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The Visible Human dataset offers a great deal of anatomical
information that can be used in many applications. Its large size, however,
makes it difficult to develop applications of interactive visualization.
Most volume visualization methods assume, implicitly or explicitly, the
main memory holds the whole volume data during run-time processing. But,
it is not easy to use workstations or personal computers with several giga
bytes of main memory yet.
When we consider a method which repeates visualization of each subblock
and composition of the images, It takes too much time to swap the subblocks
in computing.
Without a high performace computer, it is almost impossible to interactively
visualize very large volume data.
Visualizing such huge volume data usually places considerable demands on
run-time memory space, and data compression is often a natural solution
to this problem. Our motivation for this research is to develop 3D compression
schemes which enable to load the whole Visible Human dataset into main
memory of moderate size, say 128 to 256 mega bytes, and to visualize it
interactively as if the original data were in the memory. But, if these
techniques are used in real visualization process, the following requirements
have to be satisified.
High Compression Ratio : The very large data must be compressed less than
the main memory in size. In this case, we assume the size of memory ranges
from 128 to 256 MBytes.
Fast Decoding : Since voxels used in visualization are decoded from compressed
structure, it is necessary to design effective encoding scheme to support
fast decoding.
Random Access : When we reconstruct a voxel with index (i, j, k),
what other adjacent voxels have to be reconstructed is very inefficient.
That is, we must be able to access only needed voxel randomly.
Degradation Minimization : We generally use lossy compression to get high
compression ratio, but must maintain good image quality as possible. In
particular, the medical data used in diagnosis have to be reconstructed
with almost the same quality as original data.
When volume data are manipulated for interactive visualization, the data
access patterns change in somewhat complicated ways. And fast random access
to an individual voxel of compressed data is one of the most important
factors in designing compression algorithms. The general concern of most
lossy compression techniques is to achieve the best compression rate with
the retention of image quality, and such compression techniques often impose
some constraints on random access ability.
Muraki compressed 3D volume data by wavelet transform
in [11] and [12],
but he made no mention of decoding time, random accessibility or the size
of needed main memory in visualization process. And the quality of reconstructed
images was not good. For fast decoding and random access, a method based
on vector quantization was proposed in [13],
but it didn't show high compression ratio nor fidelity in image quality.
A technique based on Laplacian pyramid and vector quantization was presented
in [4], but its results
were also not good in image quality. A method used DCT(Discrete Cosine
Transform) extended to 3D for volume data compression and visualization
was introduced in [23].
It showed high compression ratio and fast decoding time. In this method,
block-wise access was possible but pure random access was impossible.
We have developed an effective 3D compression scheme
for the CT, MRI and RGB data of the Visible Human that exploits the power
of wavelet theory. In designing our compression methods, we have compromised
between two important factors: high compression ratio and fast run-time
random access. The first version of our encoding schemes ([9],
[10]) has been improved in terms of both compression
ratio and access time. The new scheme proposed in the paper provides much
faster run-time data access as well as fairly high compression ratios~(up
to 29:1 for CT, 112:1 for RGB) for the Visible Human dataset. Thus this
scheme can be effectively used in interactive visualization system. In
this paper, we introduce our 3D wavelet-based compression schemes, and
describe applications we are currently building.
The rest of paper is organized as follows: We introduce
wavelet-based 3D compression in section 2, and
describe the enhanced compression scheme in section
3. In section 4, we estimate experimental
results and analyze. Next, some applications are introduced in section
5. Finally, section 6 includes conclusions
and future works (Figure
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