Open the Kit Black rectangular sales kit closed.

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Open the Insulin sales kit

Black rectangular sales kit closed. Rectangular sales kit with lid open showing label. Rectangular sales kit opened showing a row of eight glass vials. Opened rectangular sales kit with eight glass vials of insulin and includes labels and photographs

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Choose any one of the bottles or photos in the kit to view it up close.

A clear glass bottle sealed and labeled “1,” contains sections of pancreas half immersed in yellow murky liquid.

Pancreas Glands

Cut into strips to show original structure. These are now processed as further described.

A clear glass bottle sealed and label “2,” with dark yellow liquid with sediment at the bottom and a slice of pancreas jutting out of the liquid.

Pancreas Glands

Ground fine in acid alcohol water mixture. The liquid is separated from the glands by filtration.

A clear glass bottle sealed and labeled “3,” contains yellow transparent liquid with dark substance at the bottom.


Filtrate from No. 2 is concentrated and material insoluble in acid water removed. Solution is then saturated with sodium chloride and the precipitate formed contains Iletin (insulin, Lilly).

A clear glass bottle sealed and labeled “4,” contains yellow transparent liquid with a little substance at the bottom.


Solution in water of the precipitate from No. 3 after further purification by alcoholic fractionation.

A clear glass bottle sealed with a pink label that reads  “10 cc. U-40, ILETIN INSULIN, LILLY, 40 units per cc. 000, AX-186, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, U.S.A.”


This is the colorless finished product in one of the commonly used strengths. This very highly purified colorless solution is obtained through repeated iso-electric precipitation of solution No. 4.

Bottle with a label that reads “10 cc. U-80, ILETIN INSULIN, LILLY, Made from Zinc-Insulin Crystals, 80 units per cc. 000, AX-2006, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, U.S.A.”


made from zinc-Insulin crystals: This represents a solution of pure zinc-insulin crystals. The crystals used have been prepared from Iletin (Insulin, Lilly) and zinc.

Two, clear glass, sealed bottles with one label with red text and the other with green text.  Both labels read “PROTAMINE, ZINC & ILETIN (INSULIN, Lilly), PROTAMINE ZINC INSULIN LILLY, 10 cc. This preparation contains approx. 0.2 mg. Zinc per 100 units.  Shake Well 000, AX-41 and AX-81, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, U.S.A.” The red text label notes “40 Unites per cc.” And the green one “80 Units per cc.”


This product is prepared by adding protamine, zinc, and phosphate buffer to Iletin (Insulin, Lilly).

A man on a stool reaching onto a platform area of a large industrial grinder.


Glands are removed from the chill room by conveyer and emptied into the hopper from the floor above.

A man examining a gage or content of a large cylindrical tank  that is connected to other similar tanks.

Precipitation Tanks and Condensers

used in the manufacture of Iletin (Insulin, Lilly) preparations.

A man standing by a tall desk, and another man looking into one of four vats on wheeled frames.

Section of Laboratory

for the final purification of Iletin (Insulin, Lilly) preparations.

Two women in white hat and dress seated on both sides of an assembly line under a glass hood.

Filling and sealing vials

of Iletin (Insulin, Lilly) preparations in glass-enclosed, air-conditioned room.