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The First Annual Report of the


Luciano Guglielmi, M. Sc.
Technical manager in charge for "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" at CILEA, Italy
Francesco Pinciroli, Professor
Chair of Medical Informatics - Bioengineering Department - - Politecnico di Milano and Centro di Ingegneria Biomedica, Italy

      The "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" has the mission of providing the Continental-Europe users of the "Visible Human Dataset" - i.e. the 55-Gigabytes largest bank of multimodal bioimages we have never seen - with the best possible services, better than those available while crossing the Atlantic Ocean on Internet. To do so, it "mirrors", i.e. it repeats, in Milano the entire "Visible Human Dataset", originally made available at the Bethesda main-site of the National Library of Medicine only. But not only. It have built up various services ad hoc for its users. This effort has been supported from four non-competitive multinational sponsors, two of them with head home in USA and two in Italy, with a large penetration on users inside Europe. The "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" (VHD-MMS) is an initiative of cooperation promoted between the National Library of Medicine and the Politecnico di Milano. It has been built up with the technical help and the administrative assistance of CILEA. This is the more than 25 y.h. Consortium established, among the universities of the Lombardia region, for organizing and delivering services of advanced calculus. The  goals we had in mind when we decided to setup a mirror site were primary two. First of all, to serve better the Continental-Europe users of the Visible Human Dataset, with a faster local download site and some new services. Second to decrement the total traffic supported by the site located at the National Library of Medicine, first of all from users coming from European countries. After an year of full activity of the "VISIBLE HUMAN DATASET - MILANO MIRROR SITE®" we begin to be able to understand if these goals could be considered achieved, or if however we are on the right way. Or we are wrong in something. This paper presents some statistical reports we have elaborated using Web and FTP site logs, collected during past year, both on our sides and NLM ones. For this kind of data we thank Michael Ackerman and Richard Banvard to have put them freely available to us, and have supported our work in any kind of  modalities.

Keywords: statistical report, download rates.
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