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ICD10PCS (ICD-10 Procedure Coding System) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.


Summary of Changes

No updates for this version.

Source Provided Files:

Numerous documentation and data files are available at: , including the following:

Documentation and Reference
File Description
icd10pcsOrderFile.pdf Documentation for the icd10pcs_order_2024.txt file
icd10pcs_definitions.xsd xml schema document describing definitions xml format
icd10pcs_tables.xsd xml schema document describing tabular xml format
pcs_2024.pdf Information about tables indicating meaning of codes for specific character positions; index to codes
Data files
File Description
icd10pcs_order_2024.txt Long and short descriptions
icd10pcs_tables_2024.xml Tabular data


Identifiers are assigned as follows:
  • CODE: 3 or 7-character code from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt, or assembled code from icd10pcs_tables_YYYY.xml
  • SAUI: Not applicable
  • SCUI: same as CODE
  • SDUI: Not applicable

Atoms (MRCONSO):

Term Type Origin
AB CODE: 7-character code from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 7-13)
STR: Short description from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 17-76)
SCUI: same as CODE

Note: AB atoms are created when character position 15 = "1", indicating that the code is valid for submission on a UB04
HS CODE: 3-character code from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 7-9)
STR: Short description from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 17-76)
SCUI: same as CODE

Note: HS atoms are created when character position 15 = "0", indicating that the code is a "header" -- not valid for submission on a UB04
HT CODE: 3-character code from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 7-9)
STR: Short description from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 17-76)
SCUI: Same as CODE

Note: HS atoms are created when character position 15 = "0", indicating that the code is a "header" -- not valid for submission on a UB04
HX CODE: assembled from values icd10pcs_tables_XXXX.xml
STR: assembled from values in icd10pcs_tables_XXXX.xml, using "@" as a subfield separator
SCUI: same as CODE

TTY = "HX" atoms are created for levels 2-6
MTH_HX CODE: assembled from values icd10pcs_tables_YYYY.xml
STR: assembled from values in icd10pcs_tables_YYYY.xml, using "@" as a subfield separator; the string "(Therapy)" or "(Procedure)" is appended as appropriate
SCUI: same as CODE

TTY = "MTH_HT" atoms are created for levels 1-2
PT CODE: 7-character code from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 7-13)
STR: Long description from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 78 - end)
SCUI: same as CODE

Note: PT atoms are created when character position 15 = "1", indicating that the code is valid for submission on a UB04
PX CODE: assembled from values icd10pcs_tables_YYYY.xml
STR: assembled from values in icd10pcs_tables_YYYY.xml, using "@" as a subfield separator
SCUI: same as CODE

TTY = "PX" atoms are created for level 7

Attributes (MRSAT):

Attribute Name Origin
ADDED_MEANING Additional descriptive information about a header term extracted from <definition> tag in icd10pcs_definitions_YYYY.xml
ORDER_NO Order number from icd10pcs_order_YYYY.txt (character positions 1-5)

Relationships (MRREL):

Inverse RELA
SY expanded_form_of
Connect AB and PT descriptions
Connect PT and PX descriptions
Connect HS and HT descriptions
Connect HT and HX descriptions