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SNOMEDCT_US (SNOMED CT, US Edition) - Statistics

Semantic Type Distribution

Semantic Type IDSemantic Type NameCount Percentage Distribution
T047Disease or Syndrome4980210.7
T061Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure445319.6
T037Injury or Poisoning308556.7
T023Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component268145.8
T121Pharmacologic Substance210224.5
T200Clinical Drug160163.5
T074Medical Device153723.3
T191Neoplastic Process129962.8
T116Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein123842.7
T109Organic Chemical113692.5
T060Diagnostic Procedure109802.4
T059Laboratory Procedure103972.2
T046Pathologic Function99802.2
T058Health Care Activity80961.7
T129Immunologic Factor76881.7
T019Congenital Abnormality71371.5
T170Intellectual Product50611.1
T029Body Location or Region50351.1

Term Type Counts

Term TypeExpanded FormCount
PTDesignated preferred name370016
FNFull form of descriptor370014
SYDesignated synonym205454
OFObsolete fully specified name163491
OAPObsolete active preferred term154509
OAFObsolete active fully specified name143751
ISObsolete Synonym96820
OASObsolete active synonym60110
OPObsolete preferred name29921
PTGBBritish preferred term20742
SYGBBritish synonym11728
MTH_OFMetathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete fully specified name2002
MTH_OPMetathesaurus obsolete preferred term1602
MTH_PTMetathesaurus preferred term1458
MTH_FNMTH Full form of descriptor1442
MTH_SYMTH Designated synonym840
MTH_ISMetathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete synonym696
MTH_OAPMetathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete active preferred term280
MTH_OAFMetathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete active fully specified name272
MTH_OASMetathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete active synonym70
MTH_PTGBMetathesaurus-supplied form of British preferred term68
SBNamed subset of a source25
MTH_SYGBMetathesaurus-supplied form of British synonym16
XMCross mapping set2

Attribute Counts

Attribute TypeExpanded FormCount
SUBSET_MEMBERSubset member8731855
MODIFIER_IDModifier ID2786036
CHARACTERISTIC_TYPE_IDCharacteristic type ID2786036
CASE_SIGNIFICANCE_IDCase significance ID1626556
TYPE_IDType ID1626556
INACTIVATION_INDICATORInactivation indicator689715
EFFECTIVE_TIMEEffective time513765
DEFINITION_STATUS_IDDefinition status ID513765
CTV3IDThe Read Code for a SNOMED CT concept taken from the United Kingdom?s Clinical Terms Version 3 terminology.504979
MODULE_IDModule ID90396
ICD-O-3_CODEICD-O-3 Code27075
COUNT_OF_BASE_OF_ACTIVE_INGREDIENTCount of base of active ingredient (defining)16066
PRESENTATION_STRENGTH_DENOMINATOR_VALUEPresentation strength denominator value (defining)6398
PRESENTATION_STRENGTH_NUMERATOR_VALUEPresentation strength numerator value (defining)6398
CONCENTRATION_STRENGTH_NUMERATOR_VALUEConcentration strength numerator value (defining)3176
CONCENTRATION_STRENGTH_DENOMINATOR_VALUEConcentration strength denominator value (defining)3173
UMLSRELThe UMLS Metathesaurus REL relationship (SY, CHD, RN, RB, RO) assigned to SNOMED CT relationship identifiers.158
UMLSRELAUMLS relationship attribute158
REFSET_PATTERNRefset pattern63
COUNT_OF_ACTIVE_INGREDIENTCount of active ingredient (defining)33
COUNT_OF_BASE_AND_MODIFICATION_PAIRCount of base and modification pair21
SOURCE_EFFECTIVE_TIMESource effective time8
TARGET_EFFECTIVE_TIMETarget effective time8
DESCRIPTION_FORMATDescription format3
DESCRIPTION_LENGTHDescription length3
MTH_MAPTOCOMPLEXITYIndicates the complexity of "to" expressions in a map set2
MAPSETNAMEOfficial name of a map set2
MAPSETVERSIONVersion of the map set2
MTH_MAPTOEXHAUSTIVEIndicates whether or not the "to" source is completely mapped2
MAPSETSIDSource asserted identifier for a map set2
MTH_MAPFROMCOMPLEXITYIndicates the complexity of "from" expressions used in a map set2
FROMRSABRoot source abbreviation for the "from" identifiers of a map set2
TOVSABVersioned source abbreviation for the "to" identifiers of a map set2
MTH_MAPFROMEXHAUSTIVEIndicates whether or not the "from" source of a map set is completely mapped2
MAPSETRSABRoot source abbreviation for a map set2
MTH_MAPSETCOMPLEXITYIndicates the overall complexity of a map set2
SOSScope Statement2
TORSABRoot source abbreviation for the "to" identifiers of a map set2
FROMVSABVersioned source abbreviation for the "from" identifiers of a map set2
MAPSETVSABVersioned source abbreviation for a map set2
DEFAULT_LANGUAGECODEDefault language code value1

Relationship Counts

Relation Name/Additional LabelExpanded FormCount
PAR/inverse_isahas parent relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Inverse is a1155987
CHD/isahas child relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Is a1155987
RO/has_finding_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has finding site394751
RO/finding_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Finding site of394751
RO/has_associated_morphologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated morphology296833
RO/associated_morphology_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated morphology of296833
RO/method_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Method of283588
RO/has_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has method283588
RO/mapped_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Mapped to145250
RO/mapped_fromhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Mapped from145250
RO/has_procedure_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has procedure site130182
RO/procedure_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure site of130182
RO/possibly_equivalent_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Possibly equivalent to120694
SY/same_assource asserted synonymy./Same as111294
RO/is_interpreted_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is interpreted by97872
RO/interpretshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Interprets97872
RO/has_causative_agenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has causative agent90935
RO/causative_agent_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Causative agent of90935
RO/has_direct_procedure_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has direct procedure site89455
RO/direct_procedure_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Direct procedure site of89455
RO/has_active_ingredienthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has active ingredient66619
RO/active_ingredient_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Active ingredient of66619
RO/has_pathological_processhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has pathological process63108
RO/pathological_process_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Pathological process of63108
RN/part_ofhas a narrower relationship/Part of53710
RB/has_parthas a broader relationship/Has part53710
RO/has_occurrencehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has occurrence50316
RO/occurs_inhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Occurs in50316
RO/dose_form_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Dose form of34051
RO/has_dose_formhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has dose form34051
RO/has_interpretationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has interpretation31368
RO/interpretation_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Interpretation of31368
RO/has_direct_morphologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has direct morphology30856
RO/direct_morphology_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Direct morphology of30856
RO/has_indirect_procedure_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has indirect procedure site28867
RO/indirect_procedure_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Indirect procedure site of28867
RO/has_intenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has intent26839
RO/intent_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Intent of26839
RO/cause_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Cause of25440
RO/due_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Due to25440
RO/has_direct_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has direct substance24908
RO/direct_substance_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Direct substance of24908
RO/moved_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Moved to22762
RO/moved_fromhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Moved from22762
RN/was_ahas a narrower relationship/Was a22641
RB/inverse_was_ahas a broader relationship/Inverse was a22641
RO/has_lateralityhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has laterality21149
RO/laterality_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Laterality of21149
RO/has_direct_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has direct device18874
RO/direct_device_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Direct device of18874
RO/has_temporal_contexthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has temporal context18096
RO/temporal_context_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Temporal context of18096
RO/subject_relationship_context_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Subject relationship context of18069
RO/has_subject_relationship_contexthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has subject relationship context18069
RO/component_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Component of17494
RO/has_componenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has component17494
RO/replaced_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Replaced by16943
RO/replaceshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Replaces16943
RO/has_entire_anatomy_structurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has entire anatomy structure15630
RO/entire_anatomy_structure_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Entire anatomy structure of15630
RO/count_of_base_of_active_ingredient_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Count of base of active ingredient of14724
RO/has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredienthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has count of base of active ingredient14724
RO/has_associated_findinghas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated finding13147
RO/associated_finding_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated finding of13147
RO/device_used_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Device used by12657
RO/uses_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses device12657
RO/finding_context_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Finding context of11803
RO/has_finding_contexthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has finding context11803
RO/has_basis_of_strength_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has basis of strength substance11712
RO/basis_of_strength_substance_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Basis of strength substance of11712
RO/has_precise_active_ingredienthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has precise active ingredient11376
RO/precise_active_ingredient_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Precise active ingredient of11376
RO/definitional_manifestation_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Definitional manifestation of10929
RO/has_definitional_manifestationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has definitional manifestation10929
RO/associated_withhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated with10606
RO/disposition_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Disposition of10593
RO/has_dispositionhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has disposition10593
RO/role_played_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Role played by10427
RO/plays_rolehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Plays role10427
RO/has_accesshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has access9801
RO/access_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Access of9801
RO/finding_method_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Finding method of9632
RO/has_finding_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has finding method9632
RO/occurs_beforehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Occurs before9352
RO/occurs_afterhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Occurs after9352
RO/has_focushas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has focus8394
RO/focus_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Focus of8394
RO/substance_used_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Substance used by7991
RO/uses_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses substance7991
RO/presentation_strength_numerator_unit_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Presentation strength numerator unit of7789
RO/has_presentation_strength_numerator_unithas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has presentation strength numerator unit7789
RO/used_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Used by7642
RO/useshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses7642
RO/presentation_strength_denominator_unit_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Presentation strength denominator unit of7506
RO/has_presentation_strength_denominator_unithas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has presentation strength denominator unit7506
RO/clinical_course_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Clinical course of7169
RO/has_clinical_coursehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has clinical course7169
RO/has_presentation_strength_numerator_valuehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has presentation strength numerator value6689
RO/presentation_strength_numerator_value_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Presentation strength numerator value of6689
RO/has_associated_procedurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated procedure6476
RO/associated_procedure_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated procedure of6476
RO/has_unit_of_presentationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has unit of presentation6382
RO/unit_of_presentation_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Unit of presentation of6382
RO/has_measured_componenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has measured component6305
RO/measured_component_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Measured component of6305
RO/has_procedure_contexthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has procedure context6155
RO/procedure_context_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure context of6155
RO/has_presentation_strength_denominator_valuehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has presentation strength denominator value6013
RO/presentation_strength_denominator_value_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Presentation strength denominator value of6013
RO/course_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Course of4808
RO/has_coursehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has course4808
SY/mth_xml_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./XML form of, Metathesaurus-asserted4373
SY/mth_has_xml_formsource asserted synonymy./Has XML form, Metathesaurus-asserted4373
SY/mth_has_plain_text_formsource asserted synonymy./Has plain text form, Metathesaurus-asserted4373
SY/mth_plain_text_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./Plain text form of, Metathesaurus-asserted4373
RO/has_specimenhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen4174
RO/specimen_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen of4174
RO/has_revision_statushas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has revision status4168
RO/revision_status_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Revision status of4168
RO/concentration_strength_numerator_unit_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Concentration strength numerator unit of3977
RO/has_concentration_strength_numerator_unithas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has concentration strength numerator unit3977
RO/has_concentration_strength_denominator_unithas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has concentration strength denominator unit3958
RO/concentration_strength_denominator_unit_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Concentration strength denominator unit of3958
RO/temporally_followshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Temporally follows3778
RO/temporally_followed_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Temporally followed by3778
RO/access_device_used_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Access device used by3734
RO/uses_access_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses access device3734
RO/partially_equivalent_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Partially equivalent to3500
RO/has_specimen_source_topographyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen source topography3427
RO/specimen_source_topography_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/specimen source topography of3427
RO/has_access_instrumenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has access instrument3410
RO/access_instrument_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Access instrument of3410
RB/referred_to_byhas a broader relationship/referred to by3274
RN/refers_tohas a narrower relationship/refers to3274
RO/approach_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Approach of3123
RO/has_approachhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has approach3123
RO/has_concentration_strength_numerator_valuehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has concentration strength numerator value3063
RO/concentration_strength_numerator_value_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Concentration strength numerator value of3063
RO/has_concentration_strength_denominator_valuehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has concentration strength denominator value3059
RO/concentration_strength_denominator_value_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Concentration strength denominator value of3059
RO/has_finding_informerhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has finding informer2745
RO/finding_informer_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Finding informer of2745
RO/has_modificationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has modification2604
RO/is_modification_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is modification of2604
RO/characterizeshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Characterizes2122
RO/characterized_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Characterized by2122
RN/has_alternativehas a narrower relationship/Has alternative2076
RB/alternative_ofhas a broader relationship/Alternative of2076
RO/has_specimen_procedurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen procedure2069
RO/specimen_procedure_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen procedure of2069
RO/has_specimen_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen substance2047
RO/specimen_substance_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen substance of2047
RO/property_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Property of2037
RO/has_propertyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has property2037
RO/has_priorityhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has priority2016
RO/priority_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Priority of2016
RO/has_indirect_morphologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has indirect morphology1908
RO/indirect_morphology_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Indirect morphology of1908
RO/realization_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Realization of1906
RO/has_realizationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has realization1906
RO/has_inherent_attributehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has inherent attribute1824
RO/inheres_inhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Inheres in1824
RO/has_surgical_approachhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/has surgical approach1770
RO/surgical_approach_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/surgical approach of1770
RO/wound_has_communication_withhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Wound has communication with1590
RO/has_communication_with_woundhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has communication with wound1590
RO/has_scale_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has scale type1512
RO/scale_type_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Scale type of1512
RO/extent_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Extent of1305
RO/has_extenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has extent1305
RO/uses_energyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses energy1061
RO/energy_used_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Energy used by1061
RO/procedure_device_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure device of1052
RO/has_procedure_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has procedure device1052
RO/has_onsethas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has onset988
RO/onset_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Onset of988
RO/has_time_aspecthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has time aspect972
RO/time_aspect_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Time aspect of972
RO/has_device_characteristichas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has device characteristic922
RO/device_characteristic_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Device characteristic of922
RO/procedure_morphology_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure morphology of917
RO/has_procedure_morphologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has procedure morphology917
RO/duringhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/During773
RO/inverse_duringhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Inverse during773
RO/inherent_location_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Inherent location of723
RO/has_inherent_locationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has inherent location723
RO/associated_etiologic_finding_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated etiologic finding of702
RO/has_associated_etiologic_findinghas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated etiologic finding702
RO/device_intended_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Device intended site of690
RO/has_device_intended_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has device intended site690
RO/has_techniquehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has technique649
RO/technique_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Technique of649
RO/has_severityhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has severity535
RO/severity_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Severity of535
RO/dose_form_intended_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Dose form intended site of517
RO/has_dose_form_intended_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has dose form intended site517
RO/direct_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Direct site of501
RO/has_direct_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has direct site501
RO/has_compositional_materialhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has compositional material482
RO/compositional_material_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Compositional material of482
RO/acted_on_by_processhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Acted on by process470
RO/has_process_outputhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has process output470
RO/process_acts_onhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Process acts on470
RO/process_output_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Process output of470
RO/has_dose_form_administration_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has dose form administration method464
RO/dose_form_administration_method_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Dose form administration method of464
RO/dose_form_release_characteristic_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Dose form release characteristic of457
RO/has_dose_form_release_characteristichas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has dose form release characteristic457
RO/has_basic_dose_formhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has basic dose form445
RO/basic_dose_form_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Basic dose form of445
RO/dose_form_transformation_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Dose form transformation of441
RO/has_dose_form_transformationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has dose form transformation441
RO/process_duration_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Process duration of436
RO/has_process_durationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has process duration436
RO/has_specimen_source_identityhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen source identity413
RO/specimen_source_identity_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen source identity of413
RO/has_route_of_administrationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has route of administration394
RO/route_of_administration_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Route of administration of394
RO/instrumentation_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Instrumentation of368
RO/has_instrumentationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has instrumentation368
RO/part_anatomy_structure_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Part anatomy structure of328
RO/has_part_anatomy_structurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has part anatomy structure328
RO/has_specimen_source_morphologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen source morphology301
RO/specimen_source_morphology_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen source morphology of301
RO/has_subject_of_informationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has subject of information283
RO/subject_of_information_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Subject of information of283
RO/temporally_related_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Temporally related to278
RO/is_sterilehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is sterile256
RO/answer_to_is_sterilehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Answer to is sterile256
RO/indirect_device_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Indirect device of214
RO/has_indirect_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has indirect device214
RO/relative_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Relative to206
RO/inverse_relative_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Inverse relative to206
RO/possibly_replaceshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Possibly replaces202
RO/possibly_replaced_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Possibly replaced by202
RO/has_episodicityhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has episodicity191
RO/episodicity_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Episodicity of191
RO/recipient_category_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Recipient category of182
RO/has_recipient_categoryhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has recipient category182
RO/absorbability_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Absorbability of171
RO/has_absorbabilityhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has absorbability171
RO/property_type_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Property type of167
RO/has_property_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has property type167
RO/has_state_of_matterhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has state of matter149
RO/state_of_matter_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/State of matter of149
RO/extended_to_by_processhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Extended to by process114
RO/process_extends_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Process extends to114
RO/measured_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Measured by78
RO/measureshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Measures78
RO/has_associated_functionhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated function64
RO/associated_function_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated function of64
RO/measurement_method_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Measurement method of55
RO/has_measurement_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has measurement method55
RO/has_preconditionhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has precondition50
RO/precondition_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Precondition of50
RO/coating_material_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Coating material of34
RO/has_coating_materialhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has coating material34
RO/has_locationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has location26
RO/location_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Location of26
RO/has_unitshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has units25
RO/units_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Units of25
RO/has_count_of_active_ingredienthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has count of active ingredient22
RO/count_of_active_ingredient_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Count of active ingredient of22
RO/has_product_characteristichas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has product characteristic13
RO/has_target_populationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has target population13
RO/product_characteristic_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Product characteristic of13
RO/target_population_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Target population of13
RO/has_ingredient_characteristichas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has ingredient characteristic8
RO/stage_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Stage of8
RO/dependent_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Dependent of8
RO/ingredient_characteristic_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Ingredient characteristic of8
RO/has_stagehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has stage8
RO/has_dependenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has dependent8
RO/filling_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Filling of7
RO/has_fillinghas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has filling7
RO/ingredient_qualitative_strength_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Ingredient qualitative strength of6
RO/has_ingredient_qualitative_strengthhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has ingredient qualitative strength6
RO/surface_characteristic_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Surface characteristic of4
RO/has_surface_texturehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has surface texture4
RO/has_surface_characteristichas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has surface characteristic4
RO/surface_texture_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Surface texture of4
RO/relative_to_part_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Relative to part of2
RO/part_referred_to_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Part referred to by2
RO/afterhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/After1
RO/beforehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Before1
RO/towardshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Towards1
RO/away_fromhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Away from1

Definition Count


Source Overlap

Source# Concepts Sharing Atom/# Total ConceptsPercentage Distribution