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 October 18, 2002 [posted]
 NLM Classification 2002 Edition Now Available

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Beginning with the 2002 edition, the NLM Classification is published in electronic form and updated annually. The online environment offers many advantages to users including hyperlinks between class numbers in the index and the schedules, between terms within the index, and links from "MeSH Tree icons" in the Index to the term in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) Browser.

The development of the online data creation and maintenance system used to produce this edition of the Classification gives NLM the ability to update it annually in tandem with MeSH.

The NLM Classification is available for downloading in HTML at Publication of printed editions ceased with the 5th revised edition, 1999.

Scope of Revision
The 2002 edition incorporates all additions and changes to the schedules since 1999. New class numbers were added as needed to reflect changes in MeSH and the biomedical and related sciences literature cataloged. Class numbers added and deleted are given below. The Index was updated with appropriate MeSH concepts through 2002.

The outlines of all schedules were systematically reviewed and revised, and new ones were developed for schedules where none existed. These outlines provide the user with a quick overview of a schedule's content and assist in maneuvering through one.

Class number names were revised to reflect changes in MeSH application and practices as well as changes in MeSH itself. For example:
  1. The class name "Hemodialysis" was replaced with the MeSH concept "Renal Dialysis"
  2. The term "Nomenclature" was deleted from all class names because it is now a see reference to "Terminology" in MeSH
  3. Prepositional phrases used as class names were simplified, e.g., "Nursing of diseases of the respiratory system" became "Respiratory system nursing"

The following is a list of class numbers added to the 2002 edition of the NLM Classification.

New Number Class Name Previously Classed In
QV Pharmacology
QV 325 Antioxidants QV 800
QW Microbiology and Immunology
QW 45 Microbial drug resistance QW 52
QW 168.5.F5 Flaviviridae QW 168
QZ Pathology
QZ 52 Genetic techniques QH 441
W Health Professions
W 74.1 General coverage (Not Table G) W 74
WA Public Health
WA 295 Disasters. Disaster planning. Rescue work. Terrorism Various numbers
WA 487.5.H4 Health personnel WA 487
WB Practice of Medicine
WB 60 Bioethics. Clinical ethics. Clinical ethics committees QH 332
WB 369.5 Specific techniques, A-Z WB 369
WB 369.5.A17 Acupressure WB 369
WB 369.5.A18 Acupuncture Analgesia WB 369
WB 369.5.E2 Ear acupuncture WB 369
WB 369.5.E4 Electroacupuncture WB 369
WB 369.5.M5 Meridians. Acupuncture points WB 369
WB 369.5.M9 Moxibustion WB 369
WD Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.
WD 200.5.H5 Hyperammonemia WD 200
WD 200.5.M6 Mitochondrial diseases WD 200
WG Cardiovascular System
WG 141.5.M2 Magnetic resonance imaging WG 141
WY Nursing
WY 159.5 Family nursing Various numbers
WZ History of Medicine
WZ 65 21st century None
WZ 112.5.A2 Allied health personnel WZ 112
WZ 112.5.B3 Biologists WZ 112
WZ 112.5.D4 Dermatologists WZ 112
WZ 112.5.G2 Gastroenterologists WZ 112
WZ 112.5.P15 Parasitologists WZ 112
WZ 112.5.P3 Pediatricians WZ 112
WZ 112.5.R2 Radiologists WZ 112

The following is a list of class numbers deleted from the 2002 edition of the NLM Classification.

Deleted Number Class Name Now Classed In
QV 767 Herbs QV 766
W 94 Government services Not applicable
WM 145.5.S9 Szondi test WM 145.5.P8
WQ 435 Embryotomy WQ 440

To learn more about the NLM Classification see the Fact Sheet.

By Christa F.B. Hoffmann
Cataloging Section, Technical Services Division

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Hoffmann CF. NLM Classification 2002 Edition Now Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Sep-Oct;(328):e5.


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