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Organ Segmentation

     State of the art segmentation methodologies can be characterized by the applied geometric model and the employed interaction metaphor. The choice for each of these two features strongly influences and restricts the applicable operators as well as the whole segmentation strategy.

     Traditional segmentation systems apply frequently a labeling methodology using a voxel representation as geometric model. This descriptor is of extraordinary simplicity and does not differ from the original volumetric data representation. For visualization purposes, the labeled voxels can be transformed into a polygonal surface using the well-known Marching Cubes algorithm ([8]). Since the resulting meshes consist usually of a huge number of triangles, an additional mesh decimation step ([9]) is essential for further usage.

     Another equally important segmentation approach employs a boundary description which can be considered as a dual representation of the aforementioned region based model. The set of methods based on boundary representations can be subdivided into two-dimensional and three-dimensional approaches varying only in the underlying geometric description of the model. While the 3-D approach uses directly a spatial model, the 2-D algorithms based on arbitrary curve representations work in a slice-by-slice manner, making a reconstruction step absolutely essential. This postprocessing operation, connecting the stack of contours to a single three-dimensional model, has been studied extensively ([10], [11], [12], [13]) and proved to be an awkward problem not being solvable in a unique way. One possible workaround is to convert the boundary representation into a voxel data set and to proceed as mentioned before. Since the reconstruction problems do not occur while working with a spatial model, present day research focuses the longer the more on the employment of surface representations.

     Considering the interaction metaphor of state of the art segmentation methodologies, one can divide up existing algorithms into three classes:

     Fully automatic procedures which are frequently based on the voxel representation are easy to operate, but they lack precision and completeness and are only verifiable within poorly defined bounds. They have been extensively used for the segmentation of single objects whereas the usability for multi object systems is still an open question.

     Alternatively, manual segmentation is highly insensitive to noise, tolerant of missing information and sufficiently precise. The drawbacks, however, are those of being horribly time consuming and tedious, and not to mention the absence of any reproducibility. Nevertheless, in many ambiguous situations it is an advantage, if comfortable manual editing of the geometric models is possible.

     In between these two extremes, the computer vision community has developed a whole family of semi-automatic tools ([4], [14], [3], [15]), combining the advantages of computational support by precise border detection with the benefits from manual manipulation possibilities. This man-machine co-operation implies some kind of collaboration between the human operator and the computing engine, wherefore members of this class of algorithms are also called interactive.

     Considering all these possibilities, we have chosen the following strategy to build a highly detailed and consistent anatomical model of the abdominal cavity:

     In spite of all the advantages of a three-dimensional approach, we relied on the traditional slice-by-slice technique using the familiar two-dimensional outlining methodology for the following reasons:

     To decide on the interaction metaphor, we performed some preliminary studies with MRI data volumes from a female volunteer. As potential candidates for a semi-automatic segmentation, we identified edge tracking algorithms such as snakes [3] and F* based algorithms [4]. The results of these tests, however, were unsatisfactory in respect of the constraints of our segmentation problem. Whenever edge information is incomplete, the algorithms show an undesirable behavior and the contours must be adjusted in a time consuming manual editing process.

     Therefore, we decided to rely completely on manual outlining based on cubic interpolating B-splines. Figure 1 illustrates the user interface of the developed segmentation package. To establish a powerful segmentation environment, we implemented a complete multi-user segmentation system with an underlying anatomical database. Special attention was paid to an intuitive user interface and very fast data access. To reduce the requirements on our computational infrastructure, we cropped the original images and reduced the spatial resolution by a factor of two.

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