded form of Loinc.csv fields 2-7, concatenated with colons, i.e. F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:F7
TTY = MTH_LN is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) is not = "DEPRECATED"
MTH_LO Expanded obsolete fully specified name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Expanded form of Loinc.csv fields 2-7, concatenated with colons, i.e. F2:F3:F4:F5:F6:F7
TTY = MTH_LO is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) = "DEPRECATED"
OLC Obsolete long common name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv field 26 (LONG_COMMON_NAME)
TTY = OLC is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) = "DEPRECATED"
OLG Obsolete Loinc Group Name:
CODE = Group.csv field 2 (GroupId) or ParentGroup.csv field 1 (ParentGroupId)
STR = Group.csv field 3 (Group) or ParentGroup.csv field 2 (ParentGroup)
TTY = OLG is assigned if field 5 (Status for Group.csv) or field 3 (Status for ParentGroup.csv) = "DEPRECATED"
OOSN Obsolete official short name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv field 21 (SHORTNAME)
TTY = OOSN is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) = "DEPRECATED"
OSN Official short name:
CODE = Loinc.csv field 1 (LOINC_NUM)
STR = Loinc.csv field 21 (SHORTNAME)
TTY OSN is assigned if field 12 (STATUS) is not = "DEPRECATED"
XM Cross-mapping set:
This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing


ATN [Description] Origin
ANSWER_CODE AnswerList.csv field 8 (LocalAnswerCode)
ANSWER_CODE_SYSTEM AnswerList.csv field 9 (LocalAnswerCodeSystem)
ANSWER_LIST_ID AnswerList.csv field 1 (AnswerListID)
ANSWER_LIST_NAME AnswerList.csv field 2 (AnswerListName)
ASK_AT_ORDER_ENTRY Loinc.csv field 37
CATEGORY GroupLoincTerms.csv field 1 (Category)
CHANGE_REASON_PUBLIC Loinc.csv field 30
COMMON_SI_TEST_RANK Loinc.csv field 33
COMMON_TEST_RANK Loinc.csv field 31
COMMON_ORDER_RANK Loinc.csv field 32
CONSUMER_NAME Loinc.csv field 13 - not populated. Use ConsumerName.csv file
DESCRIPTION ParentGroupAttributes.csv field 2
EQUIVALENCE LoincIeeeMedicalDeviceCodeMappingTable.csv field 5
EXAMPLE_UCUM_UNITS Loinc.csv field 27
EXAMPLE_UNITS Loinc.csv field 25
FROMRSAB This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
FROMVSAB This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
HL7_ATTACHMENT_REQUEST Loinc.csv field 40
HL7_FIELD_SUBFIELD_ID Loinc.csv field 23
IEEE_CF_CODE10 LoincIeeeMedicalDeviceCodeMappingTable.csv, field 3
IEEE_REFID LoincIeeeMedicalDeviceCodeMappingTable.csv, field 4
IMAGING_DOCUMENT_VALUE_SET A subset of document codes in LOINC that represent imaging procedures and reports, as indicated in ImagingDocumentCodes.csv. ATV = "TRUE" when appropriate.
LCL [Class] Loinc.csv field 8 (CLASS)
LCN [Classtype] Loinc.csv field 14 (CLASSTYPE)
LCS [Status] Loinc.csv field 12 (STATUS)
LCT [Change type] Loinc.csv field 10 (CHNG_TYPE)
LEA [Example answers] Loinc.csv field 16 (EXMPL_ANSWERS)
LFO [Formula] Loinc.csv field 15 (FORMULA)
LMP [MAP TO code] MapTo.csv field 2 (MAP_TO)
LOINC_COMPONENT Loinc.csv field 2 (all subfields)
LOINC_METHOD_TYP Loinc.csv field 7
LOINC_PROPERTY Loinc.csv field 3
LOINC_SCALE_TYP Loinc.csv field 6
LOINC_SCORE AnswerList.csv field 19 (Score)
LOINC_SYSTEM Loinc.csv field 5
LOINC_TIME_ASPECT Loinc.csv field 4
LOR [Order/observation] Loinc.csv field 22 (ORDER_OBS)
LQS [Survey question source] Loinc.csv field 18 (SURVEY_QUEST_SRC)
LQT [Survey question text] Loinc.csv field 17 (SURVEY_QUEST_TEXT)
LRN2 [Related names 2] Loinc.csv field 20 (RELATEDNAMES2)
LUR [Units required] Loinc.csv field 19 (UNITSREQUIRED)
MAPSETRSAB This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MAPSETTYPE This data is added only if the information is provided by the source
MAPSETVERSION This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MAPSETVSAB This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MOLECULAR_WEIGHT_OF_ANALYTE GroupAttributes.csv field 3 or ParentGroupAttributes.csv field 2
MTH_MAPFROMCOMPLEXITY This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MTH_MAPFROMEXHAUSTIVE This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MTH_MAPSETCOMPLEXITY This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MTH_MAPTOCOMPLEXITY This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
MTH_MAPTOEXHAUSTIVE This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
OID AnswerList.csv field 3 (AnswerListOID)
PART_SEQ_ORDER LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv, field 6
RADLEX_PLAYBOOK_LONG_NAME LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv, field 10
RADLEX_PREF_NAME LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv, field 8
RID LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv, field 7
RPID LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv, field 9
SEQ_NO AnswerList.csv field 10 (SequenceNumber)
STATUS Group.csv field 5 or ParentGroup.csv field 3
STATUS_REASON Loinc.csv field 28
STATUS_TEXT Loinc.csv field 29
SUBSEQUENT_TEXT_PROMPT AnswerList.csv field 17 (SubsequentTextPrompt)
TORSAB This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
TOVSAB This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
UNIVERSAL_LAB_ORDERS_VALUE_SET A value of true indicates that the LOINC CODE is a member of the Universal Lab Orders Value Set
USAGE_NOTES GroupAttributes.csv field 3 or ParentGroupAttributes.csv field 2
VERSION_LAST_CHANGED Loinc.csv field 9
XMAP This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
XMAPFROM This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing
XMAPTO This data is added during Metathesaurus source processing


Definitions come from AnswerList.csv field 18 (Description)



The hierarchy is extracted from:
  • Loinc.csv, field 8 (CLASS) and field 14 (CLASSTYPE)
  • MultiAxialHierarchy.csv
RN member_of
Connects LOINC panels and their members, extracted from PanelsAndForms.csv
RO analyzed_by
Connects LS to LN or LO
RO associated_with Connects CN to LO or LN with CLASSTYPE of 3 (Claims Attachment).
RO has_action_guidance
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "Rad.Guidance for.Action" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_adjustment
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "ADJUSTMENT" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_aggregation_view
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.View.Aggregation" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_answer
Connects LN with LA as per LoincAnswerListLink.csv
RO has_approach_guidance
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Guidance for.Approach" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_archetype
Connects the GroupId to its archetype as per Group.csv. (The archetype is the Loinc Number of the most general representative term for a specific Group.
RO has_challenge
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "CHALLENGE" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_class
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "CLASS" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_component
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "COMPONENT" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_count
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "COUNT" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_divisor
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "DIVISORS" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_evaluation
Connects CN to LO or LN with CLASSTYPE of 4 (Surveys).
RO has_exam
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Reason for Exam" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_fragments_for_synonyms
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "FRAGMENTS FOR SYNONYMS" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_given_pharmaceutical_substance
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Pharmaceutical.Substance Given" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_imaged_location
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Anatomic Location.Region Imaged" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_imaging_focus
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Anatomic Location.Imaging Focus" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_lateral_anatomic_location
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Anatomic Location.Laterality" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_lateral_location_presence
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Anatomic Location.Laterality.Presence" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_loinc_number
Assigns a Loinc number to a Loinc Group as per GroupLoincTerms.csv
RO has_method
Connects LPN with PART_TYPE = "METHOD" with LOINC CODE indicated in PartLinks.csv
RO has_modality
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Modality" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_modality_subtype
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Modality.Subtype" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_multipart
Connects PART_TYPE = "MULTIPART" with LOINC CODE indicated in PartLinks.csv
RO has_object_guidance
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Guidance for.Object" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_parent_group
Connects the GroupId with the ParentGroupID as per Group.csv
RO has_pharmaceutical_route
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Pharmaceutical.Route" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_pharmaceutical_timing
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Pharmaceutical.Timing" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_presence_guidance
Connects LPN where PartTypeName = "Rad.Guidance for.Presence" with LN or LO, as per LoincRsnaRadiologyPlaybook.csv
RO has_property
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "PROPERTY" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_quotient
Connects PART_TYPE = "QUOTIENTS" with LOINC CODE indicated in PartLinks.csv
RO has_scale
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "SCALE" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_suffix
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "SUFFIX" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_supersystem
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "SUPER SYSTEM" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_system
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "SYSTEM" with LN or LO, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_time_aspect
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "TIME" with LN, as per PartLinks.csv
RO has_time_modifier
Connects LPN where PART_TYPE = "TIME MODIFIER" with LN, as per PartLinks.csv
RO is_maneuver_type_for
Where PART_TYPE = "Rad.Maneuver.Maneuver type"
RO is_modality_subtype_for
Where PART_TYPE = "Rad.Modality.Modality subtype"
RO is_modality_type_for
Where PART_TYPE = "Rad.Modality.Modality type"
RO is_subject_of
Where PART_TYPE = "Rad.Subject"
RO is_timing_for
Where PART_TYPE = "Rad.Timing"
RO is_view_type_for
Where PART_TYPE = "Rad.View.View type"
RO measured_by
Connects CN to LO or MTH_LN with CLASSTYPE of 1 (Laboratory) or 2 (Clinical).
RQ mapped_from
Connects an atom with an attribute of LCS="DISCOURAGED", "DEPRECATED", or "TRIAL" (TTY=LN or LO) with an atom with an attribute of LCS="ACTIVE" (TTY=LN), indicating possible synonymy between a current, discouraged, or trial code, as per loinc.csv, field 12 (STATUS) and map_to.csv.
SY common_name_of
Connects an LN or LO with its LC or OLC respectively
SY expanded_form_of
Connects original and expanded forms of atoms, including: HS <--> HC; OSN <--> LN; OOSN <--> LO
Connects original and expanded forms of atoms, including: CN <--> MTH_CN; LN <--> MTH_LN; LO <--> MTH_LO

