Web Links
Professional Organizations
Medical/scientific organizations
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it performs surveillance of sites containing toxic substances and hazardous materials, conducts research on hazardous materials and publishes its findings online. This Web site contains information about the effects of harmful exposures on the human body, which aids forensic scientists who investigate injuries caused by toxic substances.
The American Academy of Clinical Toxicology is an organization for scientists and clinicians who work to prevent and treat diseases caused by toxic substances.
The American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Web site gives a brief description of oral and maxillofacial pathology, offers information to patients about oral conditions, and provides links to online medical information resources.
The American Academy of Suicidology is an organization of clinicians, school districts, public health professionals, crisis centers, and volunteers. It aims to raise public awareness about suicide, and offers services to treatment centers and suicide survivors.
The American Association for Clinical Chemistry is a society of clinical laboratory professionals that promotes quality in clinical chemistry by offering accreditation programs. This Web page features links to evidence-based medicine organizations.
The American Association of Anatomists promotes anatomy research and excellence in anatomy instruction. Its Web site offers information about educational and career opportunities in anatomy, and provides other online resources.
The American Association of Poison Control Centers collects and analyzes data from poison control centers around the United States.
The American College of Clinical Pharmacology is an association for pharmacology professionals and students that provides networking opportunities, and develops curriculum and exams for pharmacology accreditation and certification programs.
The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is a professional organization that promotes the health and safety of workers. The organization publishes information on environmental and occupational medicine that might be helpful for people interested in forensic science.
The American College of Physicians is an organization of clinicians that specialize in adult health issues. The Web site offers information about careers in various medical fields, and provides other online resources.
The American College of Surgeons Professional Association focuses on improving patient care. This Web site features links to medical Web pages, which have information that is pertinent to the forensic sciences.
The American Medical Association is the largest organization of healthcare professionals in North America. It publishes the Journal of the American Medical Association, establishes standards in the medical field, and provides healthcare advocacy in government.
The American Society for Clinial Pathology consists of pathologists and laboratory professionals, and serves the educational needs of the pathology community.
The College of American Pathologists is an organization for board-certified pathologists or pathology residents that determines pathology nomenclature, serves as an advocate for patients and professionals, and provides networking opportunities for pathologists.
The Health and Medicine Division, previously named the Institute of Medicine, is one of the National Academies. It gives advice on medical and public health issues, affecting public policy and national medical guidelines. The Institute aims to make medical information accessible to the general public, and offers extensive information resources including forensic medicine.
The International Academy of Law and Mental Health is an international body of individuals from mental health and law organizations, and approaches issues arising from the interplay between the law and mental health. This Web site provides transcripts from meetings, which contain information that is related to forensic psychology.
The International Academy of Pathology is a global collective of pathology associations. It provides links to the educational materials of its member organizations on its Web site.
The International Society for Burn Injuries focuses on improving the quality of care for burn patients by educating its members and promoting the exchange of information and ideas.
The International Society for the Study of Dissociation provides psychiatric professionals, as well as lay people, training programs and information on dissociative psychological disorders.
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences, one of the National Institutes of Health, supports basic biomedical research and its Web site has information on various aspects of medicine that are related to forensic science, as well as limited information on forensic medicine.
The National Medical Association is a national organization representing African American physicians and their patients in the United States. The Web site features information on medical topics, as well as links to web pages that deal with forensic science topics.
The Society of Toxicologic Pathology is a non-profit organization that aims to promote education and scientific research, and disseminates information on toxicologic pathology.
The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology is an organization of pathologists whose aim is to disseminate knowledge about pathology to the medical community.