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Open Wallet

Take-away referral and resource cards for patients experiencing domestic violence, Rush Coalition Against Spouse Abuse, ca. 1980s

Courtesy Dan Sheridan Collection, National Library of Medicine

The small referral cards were designed to provide information to women who were experiencing abuse without attracting attention. Women could tuck the cards in a wallet, out of sight, until needed.


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Domestic Violence Referrals in the Chicago Area

Compiled by: The Rush Coalition Against Spouse Abuse (RCASA)

Philosophy: The Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center community is committed to serving the needs of victims of domestic violence. This card lists some of the major social service agencies in Chicago that provide service not normally found in most health care institutions for people involved in abusive domestic settings.

Domestic Violence Referrals—General
-- Women Abuse Action Project (Uptown Center Hull House) 561-3500
-- Southwest Women Working Together (24 Hour Hotline) 436-7678
-- Mujeres Latinas en Accion (24 Hour Answering Service) 226-1544
-- Traveler’s Aid Women’s Program (24 Hour Answering Service) 435-4500
-- Loop YWCA Women’s Services 372-6600
-- YMCA’s “Outrage” Program for abused teenagers 385-6700
-- Child Abuse Hotline (toll-free) 800-252-2873
-- P.E.A.P. (Prevent Elderly Abuse Program) 93307754

Emergency Lodging For Battered Women
-- Greenhouse 786-9013
-- Rainbow House/ Arco Iris 436-7678
-- House of Good Shephard 935-3434
-- Family Rescue 375-8400
-- Sienna House 539-7795
-- St. Elizabeth House 465-3250
-- Gospel League Shelter 243-2480