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Future Directions

    We will ultimately extend our lessons to images of the Female Pelvis and Perineum, topics of lectures IV and V in our series.  It is important to compare and contrast the different structures  between the sexes.  Important clinical anatomy of the female can be illustrated using similar tutorials to those we are developing from the Visible Human data For example, students can perform and compare median vs. mediolateral episiotomies on visualizations of the female perineum  and view the different layers and structures that are transected in such procedures. Ideally it would be advantageous to generate stereoscopic images of these regions to provide a true three-dimensional view of the anatomy.

    We will also link our tutorials to  ontologies of the pelvic anatomy that we are developing to help navigate the complex structures and relationships we are illustrating [9].  The Pelvic Anatomy Lesson will serve as a prototype for the design of similar modules for other anatomical regions.  It also has broader implications as a resource for other health related disciplines (nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy).  It also has potential applicability for other levels of education including undergraduate and/or high school sex and health education and finally, can be used by physicians to educate patients in obstetrics and gynecology, proctology, urology, etc...

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