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Contents: Conference Page

"VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET-MILANO MIRROR SITE®" Additional Services for the Primers and the Professional Users of the VHD

Luciano Guglielmi, M.S.
Technical manager in charge for "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" at CILEA, Italy
Francesco Pinciroli, Professor
Chair of Medical Informatics  - Bioengineering Department - Politecnico of Milano, Italy

      The "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" (VHD-MMS), an initiative of cooperation promoted between the National Library of Medicine and the Politecnico di Milano, builted up thanks to CILEA, an italian Universities consortium, and a team of four sponsors, has the mission of providing the Continental-Europe users of the "Visible Human Dataset" with the best possible services.

     The "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" (Figure 1) has the mission of providing the Continental-Europe users of the "Visible Human Dataset" - i.e. the 55-Gigabytes largest bank of multimodal bioimages we have never seen - with the best possible services, better than those available while crossing the Atlantic Ocean on Internet. To do so, it "mirrors", i.e. it repeats, in Milano the entire "Visible Human Dataset", originally made available at the Bethesda main-site of the National Library of Medicine only. But not only. It have built up various services ad hoc for its users. This effort has been supported from four non-competitive multinational sponsors, two of them with head home in USA and two in Italy, with a large penetration on users inside Europe. The "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" (VHD-MMS) is an initiative of cooperation promoted between the National Library of Medicine and the Politecnico di Milano. It has been built up with the technical help and the administrative assistance of CILEA. This is the more than 25 y.h. Consortium established, among the universities of the Lombardia region, for organizing and delivering services of advanced calculus.

     Following this goal the "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" has decided to set up a CD-ROM, named BIOIMAGES FOR EUROPE, distributed free of charge, starting point for who want to see what is the data and which kind of application one can do with it. So the product should be for primers but also for advanced users.
A lot are the questions one have to answer daily about VHD and its application fields. We have then thought to build an hypertextual introduction to VHD and VHD-MMS, ready to use and freely available.
     The tutorial should be an introduction to all the aspects of both male and female dataset.

     After an excursus over "Visible Human Project" background, the methods used for "Visible Human Dataset" construction are taken in care. Rules, today in use, for having free access to data are then showed. Motivations, goals and collaborations that have physically made possible to setup the structure and the services of the "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" (, are showed in detail.
Keywords: Tutorial, CD-ROM, Medical Specialties.

Table of Contents

"BioImages for Europe"
Hypertextual Tutorial about VHP


Contents: Conference Page