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LNC (LOINC) - Statistics

Semantic Type Distribution

Semantic Type IDSemantic Type NameCount Percentage Distribution
T201Clinical Attribute10550338.7
T116Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein217528.0
T129Immunologic Factor210617.7
T081Quantitative Concept140475.2
T170Intellectual Product117044.3
T109Organic Chemical115164.2
T121Pharmacologic Substance82793.0
T059Laboratory Procedure62892.3
T123Biologically Active Substance56222.1
T114Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide33801.2
T080Qualitative Concept28691.1

Term Type Counts

Term TypeExpanded FormCount
LPDNLOINC parts display name110984
LNLOINC official fully specified name96795
LCLong common name96795
MTH_LNMTH Official fully specified name with expanded abbreviations96740
OSNOfficial short name84312
LPNLOINC parts name69852
DNDisplay Name61509
CNLOINC official component name47512
LALOINC answer19468
MTH_CNMTH Component, with abbreviations expanded.10279
LGLOINC group7065
OLCObsolete Long common name4837
LOObsolete official fully specified name4837
MTH_LOMTH Expanded LOINC obsolete fully specified name4836
OOSNObsolete official short name4318
LSExpanded system/sample type (The expanded version was created for the Metathesaurus and includes the full name of some abbreviations.)2392
HCHierarchical class424
HSShort or alternate version of hierarchical term422
OLGObsolete LOINC group name11

Attribute Counts

Attribute TypeExpanded FormCount
LRN2Related names 2112126
PART_TYPEPart type110984
SEQ_NOSequence number108414
VERSION_FIRST_RELEASEDVersion first released101632
LCTLOINC Change Type Code - type of change made to a LOINC term.101632
COMMON_ORDER_RANKRanking of approximately 300 common orders performed by laboratories in USA101632
LCSLOINC status - valid values are "ACTIVE," "TRIAL," "DISCOURAGED," "DEPRECATED." For "DEPRECATED" or "DISCOURAGED" concepts, the term that should now be used may appear in the LMP element.101632
LOINC_TIME_ASPECTLOINC time aspect101632
VERSION_LAST_CHANGEDVersion last changed101632
LOINC_SCALE_TYPLOINC scale type101632
COMMON_SI_TEST_RANKCorresponding SI terms for 2000 common tests performed by laboratories in USA101632
LCNLOINC Classtype - 1 = Laboratory Class; 2 = Clinical Class; 3 = Claims Attachment; 4 = Surveys101632
COMMON_TEST_RANKNumeric ranking of approximately 2,000 common tests performed by hospitals101632
LCLLOINC Class - arbitrary classification of terms in LOINC designed to assist LOINC development and to group related observations together (e.g. ABXBACT = Antibiotic susceptibility)101632
LORLOINC ORDER_OBS field. Defines term as order only, observation only, or both. Values are: BOTH OBSERVATION ORDER. A fourth category, Subset, is used for terms that are subsets of a panel but do not represent a package that is known to be orderable.86073
LURUnits required when used as OBX segment - a Y/N field that indicates that units are required when this LOINC is included as an OBX segment in a HIPAA attachment63666
CONSUMER_NAMEAn experimental (beta) consumer friendly name61708
LOINC_METHOD_TYPLOINC method type55382
RADLEX_PREF_NAMERadLex preferred name46784
RIDRead Codes Term_id - identifier assigned to a Read term, used in referring to the term in the Read file structure, and may be used in clinical information systems.46784
PART_SEQ_ORDERPart sequence order46246
EXAMPLE_UCUM_UNITSThe Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)41725
EXAMPLE_UNITSExample units38622
CHANGE_REASON_PUBLICDetailed explanation about special changes to the term over time.31110
ANSWER_LIST_IDAnswer list ID23482
ANSWER_LIST_NAMEAnswer list name23482
ANSWER_LIST_OIDAnswer list OID23482
SOSScope Statement12731
ANSWER_CODEAnswer code10216
LQSSurvey Question Source9946
LQTSurvey Question Text8183
ASSOC_OBSERVATIONSAssociated observations8059
HL7_ATTACHMENT_STRUCTUREHL7 attachment structure7776
EXTERNAL_COPYRIGHT_LINKExternal copyright link7225
STATUSIndicates status of "active" (current) or "inactive" (obsolete/deprecated)7076
RADLEX_PLAYBOOK_LONG_NAMERadLex Playbook long name6760
RPIDRadLex Playbook ID6760
IMAGING_DOCUMENT_VALUE_SETA value of "TRUE" indicates that the LOINC NUM is a member of the Imaging Documents Value Set6678
LEALOINC Example Answers - for some tests and measurements, LOINC has supplied examples of valid answers. These values differ from those in the ANSWERLIST field because that details possible values for nominal scale terms.4884
PANEL_TYPEPanel type4867
LMPLOINC Map to Code of the term that has superseded a term with a LCS value of DEPRECATED.4609
STATUS_TEXTExplanation of concept status in narrative text in LOINC3708
STATUS_REASONClassification of the reason for concept status in LOINC2724
LOINC_SCOREA numeric score associated with a LOINC answer ('LA') concept.1617
UNIVERSAL_LAB_ORDERS_VALUE_SETA value of "TRUE" indicates that the LOINC NUM is a member of the LOINC Universal Lab Orders Value Set1521
MOLECULAR_WEIGHT_OF_ANALYTEMolecular weight of analyte1454
LFOLOINC Formula - regression equation details for many OB.US calculated terms.701
ANSWER_CODE_SYSTEMAnswer code system119
HL7_ATTACHMENT_REQUESTHL7 attachment request109
HL7_FIELD_SUBFIELD_IDA value which indicates the content should be delivered in the named field/subfield of the HL7 message. When NULL, the data should be sent in an OBX segment with this LOINC code stored in OBX-3 and with the value in the OBX-597
SUBSEQUENT_TEXT_PROMPTSubsequent text prompt74
ASK_AT_ORDER_ENTRYAsk at Order Entry (AOE) observations for a clinical observation or laboratory test65
USAGE_NOTESUsage notes11

Relationship Counts

Relation Name/Additional LabelExpanded FormCount
RO/has_componenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has component308584
RO/component_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Component of308584
CHD/has child relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Empty relationship attribute278098
PAR/has parent relationship in a Metathesaurus source vocabulary /Empty relationship attribute278098
RO/class_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Class of267953
RO/has_classhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has class267953
RO/system_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/System of170126
RO/has_systemhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has system170126
SY/mth_expanded_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./MTH expanded form of111856
SY/mth_has_expanded_formsource asserted synonymy./MTH has expanded form111856
RO/answer_tohas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/answer to108414
RO/has_answerhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/has answer108414
RO/time_aspect_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Time aspect of101865
RO/has_time_aspecthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has time aspect101865
RO/has_propertyhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has property101632
RO/scale_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Scale of101632
RO/property_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Property of101632
SY/has_common_namesource asserted synonymy./Has common name101632
SY/common_name_ofsource asserted synonymy./common name of101632
RO/has_scalehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has scale101632
SY/expanded_form_ofsource asserted synonymy./Expanded form of89048
SY/has_expanded_formsource asserted synonymy./Has expanded form89048
RO/measureshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Measures88303
RO/measured_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Measured by88303
RO/analyzeshas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Analyzes80455
RO/analyzed_byhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Analyzed by80455
RO/has_methodhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has method76170
RO/method_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Method of76170
RB/has_memberhas a broader relationship/Has member53314
RN/member_ofhas a narrower relationship/Member of53314
RO/has_loinc_numberhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has Loinc number41272
RO/loinc_number_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Loinc number of41272
RO/has_suffixhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has suffix24381
RO/suffix_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Suffix of24381
RO/supersystem_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Supersystem of22532
RO/has_supersystemhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has supersystem22532
RO/challenge_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Challenge of18048
RO/has_challengehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has challenge18048
RO/has_evaluationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has evaluation12172
RO/evaluation_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Evaluation of12172
RO/has_imaged_locationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has imaged location7064
RO/is_imaged_location_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is imaged location for7064
RO/has_parent_grouphas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has parent group7031
RO/parent_group_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Parent group of7031
RO/is_modality_type_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is modality type for6660
RO/has_modality_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/has modality type6660
RO/has_imaging_focushas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has imaging focus6135
RO/is_imaging_focus_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is imaging focus of6135
RO/divisor_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Divisor of5723
RO/has_divisorhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has divisor5723
RQ/mapped_fromrelated and possibly synonymous./Mapped from4609
RQ/mapped_torelated and possibly synonymous./Mapped to4609
RO/is_lateral_anatomic_location_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is lateral anatomic location of4004
RO/has_lateral_anatomic_locationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has lateral anatomic location4004
RO/is_presence_of_lateral_locationhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is presence of lateral location3986
RO/has_lateral_location_presencehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has lateral location presence3986
RO/is_aggregation_view_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is aggregation view of3905
RO/has_aggregation_viewhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has aggregation view3905
RO/is_timing_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is timing for2770
RO/has_timing_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has timing of2770
RO/is_given_pharmaceutical_substance_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is given pharmaceutical substance for2446
RO/has_given_pharmaceutical_substancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has given pharmaceutical substance2446
RO/associated_withhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Associated with2314
RO/is_view_type_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is view type for1991
RO/has_view_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has view type1991
RO/is_pharmaceutical_route_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is pharmaceutical route for1949
RO/has_pharmaceutical_routehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has_pharmaceutical_route1949
RO/has_archetypehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has archetype1365
RO/archetype_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Archetype of1365
RO/is_modality_subtype_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is modality subtype for1181
RO/has_modality_subtypehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has modality subtype1181
RO/has_action_guidancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has action guidance1156
RO/is_action_guidance_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is action guidance for1156
RO/is_presence_guidance_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is presence guidance for1028
RO/has_presence_guidancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has presence guidance1028
RO/has_object_guidancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has object guidance476
RO/is_object_guidance_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is object guidance for476
RO/has_examhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has exam471
RO/is_exam_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is exam for471
RO/has_maneuver_typehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/has maneuver type444
RO/is_maneuver_type_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is maneuver type for444
RO/is_approach_guidance_forhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is approach guidance for349
RO/has_approach_guidancehas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has approach guidance349
RO/time_modifier_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Time modifier of233
RO/has_time_modifierhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has time modifier233
RO/adjustment_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Adjustment of204
RO/has_adjustmenthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has adjustment204
RO/has_counthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has count148
RO/count_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/count_of148
RO/is_subject_ofhas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Is subject of34
RO/has_subjecthas relationship other than synonymous, narrower, or broader/Has subject34

Definition Count


Source Overlap

Source# Concepts Sharing Atom/# Total ConceptsPercentage Distribution