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[2.] Imielinska, Celina, Lisa Laino-Pepper, Richard Thumann, and Ryan Villamil (1998) "Technical Challenges of 3D Visualization of Large Color Data Sets'', this volume.
[3.] Venuti, Judith, Celina Imielinska, Pat Molholt, Ewa Soliz, Nina Wacholder (1998) ``Development of a Pelvic Anatomy Lesson: Innovation in Electronic Curriculum for Medical Students'', this volume.
[5.] Molholt, Pat (1995) "Integrating libraries into the curriculum". In Medical Multimedia, edited by Roy Rada and Claude Ghaoui, Intellect, Ltd., Oxford, England, 167-178.
[6.] Molholt, Pat, Celina Imielinska, Judith Klavans, Lisa Laino-Pepper, Ewa Soliz, Hilary Schmidt, Richard Thumann, Judith Venuti, Nina Wacholder and RyanVillamil (1998) ``Vesalius Project: Creating a Computer Based Anatomy Curriculum'', this volume.
[7.] Hovy, Eduard (1998) “Combining and standardizing large-scale, practical ontologies for machine translation and other uses”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, edited by Antonio Rubio, Natividad Gallardo, Rosa Castro and Antonio Tejada, pp.535-542. Granada, Spain, 28-30 May, 1998.
[8.] Rosse, Cornelius, Jose Mejino, Bharath Modayur, Rex Jakobovits, Kevin Hinshaw and James Brinkley (1998) “Motivational and organizational prinicples for anatomical knowledge representation: The Digital Anatomist Symbolic Knowledge Base”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 5(1):17-40.
[9.] Guarino, Nicola (1998) “Some ontological principles for designing upper level lexical resources”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, edited by Antonio Rubio, Natividad Gallardo, Rosa Castro and Antonio Tejada, pp.527-534. Granada, Spain, 28-30 May, 1998.
[10.] Wacholder, Nina, Celina Imielinska, Judith Klavans, Ewa Soliz and Pat Molholt (1998) “Semantic relations in a medical digital library” In Proceedings of the Advances in Digital Libraries Conference (ADL98), IEEE.
[11.] Wacholder, Nina, Celina Imielinska, Stephen Johnson, Ewa Soliz, and Pat Molholt, "Implications of 3D visualization for medical education'', Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality:6 (MMVR:6) Conference, San Diego, California, January, 1998.
[12.] Lindberg, D.A.B., B.L. Humphreys, and A.T. McCray (1993) "The Unified Medical Language System", Methods of Information in Medicine 32:281-291.
[13.] National Library of Medicine, Unified Medical Language System. UMLS Knowledge Sources. 9th Edition, January, 1998.
[14.] Rosse, Cornelius, Mohamed Ben Said, Kraig R.
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AMIA 01954210/95. (Also in R.M. Gardner, 19th Annual Symposium
on Computer Applications in Medical Care. Philadelphia, Hanley
& Belfus, 1996, 8737).
[15.] Brinkley, James and Cornelius Rosse (1997) The Digital Anatomist distributed framework and its applications to knowledge-based medical imaging. JAMIA 4(165-183).