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HPO (Human Phenotype Ontology) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.


Summary of Changes

There were no changes to the source file format or Metathesaurus source processing.

Source-Provided Files: Summary

HPO is released in both owl and obo formats. The obo format is processed for the UMLS Metathesaurus.

Data Files

File Name Description
hp.obo.txt OBO data file


Identifiers are assigned as follows:
Identifier Origin
CODE tag = "id"
SAUI Not Applicable
SCUI Not Applicable
SDUI tag = "id"

Atoms (MRCONSO):

Term Type Origin
ET CODE: tag = "id"
STR: tag = "synonym"
SDUI: tag = "id"
TTY = "ET" is assigned to the value of tag = "synonym" where the scope identifier is "BROAD," "NARROW," or "RELATED" in records where there is no "is_obsolete" tag.
IS CODE: tag = "id"
STR: tag = "synonym"
SDUI: tag = "id"
TTY = "IS" is assigned to the value of tag = "synonym" where the scope identifier = "EXACT" and tag="is_obsolete" has a value of "true."
OET CODE: tag = "id"
STR: tag = "synonym"
SDUI: tag = "id"
TTY = "OET" is assigned to the value of tag = "synonym" where the scope identifier is "BROAD," "NARROW," or "RELATED" and tag="is_obsolete" has a value of "true."
OP CODE: tag = "id"
STR: tag = "synonym"
SDUI: tag = "id"
TTY = "OP" is assigned to the value of tag = "name" in records where is_obsolete has a value of "true."
PT CODE: tag = "id"
STR: tag = "synonym"
SDUI: tag = "id"
TTY = "PT" is assigned to the value of tag = "name" in reocrds with no "is_obsolete" tag.
SY CODE: tag = "id"
STR: tag = "synonym"
SDUI: tag = "id"
TTY = "SY" is assigned to the value of tag = synonym where the scope identifier is "EXACT" in records where there is no "is_obsolete" tag.

Attributes (MRSAT):

Attribute Name Origin
DATE_CREATED tag = "creation_date"
HPO_COMMENT tag = "comment"
REF tag = "synonym," dbxref list (information extracted from square brackets at the end of the field)
SID tag = "alt_id"
SYN_QUALIFIER tag = "synonym" synonymtypedef value

Definitions (MRDEF):

Definitions are created from data with the "def" tag in the OBO format.

Relationships (MRREL):

Inverse RELA
hierarchy created from tag = "is_a"
(no rela) Connects an atom created from tag = "synonym" with a scope identifier of "BROAD" or "NARROW" with the preferred atom of the HPO [term] record.
RO (no rela) Connects an atom created from tag = "synonym" with a scope identifier of "RELATED" with the preferred atom of the HPO [term] record.
RQ consider
created from tag = "consider"
RQ replaced_by
created from tag = "replaced_by"
SY (no rela) Connects an atom created from tag = "synonym" with a scope identifier of "EXACT" with the preferred atom of the HPO [term] record.

Mappings (MRMAP):

No mappings are represented for HPO.