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Announcements to NLM Data Licensees: Year 2014

(11/24/14) LR (Modification Date) on In Process Citations

(11/5/14) Renew License to Continue Access to 2015 Data (for current MEDLINE®/PubMed®, Catfile, CatfilePlus, Serfile, CCRIS, ChemIDplus Subset, GENE-TOX, HSDB® Subset, and TOXLINE® Subset Licensees)

(09/23/14) MEDLINE/PubMed Sample Records using 2015 DTD; New Update Schedule for MeSH SCR data; and, Annual Renewal Reminder

(09/02/14) Revised License Agreement

(08/28/14) MEDLINE/PubMed Update File

(08/25/14) 2015 DTD and XML Changes; DIRLINE and Archival International Pharmaceutical Abstracts Subset Changes; Forthcoming 2015 Baseline and Update Files; Schedule Changes; Continuing to Lease NLM Data in 2015

(05/28/14) Schedule Change for MEDLINE/PubMed Update Files

(05/08/14) The National Library of Medicine, 1984-2014: Voyaging to the Future A Symposium

(03/28/14) MeSH 2014 Modifications

(02/19/14) Now Using md5sum Checksum File

(01/06/14) Catfile, CatfilePlus and Serfile MARC 2014 Baseline Files Now Available

(12/17/13) 2014 MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline Data; CatfilePlus and Serfile XML Baseline Files

2013 Announcements

LR (Modification Date) on In Process Citations

November 24, 2014

Starting approximately the last week in November 2014, NLM will tag In Process citations with an LR (Modification Date) when those citations have been edited to add Grant information or PMCIDs. The purpose of this change for these particular updates to In Process citations is to facilitate the tracking of compliance for NIH Public Access. NLM already assigns an LR for these updates to completed citations (MEDLINE and PubMed-not-MEDLINE subsets) and to the "as supplied by publisher" citations (publisher subset). This change will be reflected in the <DateRevised> MEDLINE/PubMed XML element.

Renew License to Continue Access to 2015 Data (for current MEDLINE®/PubMed®, Catfile, CatfilePlus, Serfile, CCRIS, ChemIDplus Subset, GENE-TOX, HSDB® Subset, and TOXLINE® Subset Licensees)

November 5, 2014

Licensees who entered into the current License Agreement for NLM Data on or before August 31, 2014 need to renew their license no later than December 10, 2014 to be retained as licensees and to have access to the 2015 data files. An e-mail announcing access to the renewal instructions was sent to those who need to renew. An online system is used to renew or to cancel your existing license. The system will be in operation through 5:00pm EST Wednesday December 10, 2014. If you do not renew by then you will need to submit a new license request to again license the NLM data. If you entered into the current License Agreement for NLM Data on September 1, 2014 or later you do not need to renew for 2015. In this case, you were not sent the e-mail and can ignore the instructions below; your license remains in effect, and access to the 2015 data files will continue without interruption.

  1. Go to the renewal system Web page ( no later than 5:00pm EST December 10, 2014.
  2. Sign into the renewal system. Enter your license code and the licensee’s first and last names exactly as shown in the individual e-mail sent to each licensee on November 5, 2014. Sign in will not work if the secondary representative’s name is entered.
  3. Follow the prompts to renew or cancel your license.

If you elect to renew, you will be asked to re-accept the terms of the license agreement and to review your license profile before electing to renew with or without changes to your profile information. Changes to e-mail address, selecting additional data to lease, or changing an IP address used to get to the data files will take effect immediately. An e-mail confirmation of the renewal will be sent to the license representatives.

If you elect to cancel your license, you will no longer have access to licensed data files on December 16, 2014 and your license will be cancelled on that date. An e-mail confirmation of the cancellation will be sent to the license representatives. See Section 12 E of the License ( for required actions upon termination of the license. Section 6 is also pertinent if you have redistributed data received under this license, or data derived from the NLM-supplied data.

On December 16, 2014 NLM will cancel licenses of those who have not renewed or cancelled on their own by December 10, 2014. There will be no grace period after December 10 as the renewal system will no longer be operational. Licensees who intended to renew but did not do so on time will need to initiate a new license request (

Reminder for DIRLINE licensees: NLM is no longer leasing DIRLINE data and you will not be able to renew your license for DIRLINE data for 2015.

MEDLINE/PubMed Sample Records using 2015 DTD; New Update Schedule for MeSH SCR data; and, Annual Renewal Reminder

September 23, 2014

  1. MEDLINE/PubMed Sample Records using 2015 DTD. A small file containing 164 representative records processed using the 2015 NLMMedlineCitationSet DTD is available at A link to the 2015 DTD and a summary of XML changes for 2015 are in item 1 of the August 25, 2014 announcement at
  2. New Update Schedule for MeSH Supplementary Concept Records (SCR) data. Please see the NLM Technical Bulletin article titled MeSH Browser Now Updated More Frequently at for details on the new update schedule for MeSH XML and ASCII format files for SCRs.
  3. Annual Renewal Reminder. If you entered into the current License Agreement for NLM Data on or before August 31, 2014 you will receive another e-mail in early November announcing availability of the renewal period for continuation as an NLM data licensee for 2015 data. Please refer to item 6 of the August 25, 2014 announcement at You do not have to renew for 2015 if you became a licensee on September 1, 2014 or later and NLM will not send you the renewal e-mail. Reminder for DIRLINE licensees: NLM is no longer leasing DIRLINE data and you will not be able to renew your license for DIRLINE data for 2015.

Revised License Agreement

September 2, 2014

NLM announces the release of its revised "License Agreement for NLM Data." The changes are explained and a link to the revised license is provided in the NLM Technical Bulletin article titled Changes to the NLM License Agreement for NLM Data at

MEDLINE/PubMed Update File

August 28, 2014

There will not be a MEDLINE/PubMed update file on the server today, August 28, 2014, due to technical difficulties at NLM. We will resume our regular update schedule when these problems are resolved.

2015 DTD and XML Changes; DIRLINE and Archival International Pharmaceutical Abstracts Subset Changes; Forthcoming 2015 Baseline and Update Files; Schedule Changes; Continuing to Lease NLM Data in 2015

August 25, 2014

Topics covered:

  1. DTD and XML Changes for the NLM 2015 Production Year
  2. DIRLINE and Archival International Pharmaceutical Abstracts Subset Changes
  3. MEDLINE/PubMed Data Changes for the NLM 2015 Production Year
  4. Forthcoming 2015 Baseline and Update Files
  5. Schedule Changes for Daily MEDLINE/PubMed Update Distributions in November 2014
  6. Continuing to Lease NLM Data in 2015
  7. Information Page for Licensees
  8. License Code Reminder


    There are no changes expected for 2015 to the DTDs used for CCRIS, ChemID Subset, Gene-Tox, HSDB®, and TOXLINE® Subset data. There are changes to the DTDs used for MEDLINE/PubMed, CatfilePlus in XML, and Serfile in XML for the 2015 production year. The January 1, 2014 versions of the NLMMedlineCitationSet and NLMCatalogRecordSet DTDs currently in effect will be replaced by DTDs dated January 1, 2015. The new DTDs will be used for creating the 2015 versions of the baseline MEDLINE/PubMed, CatfilePlus in XML, and Serfile in XML data and their subsequent updates during the 2015 production year. The forthcoming 2015 DTDs are available from links on The MEDLINE/PubMed XML Data Elements pages and the CatfilePlus and Serfile in XML Format Element Descriptions document will be edited to reflect these changes in the future. Licensees will be advised when sample files of XML records using the 2015 DTDs become available. NLM will announce changes in PubMed search functionality and display based on the 2015 DTD in the NLM Technical Bulletin later this fall after those decisions are final.

    1. Changes to NLMMedlineCitationSet DTD AND MEDLINE/PubMed XML
      The DTD changes for the 2015 production year are itemized in the Revision Notes section near the top of the DTD. The following describes the substantive changes to NLMMedlineCitationSet DTD and MEDLINE/PubMed XML:

      1. Add new UI attribute to DescriptorName, QualifierName, NameOfSubstance, SupplMeshName and PublicationType elements.
        The new required UI attribute will carry the MeSH unique identifier for DescriptorName, QualifierName, NameOfSubstance, SupplMeshName and PublicationType elements.

        <!ELEMENT   DescriptorName (#PCDATA)> 
        <!ATTLIST   DescriptorName
        MajorTopicYN (Y | N) "N"
        Type (Geographic) #IMPLIED
        <!ELEMENT QualifierName (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST QualifierName MajorTopicYN (Y | N) "N" UI CDATA #REQUIRED>
        <!ELEMENT NameOfSubstance (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST NameOfSubstance UI CDATA #REQUIRED>
        <!ELEMENT SupplMeshName (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST SupplMeshName Type (Disease | Protocol) #REQUIRED UI CDATA #REQUIRED>
        <!ELEMENT PublicationTypeList (PublicationType+)> <!ELEMENT PublicationType (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST PublicationType UI CDATA #REQUIRED>

        Sample XML: <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="D054971">Orthostatic Intolerance</DescriptorName>
        <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="Q000628">therapy</QualifierName>
        <NameOfSubstance UI="C058787">royal jelly</NameOfSubstance>
        <SupplMeshName Type="Disease" UI="C537735">Oculofaciocardiodental syndrome</SupplMeshName>
        <PublicationType UI=”D016428”>Journal Article</PublicationType>

      2. Add new optional and repeatable envelope element AffiliationInfo to Author and Investigator elements. AffiliationInfo envelope element includes Affliliation and Identifier elements.
        Many publishers can provide multiple affiliations for individual authors and organizations such as ORCID and Ringgold are offering institutional identifiers. This new structure allows NLM to carry multiple affiliations for individual authors as well as institutional (affiliation) identifiers in MEDLINE citations.

        <!ELEMENT   Author (((LastName, ForeName?, Initials?, Suffix?) | CollectiveName), Identifier*, 
        AffiliationInfo*)> <!ATTLIST Author ValidYN (Y | N) "Y"> <!ELEMENT Investigator (LastName, ForeName?, Initials?, Suffix?, Identifier*, AffiliationInfo*)> <!ATTLIST Investigator ValidYN (Y | N) "Y">
        <!ELEMENT AffiliationInfo(Affiliation, Identifier*)> <!ELEMENT Affiliation (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT Identifier (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST Identifier Source CDATA #REQUIRED)> Sample XML: <AuthorList CompleteYN="Y"> <Author ValidYN="Y"> <LastName>Rome</LastName> <ForeName>Benjamin N</ForeName> <Initials>BN</Initials> <Identifier Source="ORCID">0000000111111111</Identifier> <AffiliationInfo> <Affiliation>Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts</Affiliation> <Identifier Source=”Ringgold”>123456</Identifier> </AffiliationInfo> <AffiliationInfo> <Affiliation>Program on Regulation, Therapeutics, and Law, Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts</Affiliation> </AffiliationInfo> <AffiliationInfo> <Affiliation>Beth Israel Deaconess Medical</Affiliation> <Identifier Source=”Ringgold”>678922</Identifier> </AffiliationInfo> </Author> </AuthorList>
        <InvestigatorList> <Investigator ValidYN="Y"> <LastName>Salloway</LastName> <ForeName>S</ForeName> <Initials>S</Initials> <AffiliationInfo> <Affiliation>University of Missouri at Kansas City</Affiliation> <Identifier Source=”Ringgold”>11223344</Identifier> </AffiliationInfo> <AffiliationInfo> <Affiliation>Kansas City AIDS Research Consortium</Affiliation> </AffiliationInfo> <AffiliationInfo> <Affiliation>AIDS Administration Missouri</Affiliation> <Identifier Source=”Ringgold”>66778899</Identifier> </AffiliationInfo> </Investigator> </InvestigatorList>

      3. The valid value UNLABELLED is removed from the AbstractText NlmCategory attribute because it is not used and NLM does not plan to use it in the future.

        <!ELEMENT   AbstractText (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST   AbstractText
        Label CDATA #IMPLIED

      4. The valid values AssociatedDataset and AssociatedPublication are added to the CommentsCorrections RefType attribute.
        Under a new publishing model, journals are publishing dataset descriptions. NLM will indicate the primary papers resulting from the datasets and link article citations to dataset citations and vice versa. AssociatedDataset will be added to the scientific paper citation and provide a link to the dataset citation whereas AssociatedPublication will be added to the dataset citation and provide a link to the scientific paper citation.

        <!ELEMENT    CommentsCorrectionsList (CommentsCorrections+)>
        <!ELEMENT    CommentsCorrections (RefSource, PMID?, Note?)>
        <!ATTLIST    CommentsCorrections 
        RefType (AssociatedDataset | AssociatedPublication | CommentOn | CommentIn | ErratumIn | ErratumFor |
        PartialRetractionIn | PartialRetractionOf | RepublishedFrom | RepublishedIn | RetractionOf |
        RetractionIn | UpdateIn | UpdateOf | SummaryForPatientsIn | OriginalReportIn |ReprintOf | ReprintIn |
        Cites) #REQUIRED> Sample XML: PMID 24872877 <CommentsCorrectionsList> <CommentsCorrections RefType="AssociatedPublication"> <RefSource>Gigascience. 2014 May 28;3:8. doi: 10.1186/2047-217X-3-8. eCollection 2014.</RefSource> <PMID Version="1">24872878</PMID> </CommentsCorrections> </CommentsCorrectionsList> PMID 24872878 <CommentsCorrectionsList> <CommentsCorrections RefType="AssociatedDataset"> <RefSource>Gigascience. 2014 May 28;3:7. doi: 10.1186/2047-217X-3-7. eCollection 2014.</RefSource> <PMID Version="1">24872877</PMID> </CommentsCorrections> </CommentsCorrectionsList>

    2. Changes to NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD and CatfilePlus and Serfile XML
      The DTD changes for the 2015 production year are itemized in the Revision Notes section near the top of the DTD. The following describes the substantive changes to NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD and CatfilePlus and Serfile XML.

      1. Move the Sort attribute from the TitleMain envelope to the Title element.
        There is currently a Sort attribute at the envelope level for TitleMain; however, Sort applies only to the Title element within the envelope. Therefore, we are now associating the Sort attribute directly with the Title element.

        <!ELEMENT    Title (#PCDATA)> 
        <!ATTLIST    Title
        Sort (0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | N) #REQUIRED> 

      2. Delete the TitleOther envelope
        The TitleOther envelope has been used for both alternate titles (such as uniform titles and variant titles for the same resource) and titles of different but related resources (such as preceding or succeeding resources). This envelope is being deleted and replaced by new TitleAlternate and TitleRelated envelopes.

      3. Add a new TitleAlternate envelope
        • TitleAlternate will include a TitleType attribute with the values identified in the example below.
        • TitleAlternate will have an Owner attribute with the values identified in the example below.
        • The TitleAlternate envelope will include the existing elements Title, MaterialSpecified, and OtherInformation, with their associated attributes.
        <!ELEMENT    TitleAlternate (Title, MaterialSpecified?, OtherInformation?)>
        <!ATTLIST    TitleAlternate
        Owner (CIT | HMD | HSR | IHM | KIE | NASA | NCBI | NLM | NOTNLM | NYA | PIP | Undetermined) "Undetermined"
        TitleType (Former | Key | Other | OtherTA | Translated | Undetermined | Uniform) "Undetermined"> 

      4. Add a new TitleRelated envelope
        • TitleRelated will include a TitleType attribute with the values identified in the example below.
        • TitleRelated will have an Owner attribute with the values identified in the example below.
        • The TitleRelated envelope will include the existing elements OtherInformation and Title, with their associated attributes.
        • A new RecordID element will be added to hold unique identifiers for the related resource as found in its MARC 035 fields. The RecordID element will have a Source attribute indicating whether the identifier is an NLM unique identifier, a Library of Congress number (LCCN), or an OCLC number (OCoLC).
        <!ELEMENT    TitleRelated (Title, OtherInformation?, RecordID*)> 
        <!ATTLIST    TitleRelated
        Owner (CIT | HMD | HSR | IHM | KIE | NASA | NCBI | NLM |NOTNLM | NYA | PIP | Undetermined) "Undetermined"
        TitleType (Absorbed | AbsorbedBy | AbsorbedInPart | AbsorbedInPartBy | Analytic | MergedTo | MergerOf | 
        Other | Preceding | PrecedingInPart | Related | Reversion | Series | SeriesAuthority | SplitFrom | 
        SplitTo | Succeeding | SucceedingInPart  | SupersededBy | SupersededInPartBy | Supersedes |  
        SupersedesInPart | Translated | Undetermined) "Undetermined" > 

        <!ELEMENT RecordID (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST RecordID Source (NLM | LC | OCLC) #REQUIRED>

      5. Add an optional UI (Unique Identifier) attribute to the MeSH related elements DescriptorName, QualifierName, and PublicationType. This attribute will hold the MeSH identifier for the named value.

        <!ATTLIST    DescriptorName
        MajorTopicYN (Y | N) "N"
        Type (Geographic) #IMPLIED
        <!ATTLIST QualifierName MajorTopicYN (Y | N) "N" UI CDATA #IMPLIED >
        <!ATTLIST PublicationType UI CDATA #IMPLIED >

      6. Delete the ChemicalList Envelope and its associated subelements: Chemical, RegistryNumber, and NameOfSubstance. These data are not recorded in NLM catalog records.
      7. Delete "Date-range-of-indexed-citations-unspecified" as a valid value in the IndexingSourceName attribute IndexingStatus. This phrase will no longer be used when coding information for serials, and no replacement value is required.

        <!ATTLIST    IndexingSourceName
        IndexingTreatment (Unknown | Full | Selective | ReferencedIn |  ReferencedInNoDetails) #IMPLIED
        IndexingStatus (Ceased-publication | Continued-by-another-indexed-title | Currently-indexed | Deselected) #IMPLIED> 

    Since October 2013, NLM no longer adds, updates or maintains records in DIRLINE. Please see the NLM Technical Bulletin article titled DIRLINE Ends Its 30 Year Run for more information. Beginning on September 1, 2014, NLM will no longer offer DIRLINE data for lease. Furthermore, DIRLINE data will not be available for continued access in the NLM 2015 production year for current DIRLINE licensee. However, current DIRLINE licensees may continue to use the data they possess under the terms of their license.

    Also, for many years, NLM offered a subset of the archival IPA data via the TOXLINE Subset but no licensees chose to lease the subset. Beginning on September 1, 2014, we will no longer offer the IPA subset data for lease. Parties interested in the archival IPA subset data should contact Thomson Reuters™.

    Look for a future announcement of these changes in the NLM Technical Bulletin in accordance with Section 14 of the license agreement.

    1. Existing Affiliation data are moved from Author element to AffiliationInfo element and multiple Affiliation data are now possible for individual authors and investigators if provided by publishers in their data submissions. Additionally, Identifiers are possible for Affiliations if provided by publishers in their data submissions.

    2. The <DataBankList> envelope and its <Databank>, <DataBankName>, <AccessionNumberList> and <AccessionNumber> elements contain information pertaining to the registration of several types of data. As with last year, the <DataBankName> list of valid values was expanded and MEDLINE citations may include data from additional registries. See the MEDLINE Databank Sources for the updated list of sources and the <DataBankList> description at for details about the databanks.

    1. MEDLINE/PubMed
      After NLM completes its annual database maintenance activities, we expect to release the 2015 baseline files for MEDLINE/PubMed maintained with 2015 MeSH vocabulary and other changes to renewing licensees in mid-December (on or about December 16 or 17 -- within 24 to 48 hours after the release of the 2015 PubMed system). Daily update files for the 2015 production year will also begin at this time. A complete baseline reload to replace all previously received 2014 production year data ensures you have the most current and accurate version of all records and is required per Appendix B of the License Agreement for NLM Data.

    2. CatfilePlus and Serfile in XML
      The CatfilePlus and Serfile XML baseline files, also maintained with 2015 MeSH vocabulary and other global changes are expected on or about November 25, 2014.

    3. CatfilePlus and Serfile in MARC format
      MARC-formatted CatfilePlus and Serfile baseline files maintained with 2015 MeSH vocabulary and other global changes resulting from annual maintenance are expected on or about January 4, 2015. The last monthly files which reflect the 2014 MeSH vocabulary will be dated November 1, 2014. Appropriate LocatorPlus records which are updated as part of annual maintenance will be distributed to licensees in the files dated December 1, 2014. All MeSH headings in records distributed in the December 1, 2014 files will conform to 2015 MeSH.

    4. Catfile in MARC format
      MARC-formatted Catfile baseline files maintained with 2015 MeSH vocabulary and other global changes resulting from annual maintenance are expected on or about January 4, 2015. The last weekly file which will reflect the 2014 MeSH vocabulary is the file dated November 14, 2014. Appropriate LocatorPlus records which are updated as part of annual maintenance will be distributed to Catfile licensees in files beginning November 27, 2014. All MeSH headings in records distributed as of November 27, 2014 will conform to 2015 MeSH.

    5. Other databases
      As routine, all XML files distributed to licensees during 2015 for CCRIS, ChemID Subset, Gene-Tox, HSDB®, and TOXLINE® Subset will be complete replacement files. New files, if available, will be on the server for licensees on or about the 28th of the month. Some of these databases are updated irregularly and/or infrequently.

    As is the case each year, in mid-November NLM will suspend distribution of new and revised MEDLINE/PubMed records in MedlineCitation Status = MEDLINE, MedlineCitation Status = PubMed-not-Medline, and MedlineCitation Status = OLDMEDLINE as preparations are made for the new production year. The last records in these three statuses, as well as PMIDs of records to delete, for the current 2014 production year are expected to be available Wednesday, November 19. Not later than Monday, November 24, NLM will begin to export only records in In-process and In-Data-Review status until availability of the MEDLINE/PubMed 2015 baseline files in mid-December (on or about December 16 or 17). Daily update files containing new and maintained records in all statuses and PMIDs of deleted records will commence upon release of the baseline files to licensees.

    Licensees must confirm continued interest in leasing NLM data during the 2015 production year by renewing their license agreement following instructions that will be provided in November. Only those who renew will have access to the 2015 data, and licenses of non-responders will be terminated (and accordingly, access to the 2015 data will be denied). Per Section 13E of the License Agreement for NLM Data , licensees who cancel their license or whose license is terminated by NLM are to:
    1. Discontinue use of any promotional or other materials that refer to such data within thirty (30) days, and
    2. Cease use of data or information/data derived from data licensed under this license in all applications no later than ninety (90) days. Following that, licensees must promptly destroy and erase all data obtained under this license as well as any data contained in any derivative applications under the licensee’s control. (This does not apply to Catfile, CatfilePlus, Serfile or DIRLINE data.)

    Please visit the NLM information page for licensees Licensees should follow the links on this page for data element descriptions, update charts, announcements to licensees, and other documentation/resources relating to NLM leased data.

    A unique alpha-numeric code including the letters "NLM" is assigned to each license and appears at the top of license-related e-mails sent by NLM. Please keep a record of your license code and reference it when corresponding with NLM about matters relating to your license or leased databases.

Schedule Change for MEDLINE/PubMed Update Files

May 28, 2014

The National Library of Medicine is pleased to announce that beginning June 2, 2014, we will add new and updated citations to PubMed 7 days a week. Daily updating is a welcome enhancement to PubMed. Prior to this change, we updated PubMed 5 times a week on Tuesday through Saturday. Likewise, new MEDLINE/PubMed update files for NLM data licensees will appear on the ftp server daily by noon ET. More than one update file may become available on the same day. The update files are available all hours seven days per week throughout the year.

The National Library of Medicine, 1984-2014: Voyaging to the Future A Symposium

May 8, 2014

The National Library of Medicine wants to hear from you as we chart our future. To help us prepare for our next long range planning process, we are holding a symposium that will reflect on the last 30 years and consider opportunities for the future. The symposium, “The National Library of Medicine, 1984-2014: Voyaging to the Future" will be held May 14, 2014 from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Natcher Conference Center (Building 45) on the National Institutes of Health campus in Bethesda, Maryland. We will videocast the event live and later archive it at If you’d like to attend the symposium, which is free, please register at (registration is closed). We launched a symposium blog and invite you to share your thoughts about the library’s past and its future. Comments will be accepted throughout the year at

MeSH 2014 Modifications

March 28, 2014

Changes were made to the current 2014 MeSH Vocabulary. The MeSH Descriptors Bromelia, Freedom, Puma and Reward were modified to remove incorrect registry numbers. MEDLINE/PubMed records were updated to reflect these changes and re-exported to licensees on March 28, 2014. The updated MeSH Descriptor Records will be available from on Monday March 31, 2014. Licensees who downloaded the 2014 MeSH Descriptor Records should download them once again.

Now Using md5sum Checksum File

February 19, 2014

Each baseline and update data file has a corresponding checksum file that licensees may use as confirmation that the complete data file has been downloaded. Until now, we used md5 checksum files. Starting today, February 19, 2014, we are using md5sum checksum files. Licensees using md5 to generate checksum files to compare with the checksum file downloaded from the server should ignore the comments that accompany the md5 validation string.

Catfile, CatfilePlus and Serfile MARC 2014 Baseline Files Now Available

January 6, 2014

The updated 2014 MARC base files for Catfile, CatfilePlus, and Serfile are available on the NLM FTP server. These base files are each complete in a single file. Loading the base files on an annual basis is optional for MARC subscribers. If you have correctly loaded each of the update files, there is no need to reload the base files. The MARC file containing all the bibliographic records deleted by NLM between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013, will be available no later than February 1, 2014. Licensees who are new recipients of NLM MARC bibliographic records in 2014, as well as ongoing licensees who are discarding their pre-2014 records and reloading with the 2014 base files, do NOT need the delete file. The records in this file were removed from the NLM database prior to the pull of the 2014 base files. If loading new baseline files, you should then load the 2014 update files dated after the date of the base files.

2014 MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline Data; CatfilePlus and Serfile XML Baseline Files

December 17, 2013

    The 2014 MEDLINE/PubMed baseline files, which replace all previously distributed MEDLINE/PubMed data are now available for FTP. Licensees have been e-mailed the location of the FTP access instructions with additional information.

  2. 2014 UPDATE FILES
    The first group of 2014 update files and the special PMID list text file (see item 3 below) are also available. Please be sure to read the _notes.txt file that is on the server accompanying the first update file medline14n0747. Update files should be processed after the baseline files in ascending file name numeric sequence (see item 3 below for exception) to ensure that all new records are added and the most current and accurate version of each record is retained.

    A text file containing PMIDs of records in MedlineCitation Status = In-Process and MedlineCitation Status = In-Data-Review that have been retained in the 2014 version of PubMed at the time the 2014 baseline files were loaded and that are not exported to licensees in the first batch of update files is available. These records will eventually be exported in update files as completed records in MedlineCitation Status = MEDLINE or MedlineCitation Status = PubMed-not-MEDLINE or as deleted PMIDs in DeleteCitationSet. Licensees who wish to create a database as close as possible to the record content in PubMed on December 16, 2013 will want to include these records now.

    The file, named SpecialPubMedPMIDList_2014.txt, resides in the update file directory. Licensees may use the Entrez Utilities to download the records using the list of PMIDs.

    *IMPORTANT*: If you elect to add these records to your version of MEDLINE/PubMed, they must be added to your 2014 MEDLINE/PubMed database either 1) immediately after the baseline files and before any update files or, 2) immediately after update files medline14n0747 through medline14n0766 to ensure retaining the most current version of those records as subsequent update files are loaded. Do not add the records identified in SpecialPubMedPMIDList_2014.txt after you have processed medline14n0767 as this may result in retention of an earlier and inaccurate version of the records.

    The 2013 update files are moved to a new directory where they will remain for several weeks. Contact NLM at if you need access to those files.

    Documentation for the MEDLINE/PubMed baseline database is available from links in the Data Availability and Maintenance section of NLM’s information page for MEDLINE/PubMed licensees. Also see the MEDLINE/PubMed Maintenance Overview for information about and points to consider for processing update files. Announcements during the year will be added as they become available.

    The 2014 baseline data will be included at a later date in the MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline Repository (MBR) resources. If you wish to search the baseline data via the MBR Query Tool, be sure to use the same IP address registered with NLM for access to MEDLINE/PubMed from NLM’s FTP server.

CatfilePlus and Serfile XML Baseline Files

The updated XML base files for CatfilePlus and Serfile are available on the NLM FTP server. CatfilePlus is in 4 parts, named "catplusbase1of4.2014.xml", "catplusbase2of4.2014.xml", etc. The Serfile base file is complete in a single file, named "serfilebase.2014.xml". The baseline files contain all records through November 25, 2013 and should be used to completely replace all records previously distributed. The first XML update files for CatfilePlus and Serfile were made available November 25, 2013.