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Wavelet-Based 3D Compression Schemes for the Visible Human Data Set and Their Applications

Sanghun Park, Gee-bum Koo and Insung Ihm
Department of Computer Science
Sogang University, Seoul, Korea ,

Visualizing volume data is a task requiring great cost of time and space. It is extremely expensive particularly when the volume data is very large in size. This paper presents a method that produces effectively a direct-volume-rendered image from compressed volume data. Contrary to most previous efforts which tend to use high-end workstations or high performance parallel computers, our intention is to propose a technique which visualizes needed parts from compressed volume. For compression of the huge volume data, we use an enhanced encoding scheme based on wavelets. The technique does not only offer fairly good compression ratio, but also supports much faster random access than our previous method. In this paper, we describe an enhanced wavelet-based 3D compression scheme, called zerobit encoding, and report experimental results on the Visible Human dataset. And we will show that our compression schem is useful in developing various interactive visualization systems on personal computers or workstations with limited memory as well as parallel computers.

Keywords: wavelet, lossy compression, multiresolution, embedded zero tree.
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