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Timeline / Defining Rights and Responsibilities / 1880: Gold miners near Juneau clash with Tlingits

1880: Gold miners near Juneau clash with Tlingits

Tlingit Chief Kowee shows westerners gold at Silver Bow Basin (which is now known as Juneau). Other prospectors set up camp in the area. Mining leads to clashes with Tlingits and other Alaska Natives, but the mining continues.

Land and Water
Northwest Coast

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View of Silver Bow Basin, Juneau, Alaska, ca. 1890–1920

Courtesy Alaska Sate Library, William Norton Photograph Collection

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Road to Silver Bow Basin, Juneau, Alaska, ca. 1896–1913

Courtesy Alaska State Library, Skinner Foundation Photograph Collection

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View of Silver Bow Placer Mines, Juneau, Alaska, ca. 1890–1920

Courtesy Alaska State Library, William Norton Photograph Collection

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Alaska Perseverence Mine, 1901

Courtesy Alaska State Library, Winter & Pond Photograph Collection