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Surviving & Thriving: AIDS, Politics, and Culture

America Responds to AIDS

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What have you got against a condom?, 1980s

  • Publisher(s):
    Centers for Disease Control
  • Type:
Blue tinted photograph of a Hispanic man looking at the viewer, nothing is visible but his head.

The explicit question here—what have you got against condoms”references both the political struggle at the federal level over making condoms widely available in the 1980’s, and also the new social imperative brought on by AIDS that more Americans needed to embrace condom usage. In his 1985 special report on AIDS, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop called for AIDS education, specifically about condom usage, to begin with young children “so that children can grow up knowing the behaviors to avoid to protect themselves from exposure to the AIDS virus.”

Choose from the group
  • Blue tinted photograph of an African American man in a suit sitting and holding a magazine and looking at the viewer.
  • Blue tinted photograph of an African American woman in a colored shirt sitting and leaning forward looking at the viewer.
  • Blue tinted photograph of a Hispanic man looking at the viewer, nothing is visible but his head.
  • Blue tinted photograph of a white woman leaning on her arms looking at the viewer.