NLM Home Page VHP Home Page

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  Figure 1. A system to manage the labeling and access of VHP data using the NLM resources, UMLS, Metathesaurus, and MetaMap. As shown, a strategy to allow Natural Language access to labeled VH voxels has been developed. WWW implementation prototypes for labeling and visualization interfaces have been produced for UNIX an PC based systems (Cohen, Nolte, Warner, and Athey; in Preparation). 

  Figure 2. University of Michigan Visible Head browser showing Java implementation to interactively search and deliver selected orthogonal views. 

 [Use browser Back feature] Figure 3. Hardware, software, and fucntional issues to be investigated during the planning phase to determine the appropriate enhancements and activities in Phases II and III to ensure 7x24 delivery of the University of Michigan NGI Visible Human product. 

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