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National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)

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Introduction to Health Services Research : A Self-Study Course

Case Description | Case Background | Case Objectives | Case Exercise

Case 2. The End-Stage Renal Disease Program: Quality Issues (Page 8 of 34)
Phase One: Thinking About the Issues

Q3. What quality of care and quality of life issues will you research?

These four questions deal with quality of care and quality of life issues that you might be concerned about in exploring this case.

Q3a. What are the quality of care and quality of life issues you might be concerned with?

Let's examine the issue of quality of care and quality of life in this setting. Do you remember what Donabedian said about quality of life and care issues?

Suggested solution...

Q3b. In general, what indicates "good" quality of care provided by a dialysis center? What questions would you ask a dialysis center about its standards of care? Consider some aspects of its structure and process.

Suggested solution...

Q3c. In general, what would indicate "good" quality of life for the dialysis recipients? Consider what types of outcomes you would measure?

Suggested solution...

Q3d. Where would you find the information to gauge the quality of a dialysis center and the outcomes of its patients?

Suggested solution...

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