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CPT (CPT - Current Procedural Terminology) - Statistics

Semantic Type Distribution

Semantic Type IDSemantic Type NameCount Percentage Distribution
T061Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure3261766.6
T059Laboratory Procedure668513.6
T060Diagnostic Procedure605412.4
T058Health Care Activity27145.5

Term Type Counts

Term TypeExpanded FormCount
ETCLINEntry term, clinician description28486
SYDesignated synonym10984
PTDesignated preferred name10984
ABAbbreviation in any source vocabulary10984
ETCFEntry term, consumer friendly description10411
HTHierarchical term3396
MPPreferred names of modifiers408
POSPlace of service49
GLPGlobal period7

Attribute Counts

Attribute TypeExpanded FormCount
ADDITIONAL_GUIDELINEAdditional explanatory text that is applicable to a concept (code/heading/subheading).27391
CPT_LEVELFor headings, a value ranging from H1 (a top-level heading such as Surgery) to H6 (a 6th-level subheading) and HS (a heading for a small family of related codes). For CPT codes, either PC for Parent Code or CC for Child Code.14844
REPORTABLEIndicates whether a code is reportable14844
CPTLINK_CONCEPT_IDCPT Link concept identifier14844
DATE_CREATEDDate created14844
RVU_MEDICARE_GLOBAL_PERIODRVU Medicare global period10468
RVU_TOTAL_NONFACILITYRVU total nonfacility10468
RVU_FACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSERVU facility practice expense10468
RVU_TOTAL_FACILITYRVU total facility10468
RVU_NONFACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSERVU nonfacility practice expense10468
RVU_WORKRVU work10468
OR_GROUPIndicates that relationships with the same CUI2 and RG are disjunctive expressions4471
DATE_LAST_MODIFIEDDate last modified2135
DESCRIPTOR_ELEMENTElements of a multi-paragraph descriptor, such as, E&M, lab panels, and molecular pathology1256
RVU_TOTAL_NONFACILITY_PROFESSIONALRVU total nonfacility professional998
RVU_MEDICARE_GLOBAL_PERIOD_PROFESSIONALRVU Medicare global period professional998
RVU_TOTAL_FACILITY_PROFESSIONALRVU total facility professional998
RVU_NONFACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSE_PROFESSIONALRVU nonfacility practice expense professional998
RVU_FACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSE_PROFESSIONALRVU facility practice expense professional998
RVU_WORK_PROFESSIONALRVU work professional998
RVU_TOTAL_FACILITY_TECHNICALRVU total facility technical978
RVU_NONFACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSE_TECHNICALRVU nonfacility practice expense technical978
RVU_WORK_TECHNICALRVU work technical978
RVU_FACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSE_TECHNICALRVU facility practice expense technical978
RVU_TOTAL_NONFACILITY_TECHNICALRVU total nonfacility technical978
RVU_MEDICARE_GLOBAL_PERIOD_TECHNICALRVU Medicare global period technical978
MEASURE_DEVELOPERName of the measure developer associated with the Category II code601
ADDON_CODEA "T" in this field indicates that it is an "Add-on" code, i.e. it is commonly carried out in addition to the primary procedure performed581
PROPRIETARY_NAMEProprietary name379
CODING_TIPCoding Tip99
EXEMPT_MODContains 51 or 63 for codes where Modifier 51 or 63 is Exempt94
PLACE_OF_SERVICE_CODEPlace of service code49
DESCRIPTOR_EXTENSIONExtension of full description of the concept28
DAYS_RESTRICTIONDays restriction25
CPFCPT Full Description - complete text of the CPT full description, in cases where the CPT term in the "STR" field of MRCON has been trimmed from its original form.9
FDA_APPROVAL_PENDINGT for codes marked with the FDA approval pending symbol8
GLOBAL_PERIOD_CODEGlobal period code7
RVU_TOTAL_FACILITY_DISCONTINUEDRVU total facility discontinued2
RVU_NONFACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSE_DISCONTINUEDRVU nonfacility practice expense discontinued2
RVU_FACILITY_PRACTICE_EXPENSE_DISCONTINUEDRVU facility practice expense discontinued2
RVU_TOTAL_NONFACILITY_DISCONTINUEDRVU total nonfacility discontinued2
RVU_MEDICARE_GLOBAL_PERIOD_DISCONTINUEDRVU Medicare global period discontinued2

Relationship Counts

Relation Name/Additional LabelExpanded FormCount
RO/do_not_code_withhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Do not code with (excludes)38380
RO/clinician_form_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Clinician form of28486
RO/has_clinician_formhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has clinician form28486
RO/specialty_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specialty of23843
RO/has_specialtyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specialty23843
SY/expanded_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./Expanded form of21968
SY/has_expanded_formsource asserted synonymy./Has expanded form21968
PAR/inverse_isahas parent relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Inverse is a14854
CHD/isahas child relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Is a14854
RO/has_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has method13676
RO/method_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Method of13676
RO/consumer_friendly_form_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Consumer friendly form of10411
RO/has_consumer_friendly_formhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has consumer friendly form10411
RO/has_procedure_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has procedure site10066
RO/procedure_site_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure site of10066
RO/has_add_on_codehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has add on code (Report with)6717
RO/add_on_code_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Add on code for (Report with)6717
RO/has_procedure_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has procedure device2733
RO/procedure_device_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure device of2733
RO/has_pathologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has pathology2653
RO/pathology_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Pathology of2653
RO/component_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Component of2351
RO/has_componenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has component2351
RO/substance_used_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Substance used by1861
RO/uses_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses substance1861
RO/specimen_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen of1319
RO/has_specimenhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has specimen1319
RO/has_possibly_included_procedure_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included procedure site1224
RO/procedure_site_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure site of possibly included1224
RO/has_possibly_included_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included method1034
RO/method_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Method of possibly included1034
RO/has_associated_procedurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated procedure1004
RO/associated_procedure_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated procedure of1004
RO/approach_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Approach of885
RO/has_approachhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has approach885
RO/has_surgical_extenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has surgical extent603
RO/surgical_extent_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Surgical extent of603
RO/procedure_device_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure device of possibly included336
RO/has_possibly_included_procedure_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included procedure device336
RO/has_excluded_procedure_sitehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded procedure site279
RO/procedure_site_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure site of excluded279
RO/method_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Method of excluded245
RO/has_excluded_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded method245
RO/has_route_of_administrationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has route of administration230
RO/route_of_administration_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Route of administration of230
RO/associated_finding_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated finding of182
RO/has_associated_findinghas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has associated finding182
RO/substance_used_by_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Substance used by possibly included157
RO/uses_possibly_included_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses possibly included substance157
RO/has_possibly_included_pathologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included pathology143
RO/pathology_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Pathology of possibly included143
RO/has_localehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has locale136
RO/locale_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Locale of136
RO/has_panel_elementhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/CPT laboratory panel code has laboratory panel test member129
RO/panel_element_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/CPT laboratory panel test member is element of laboratory code129
RO/substance_used_by_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Substance used by excluded105
RO/uses_excluded_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Uses excluded substance105
RO/has_excluded_procedure_devicehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded procedure device74
RO/procedure_device_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Procedure device of excluded74
RO/has_patient_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has patient type66
RO/patient_type_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Patient type of66
RO/pathology_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Pathology of excluded61
RO/has_excluded_pathologyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded pathology61
RO/has_possibly_included_associated_procedurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included associated procedure55
RO/associated_procedure_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated procedure of possibly included55
RO/associated_procedure_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated procedure of excluded44
RO/has_excluded_associated_procedurehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded associated procedure44
RO/has_possibly_included_approachhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included approach38
RO/approach_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Approach of possibly included38
RO/has_excluded_specimenhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded specimen28
RO/specimen_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Specimen of excluded28
RO/associated_finding_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated finding of possibly included19
RO/has_possibly_included_associated_findinghas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included associated finding19
RO/component_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Component of possibly included16
RO/has_possibly_included_componenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included component16
RO/patient_type_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Patient type of possibly included14
RO/has_possibly_included_patient_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included patient type14
RO/surgical_extent_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Surgical extent of possibly included13
RO/has_possibly_included_surgical_extenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included surgical extent13
RO/has_possibly_included_route_of_administrationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has possibly included route of administration10
RO/route_of_administration_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Route of administration of possibly included10
RO/has_excluded_associated_findinghas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded associated finding9
RO/has_excluded_patient_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded patient type9
RO/patient_type_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Patient type of excluded9
RO/associated_finding_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated finding of excluded9
RO/has_excluded_surgical_extenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded surgical extent5
RO/surgical_extent_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Surgical extent of excluded5
RO/has_excluded_componenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded component3
RO/component_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Component of excluded3
RO/locale_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Locale of excluded2
RO/has_excluded_localehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded locale2
RO/approach_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Approach of excluded2
RO/has_excluded_approachhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded approach2
RO/panel_element_of_possibly_includedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/CPT laboratory panel test member is possibly included element of laboratory code1
RO/route_of_administration_of_excludedhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Route of administration of excluded1
RO/has_possibly_included_panel_elementhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/CPT laboratory panel code has possibly included laboratory panel test member1
RO/has_excluded_route_of_administrationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has excluded route of administration1

Definition Count


Source Overlap

Source# Concepts Sharing Atom/# Total ConceptsPercentage Distribution