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SOP (Source of Payment Typology) - Source Representation

Summary of Changes:

No changes were made to the SOP input format or to Metathesaurus source processing

Source-Provided Files: Summary

Data files:

File Name Description
SourceofPaymentTypologyVersion9_2 -Dec 11_2020_Final2.docx List of terms in the Source of Payment Typology (converted to .txt file for Metathesaurus source processing)

Source-Provided Files: Details

File Element Representation
SourceofPaymentTypologyVersion9_2 -Dec 11_2020_Final2.docx Code MRCONSO.CODE, MRCONSO.SCUI; also defines hierarchical relationships: truncating the final digit (or two digits, in the case of code 9999) from a code yields its parent code.
SourceofPaymentTypologyVersion9_2 -Dec 11_2020_Final2.docx Description MRCONSO.STR, TTY = PT