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Results and Conclusions

      In order to test the performance of the proposed compression procedure we are using a subjective criterion of visual appearance and an objective criterion, the rate/distortion factor.  We are comparing the wavelet compression with JPEG compression  in term of those two criteria. In figure 8 a detail of a_vm1480 slice (male thorax) is showed with the corresponding details of compressed images at different compression rates. One can easily view the visual distortion is not perceptible till compression rates of 100:1 and the space saving is very attractive.  We have measured the image distortion as the root mean squared error between the compressed image and the original one for each RGB color channel. As can be seen for EZ wavelet approach,  the residual distortion is lower than JPEG one at each compression rate.
Compression Ratio
Size (KByte)
RMS(R,G,B) Wavelet
Table I. Comparison in between EZ wavelet and JPEG compression in term of rate/distortion.

     In figure 9 the above results are showed in term of image and channel difference between original and compressed image. One can note the residual error of JPEG is higher than one obtained with EZ wavelet. Relevant residual structures are visible in both difference images which are related to the edges of structures and inside the spine section where a texture with high-frequecy content is present. In figure 10 the image difference are plotted in 3D for each color channel. In the left side results for compression ratio of 40:1 are shown whereas in the right side the compression ratio is 200:1. One can expect that the structure dimension which can be recover with reliability is directly related to filter used to image transform anf to compression rate. Currently we are involved in the problem of quantifing the size of this dimension in order to choice the compression rate and filters according to anatomical districts being saved into lossy compression. This approach could customize the image compression according to different specialties which require to pay attention to the structures they are interested in and disregarding other anatomical features.

      We have also shown that progressive coding are easily generated through Embedded Zerotree algorithm. The user is allowed to browse only a low-resolution approximation which is sufficient for deciding if the image needs to be decoded or received in original full size. Future developments are related to the evaluation of the performance of the wavelet filters when analyzing VHD color image (Daubechies, Antonini, ../orthogonal versus biorthogonal filters). Another issue will be addressed which involve the software architecture to utilize. Browsing and visualizing at the same time would require applet or plug-in Java code to send to the user station. Yet due to the fact that Java is interpreted this approach to image synthesis is, for the time being, very slow. Unlike Java, a different solution is to provide the user with a compiled (Windows/X) application and the image synthesis, very rapid, has to be done off-line with respect the browsing.

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