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PCR DNA tests, Bloodsworth case, 1993
Peter J. Neufeld [left], and Barry C. Scheck [right]
Arne Tiselius
Brian Andresen with a sample vial, July 2004
Vials and evidence, July 2004
Dr. Brian Andresen's lab notebook, May 1, 1999-December 11, 2001
Respiratory therapist Efren Saldivar appears in court, 1998
Wilhelm Röntgen
This right anterior view of a three-dimensional CT reconstruction of the bony skull with bullet wounds shows the hole of the exit wound through the right-sided temporal entrance wound, 2003
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Brian Andresen with a sample vial, July 2004
Image 13 of 33

The New Forensic Science

Brian Andresen with a sample vial, July 2004
Dr. Andresen had to find some way to detect minute concentrations of Pavulon in long-buried victims—a method of teasing the drug out of decomposed tissue. After weeks of intense 16-hour days, Andresen successfully extracted Pavulon from pig livers using polystyrene divinyl benzene, a polymer originally developed to detect the residue of chemical weapons in body tissues. Andresen then used the same technique on exhumed tissues from Saldivar's patients.
Courtesy of Anthony Pidgeon