U.S. National Institutes of Health

Cancer Vixen: A True Story, Marisa Acocella Marchetto, 2006

Courtesy Marisa Acocella Marchetto and Penguin Random House LLC

Cancer Vixen is the story of author and artist Marisa Marchetto’s breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

A cartoonist for Glamour magazine and The New Yorker, Marchetto’s graphic novel confronts and subverts the threat of the disease. For example, her illustrations show microscopic cancer cells sticking out their tongues, as well as Marchetto screaming at Death, “Cancer, I am going to kick your butt!” The graphic novel addresses the everyday occurrences that people being treated for breast cancer experience, such as chemo-induced night sweats. Additionally, Cancer Vixen shows readers what it feels like to go through the process of diagnosis and treatment, including the stresses on relationships, friendships, self-esteem, and work.

For more information about breast cancer, visit MedlinePlus.
