Courtesy Dan Baron Cohen
Food and Nutrition
The causes of world hunger are complex. Poverty and the distribution of land for farming, the global marketplace of goods for export and import, and conflict and natural disasters all play a role. Experts often disagree on the role of these factors as well as the most effective solutions.Take a look at some of the different viewpoints below, and follow the links to learn more.
What do you think are the biggest challenges to world hunger and what are the best ways to solve the problem?
“As we stand on the edge of a new millennium, we dream of a tomorrow without hunger. Worrying about starving future generations won’t feed them. Food biotechnology will.”
"Hunger is exclusion; exclusion from land, from income, from work, from salary, from life and from citizenship. When a person gets to the point of not having anything to eat, it is because all the rest have been denied."
"…when adequate supplies of food are available in an area and the problem is people’s access to it, giving those vulnerable people cash or food coupons would be more effective and less harmful than giving them food."
"We live in a world today where 800 million people a year are going hungry, in a world that produces enough food for almost 9 billion people. Yet we only have 6 billion people on the planet. Why isn't that food being distributed more equitably?"
"Contrary to the promises made by the biotech industry, the reality of the last ten years shows that the safety of GM [genetically modified] crops cannot be ensured and that these crops are neither cheaper nor better quality. Biotech crops are not the solution to solve hunger in Africa or elsewhere."
Biotechnology: -
Land reform: -
Food supply:
The biggest challenge to world hunger is the issue of poverty. Why? Because there are many countries, particularly those in South America, Central America, and Africa that have suffered greatly of malnutrition. This malnutrition comes from lack of money/income of the many people of these countries. It is also very difficult to resolve every aspect of world hunger because performing equal help efforts in every country is signficant yet impossible. Some countries will be better assisted than others, and with that you have inequality in the help efforts, which we as citizens of the world greatly frown upon.
Posted by 477 from NIH Library of Medicine on June 16, 2009 3:53 PM
this was very cool i had a lot of funnnn
Posted by 453 from maryland on April 18, 2009 5:14 PM
Posted by 452 from MARYLAND on April 18, 2009 5:08 PM
The biggest challenge with reducing world hunger is finding the nations that need it the most. All though some people may think that Africa is the only place that needs food they dont take into account people in South America or Asia. They way to fix this problem is by sending people all over the world and finding out what nations need the food first. Then we take up collections for those countries to help them with there problems
Posted by 332 from National Library of Health D.C. on December 12, 2008 3:31 PM
I think that people dont really realize how difficult it is for people in a third-world-country to pay for food and other things. If people donated more time and funds to this cause, i think we would see a decrease poverty all over the world
Posted by 210 from San Diego, CA on July 1, 2008 8:22 PM
Everyone should eat in ways that consume less resources.
Posted by 203 from United States on June 27, 2008 6:58 PM
To address the obvious disparity between those who have food in over-abundance and those who have a dangerous lack of it. Money should only be the vehicle to the creation of an equilibrium between the two previously mentioned.
Andrew Johnson II , M.D./J.D.
Posted by 196 from DC on June 19, 2008 7:09 PM
A major problem this effort faces is probably greed. Most people sit in their cozy homes eating at almost anytime they want. Very few people actually realize how lucky they are to have what they have. There are people who throw away food from not wanting it while there are people who would die for just a crumb. More people should "Share the wealth" they were blessed with in order to help mankind.
Posted by 191 from National Library of Medicine on June 19, 2008 6:43 PM
It is difficult to say what the biggest challenge to global hunger is. There are many factors, each of which is important in the issue of global hunger.
Posted by 189 from Washington DC on June 19, 2008 6:42 PM
Developing countries are facing numerous problems including health which is affected by lack of resources. Nations with power and influence like the US should be using its resources not for conflict but to help these countries create solutions to their health problems. Even having clean water and healthy food is a struggle for many of these people and we, who take this for granted, should help them.
Posted by 187 from Maryland on June 19, 2008 4:30 PM
World hunger and poverty is a big concern on peoples minds. But more so is the way these people live, their unfortunate luck to have been placed in that position which is one that can proggresivly improve if people HELP one another. Selflessness is on of the core virtues needed to end this...
Posted by 174 from Dorado, P.R. on June 16, 2008 3:47 PM
I learned a lot. I learned that if people did not cook their food long enough they could get sick.
Posted by 160 from Bethesda, Maryland on May 17, 2008 7:50 PM
We came with the Girl Scout Program to see the exhibits and we really enjoyed the food and nutrition exhibit. We were really amazed at how the commmunity came together to help out a major problem and in the long run they were succesful!
Posted by 157 from Bethesda, Maryland on May 17, 2008 7:43 PM
Some of the biggest problems of world hunger are that most countries export their resources for profit, not leaving enough food for their citizens. And most countries suffer from poverty, which does not allow them to be able to afford the proper food. Countries need more natural resources to provide food for their citizens, and efforts need to be done to go towards the poverty issue.
I also agree with some previous comments in that the political leaders do not have enough will to make change in the world, and therein lies a big problem.
Adrianna G.
Posted by 148 from Maryland, United States on May 17, 2008 6:23 PM
I think that the real causes of malnutrtion and nutrtion in this world is because people in this world are so greedy that we probably wouldn't share a crumb from our plate. you probably say you would but if you think about it you really wouldn't again just my opinion
Posted by 141 from Maryland on May 17, 2008 5:15 PM
I echo the comments on the need for the political will to change. Take the U.S. Farm Bill, for example- it is a wonder to me that profit and personal gain outweigh the need to ensure basic needs for others and that we have to advocate so hard for moral farm policy, that doesn't only benefit the rich and makes more fair international impacts. I applaud those like Rep. Ron Kind and other proponents of a farm bill that reduces market distortion and allows developing farmers to enter the market.
Another example is biofuels production, which is affecting food prices, but it is not the sole, or even the main cause of food price increases. Many are working to find ways to produce more sustainable fuels, as only one contribution to cleaner energy, without having negative impacts on food availability. Again, policy and political plays a role in this.
With political will and more just policies, I think we could overcome some of the biggest challenges to world hunger.
Posted by 127 from Washingont, DC on May 13, 2008 5:31 PM
Great exhibit, even if contradictory at times. What a complex set of subjects to tackle!
With regard to food & nutrition, I was struck by the doctors 'prescribing' patients exercise. This is such a red-herring! Is there anyone to prescribe fairness and regard for humanity to profit driven agribusiness?
Gaining access to nutritious food will lead to many more dramatic improvements in health than exercise ever will. I worry that the emphasis on an individual's 'responsibility' to exercise distracts from the much larger more destructive habits of global corporations beholden to no one except their profit margins. Don't let them blame the public for how their policies have destroyed health on a global scale.
Posted by 110 from Washington DC on May 9, 2008 9:03 PM
There is a great need for those who live in plenty to share with those who need much. Awareness of the reality of the problem is essential - education is the best methodology to make those who will be the decision makers more aware of the need and the role they and all others can play in the solution.
Posted by 107 from Pine Crest School on May 7, 2008 11:38 AM
And then there is the threat that climate change will pose as farmers around the world try to adapt to new growing conditions and the deserts expand into areas that once were productive farm land.
Posted by 105 from Arkansas on April 25, 2008 5:38 PM
A quote from the UK newspaper, The Independent, referring to the effect on staple food prices in poor countries of the increased demand for grain to make biofuel: "While many in the US and Europe worry about filling their [vehicle] tanks, many others around the world are struggling to fill their stomachs. And it is getting more and more difficult everyday." (
Switching land use from food production to biofuel grain production inevitably drives up the cost of basic foodstuffs.
Posted by 87 from San Diego on April 14, 2008 7:13 PM
"The causes of world hunger are complex." Yes, but the solutions to global malnutrition are known ... and relatively cheap. As the previous contributor says, it's a question of political courage and vision, not genetically-engineered crops. Conventional global capitalism is incapable of addressing the problem. The "haves" always prosper at the expense of the "have nots."
Posted by 75 from San Diego on April 11, 2008 8:37 PM
The biggest challenge to reducing world hunger is the profit motive. When getting the biggest return on your dollar is more important than considering the long-term hazards of pollution, corporate industrialization of agriculture, privatization of water, etc. - then children will go hungry and die.
The resources to feed the world exist - the political will of our leaders does not.
Posted by 68 from United States on April 10, 2008 9:16 PM
Africa needs a new (first? second?) Green Revolution. Better seeds (appropriate to climate and so on), better access to water, and appropriate technology.
Posted by 64 from Washington, DC on April 10, 2008 6:44 PM