Exporting and Saving Your CDE-R Results
If you find CDEs and Forms in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Data Element (CDE) Repository (CDE-R) that you want to use, you can save or export them to use in different programs.
This tutorial will show you how to:
- Create a Board
- Save CDEs and Forms to a Board
- Export CDEs and Forms in CSV, JSON, and XML formats
To begin, please click the Next button below.
Create a Board
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You’ll need a free NIH UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) account to use most save and export features in the Repository.
Sign up for one, or sign into an existing account, by clicking Sign In in the upper right corner of the Repository’s home page.
Do this now before proceeding with the tutorial.
Create a Board
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Once you’re signed in, click on My Boards from the menu across the top of the screen.
Create a Board
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A Board is like a folder where you can "pin" CDEs and Forms to use later or export.
Click on the + Add Board button to create a new Board.
Create a Board
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In the pop-up window that appears, the top field asks you to select the type of element the board will contain with the choice of CDEs or Forms. CDEs and Forms must be saved to separate Boards.
Click CDEs now.
Create a Board
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Next, give your Board a name, like "My CDEs". Optionally, add a board description. Then click Save.
Your board now appears on the "My Boards" screen.
Repeat this process to create a Forms board, except select "Forms" for element type.
Now you’re ready to save CDEs and Forms to a Board while you search. The next part of this tutorial will demonstrate how to save CDEs and Forms to Boards.
Save CDEs and Forms to Boards
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You can save a CDE or Form directly from the results page or a record to a Board.
We need some results to practice this, so first search for CDEs about abdominal pain.
Save CDEs and Forms to Boards
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Beside each CDE title on the results page is a pin icon. Beside any CDE, click on that pin icon.
A message will appear at the bottom of the screen that its been added to the Board you created in the previous section of this tutorial.
Save CDEs and Forms to Boards
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You can also save a CDE from within its record.
Click on a different CDE than the one you just saved. Then, click the Pin to Board button above the CDE title.
Save CDEs and Forms to Boards
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View your Boards anytime from the My Boards button at the top of the screen.
True or False: You must be logged into an NIH UMLS account to save CDEs and Forms to a Board.
This is correct.
Please try again.
When you pin a CDE or Form in the Repository, where can you access it again?
That is correct.
Please try again.
Please try again.
Please try again.
Export CDEs and Forms
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There are multiple ways to export a CDE or Form. Just look for the Export buttons available on different pages in the Repository.
This tutorial will walk you through two ways to export:
- Export a Board of CDEs
- Export an individual Form from the results page or Form record
Export CDEs and Forms
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To export a Board of CDEs, first click on My Boards from the menu across the top of the screen.
Export CDEs and Forms
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Select the Board you want to export from. Next, click Export Board and select your preferred format.
Export CDEs and Forms
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Forms can be individually exported from a results page or record.
To practice this, click the Forms button on the top of the screen and then select the Project 5 (COVID-19) collection to view a list of forms.
Export CDEs and Forms
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Your first option is to click the Export All button to export every form in the results list in either JSON, XML, or ODM formats.
Export CDEs and Forms
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Your second option is to export an individual Form from its record.
Click on the Form titled Project 5 – Age from this results list.
In the Form record, click on the Export button to see options for exporting this Form in a variety of formats, including:
- NIH/CDE Schema JSON file
- NIH/CDE Schema XML file
- REDCap CSV archive
- CDE Dictionary CSV file
- FHIR Questionnaire JSON file
You have now completed the Saving and Exporting Your CDE-R Results tutorial.
Close both tutorial windows to exit the NLM Navigator.