A |
Gregory P. Andorfer,
Maryland Science Center
- Keynote Address - Inside Out: The Visible Human Exhibit at Baltimore's
Maryland Science Center
Alexander S. Ade, University
of Michigan
- The Visible Human Female World Wide Web Browser
Brian D. Athey, Ph.D. (Presenter), University of Michigan
- First Author: Alexander S. Ade
- The Visible Human Female World Wide Web Browser
C |
Jon J. Camp, Ph.D. (Presenter), Mayo Foundation /Clinic
- First Author: Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
- From the Visible Human to Real Patients: Development and Evaluation
of Clinical Procedures
P. Cerveri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- (1) The
VHD-MMS Agent Retriever: An Image Retrieval System Based on Object-Oriented
Architecture and Software Agents
- (2) Multiresolution
Image Representation Through Wavelet Compression for Speeding Up Navigation
in the Visible Human Data Set Archive
Rui C. H. Chiou, Ph.D. (Unable
to attend conference), State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Unified Analysis, Modeling, Matching, and Synthesis for CT Color
Texture Mapping From the Visible Human Data Set
Frédéric Cordier,
MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Comparison of Two Techniques for Organ Reconstruction Using the
Visible Human Data Set
Stewart Crawford-Hines,
Colorado State University
- Machine-Learned Assist for Boundary Contour Tracing
D |
Parvati Dev, Ph. D., SUMMIT, Stanford University
- Structuring Metainformation for Anatomy Images: XML as the Preferred
Metainformation Interchange Language
G |
Benoit Gennart, Ph.D. (Presenter), Ecole Polytechnique Federale,
Lausanne, Switzerland
- First Author: Samuel Vetsch,
- A Parallel PC-Based Visible Human Slice Web Server
Luciano Guglielmi, CILEA, Milano, Italy
- Visible Human Data Set - Milano Mirror Site®: Additional Services
for the Primers and Professional Users of the VHD
H |
Earl Henderson,
Natiional Library of Medicine
- VHIF: A Prototype File Format for Anatomical Images
I |
K |
John P. Kerr, Ph.D., Engineering
Animation, Inc.
- Anthropometric Scaling of a 3D Anatomy Database Created From the
Visible Human Male Data Set
L |
Lisa Laino-Pepper, M.S.,
Stevens Institute of Technology
- A Discussion of Visible Human Color File Formats
Alexander Lane, Ph.D., Triton College
- Sectional Anatomy: Strategy for Mastery
Hao Le, Flashback Imaging,
Inc., Ontario, Canada
- Practical Applications of the Visible Human Explorer
M |
Thomas O. McCracken,
Visible Productions
- New and Innovative Uses of Visible Human Images and Beyond
Sunanda Mitra, Ph.D. ,
Texas Tech University
- Wavelet-Based Adaptive Vector Quantization for High-Fidelity Compression
and Fast Transmission of Visible Human Color Images
Pat Molholt, Ph.D., Columbia University
- Vesalius Project - Creating a Compter-Based Anatomy Curriculum
N |
Hiroki Nogawa, M.D., Ph.D.,
Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo, Japan
- An Application of an End-User Computing Environment for the Visible
Human Project
P |
Sanghun Park, Sogang University,
Seoul, Korea
- Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Schemes for the Visible Human Data
Set and Their Applications
Francesco Pinciroli, Professor,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- The First Annual Report of the Visible Human Data Set - Milano Mirror
Edmond C. Prakash, Ph.D.
(Unable to attend conference), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Goal-Directed Deformation of the Visible Human
R |
Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.,
Mayo Foundation / Clinic
- From the Visible Human to Real Patients: Development and Evaluation
of Clinical Procedures
Muriel Ross, Ph.D., NASA Ames
Research Center
- High-Fidelity Imaging for PC Applications: From Visible Human Data
Sets to Patient-Specific Imaging for Internet Communication
Carter Rowley, Ph.D. (Presenter), Visible Productions
- First Author: Thomas O. McCracken
- New and Innovative Uses of Visible Human Images and Beyond
S |
Frank B. Sachse, Ph.D.,
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Applications of the Visible Human Male Data Set in Electrocardiology:
Calculation and Visualization of Body Surface Potential Maps of a Complete
Heart Cycle
James Seamans, Management
Systems Designers
- Network Distribution of the Visible Human Data Set
Steven O. Senger, Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
- User-Directed Segmentation of the Visible Human Data Sets in an
Immersive Environment
Jon Seymour, M.D.,
Gold Standard Multimedia, Inc.
- Virtual Human: Live-Volume Rendering of the Segmented and Classified
Visible Human Male in a CD-ROM Product for PCs
John E. Stewart,
Virginia Commonwealth University
- Improved 3D Anatomic Understanding Through Stereoscopic Visualization
Gabor Székely, Ph.D.,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
- Anatomical Model Generation for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation
V |
Juduth M. Venuti, Ph.D., Columbia University
- Development of a Pelvic Anatomy Lesson: Innovation in Electronic
Curriculum for Medical Students
Samuel Vetsch, Ph.D.,
Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne, Switzerland
- A Parallel PC-Based Visible Human Slice Web Server
W |
Nina Wacholder, Ph.D., Columbia University
- An Ontology-Based Navigation System for Human Anatomy
Wenjian Wang, Ph.D., University
of Cincinnati
- Volume Segmentation of the Visble Human Data Set
William G. Wee, Ph.D., (Presenter), University of Cincinnati
- First Author: Wenjian Wang, Ph.D.
- Volume Segmentation of the Visble Human CT Data Set
Christian D. Werner, Ph.D.
(Unable to attend conference), University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Applications of the Visible Human Male Data Set in Electrocardiology:
Simulation of the Electrical Excitation Propagation
Y |
Z |
Ruixia Zhou, Ph.D., Management
Systems Designers
- Visualization of Anatomical Images Using the 3DSystems Database