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Structuring Metainformation for Anatomy Images: XML as the Preferred
Metainformation Interchange Language
The Visible Human Project has made available
a very large collection of images for use in medical teaching and research.
Numerous sites around the world are in the process of developing additional
value around subsets of these images, such as outlining and annotating
structures and creating three-dimensional models. Accepted image formats,
such as GIF and JPEG, facilitate the exchange of images. There is no similar
accepted format for exchange of metainformation about images or about image
content. We propose that the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) encourages
the structured representation of metainformation and easy exchange of such
information between developers of rich image collections.
Keywords: metainformation, semantic ontology, XML, labeling.
This work builds on software developed by Philip
S. Constantinou and David Engberg at SUMMIT, which was supported in part
by a DARPA TRP contract to Apple Computer, by DARPA CAETI contract N-66001-95-C-8618
and by the California Trade and Commerce Agency contract C940022.
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