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Color Retention

     The goal of our techniques for mesh optimization is to be able to retain the color data that is given at each vertex in our original mesh.As the vertices are deleted from the mesh their associated color contribution to the texture of the mesh is lost. A scheme for retaining these colors is to use a form of texture mapping these lost colors onto the reduced mesh. As our algorithm precedes it retains deleted vertices as members of there best associated new faces. One of the reasons the technique of decimation was chosen was that it left he mesh relatively topologically intact, and this yields a relatively trivial way of associating deleted vertices with faces. If we store that in a 2D texture map, we should have managed to retain the original texture of that general area in the mesh.When we want to render the mesh the texture for each face would be defined by the area of the texture map reserved for that face.

     In order to perform this texture extraction for every face within the reduced mesh we would have to arrange the triangle paired squares somewhat dynamically within the texture map (in that the area of faces may highly vary). Each specific level of detail in the mesh would have to have its own exclusively generated texture map. So if we were to approach this problem in the direction that we assume that a variant of mip mapping would eventually be used, we could use that to our advantage [25]. When generating a mip map for our texture map we would not only consider the scaling of the texture but also consider that for each mip map level we could have another level of detail. Each of these levels of detail texture would be expressed in different levels of the mip map.Where the scaled down version would be used when the object is farther away and therefore the texture would be that of a more optimized mesh.

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