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HCPCS (HCPCS - Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) - Statistics

Semantic Type Distribution

Semantic Type IDSemantic Type NameCount Percentage Distribution
T074Medical Device216426.6
T061Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure165320.3
T200Clinical Drug116714.4
T058Health Care Activity108413.3
T122Biomedical or Dental Material1782.2
T060Diagnostic Procedure1642.0
T059Laboratory Procedure1131.4
T130Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid881.1

Term Type Counts

Term TypeExpanded FormCount
ABAbbreviation in any source vocabulary6467
PTDesignated preferred name6467
OPObsolete preferred name935
OAObsolete abbreviation935
MTH_HTMTH Hierarchical term492
MPPreferred names of modifiers368
AMShort form of modifier368
OMObsolete modifiers in HCPCS10
OAMObsolete Modifier Abbreviation10

Attribute Counts

Attribute TypeExpanded FormCount
HTSHCPCS Type of Service Code - carrier assigned HCFA Type of Service which describes the particular kind(s) of service represented by the procedure code.9717
HACHCPCS action code - code denoting the change made to a procedure or modifier code within the HCPCS system.7780
HCCHCPCS Coverage Code - code denoting Medicare coverage status. There are two subelements separated by "=".7780
HCDHCPCS Code Added Date - year the HCPCS code was added to the HCFA Common Procedure Coding System.7780
HADHCPCS Action Effective Date - effective date of action to a procedure or modifier code.7780
HPIHCPCS Pricing Indicator Code - used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under Part B.7409
HMPHCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code - code used to identify instances where a procedure could be priced.7402
HAQHCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity - base unit represents the level of intensity for anesthesia procedure services that reflects all activities except time.7402
HBTHCPCS Berenson-Eggers Type of Service Code - BETOS for the procedure code based on generally agreed upon clinically meaningful groupings of procedures and services.7402
HMRHCPCS Medicare Carriers Manual reference section number - number identifying a section of the Medicare Carriers Manual.1169
HTDHCPCS Termination Date - last date for which a procedure or code may be used by Medicare Providers.945
HPNHCPCS processing note number identifying the processing note contained in Appendix A of the HCPCS Manual.833
HPGHCPCS ASC payment group code which represents the dollar amount of the facility charge payable by Medicare for the procedure.644
HPDHCPCS ASC payment group effective date - date the procedure is assigned to the ASC payment group.644
HSNHCPCS Statute Number identifying statute reference for coverage or noncoverage of procedure or service.606
HIRHCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number - number identifying the Reference Section of the Coverage Issues Manual.522
HXRHCPCS Cross reference code - an explicit reference crosswalking a deleted code or a code that is not valid for Medicare to a valid current code (or range of codes).202
HLCHCPCS Lab Certification Code - code used to classify laboratory procedures according to the specialty certification categories listed by CMS(formerly HCFA).86

Relationship Counts

Relation Name/Additional LabelExpanded FormCount
CHD/has child relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Empty relationship attribute10126
PAR/has parent relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Empty relationship attribute10126
SY/expanded_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./Expanded form of7780
SY/has_expanded_formsource asserted synonymy./Has expanded form7780
RQ/mapped_torelated and possibly synonymous./Mapped to194
RQ/mapped_fromrelated and possibly synonymous./Mapped from194

Definition Count


Source Overlap

Source# Concepts Sharing Atom/# Total ConceptsPercentage Distribution