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Comparison of Two Techniques for Organ Reconstruction Using the Visible Human Data Set

Frédéric Cordier and Nadia Magnetat Thalmann
MIRALab, C.U.I., University of Geneva, Switzerland ,

      Though the Visible Human Dataset provides a complete volumic coverage of the human body, it does not give information about its structure. An important task is to identify the spatial extents of the organs of interest, and to provide their surface models. In this paper, we will present two methods for the reconstruction of organs from the Visible Human Dataset. The first method is the segmentation of organ on each slice with the snake technique. The second method uses the Shape Constrained Deformable Model. For these two methods, we present testing results of the extraction of different types of organ from the Visible Human Data.

 Keywords: 3D reconstruction, segmentation, snakes.
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      The two techniques presented in this paper have been developed in the frame of the BIOMED European project MIAS.

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