March 06, 2003 [posted]
On March 5, 2003, a new version of the NLM Gateway was released. Please see
What's New on the NLM
Gateway sidebar for details.
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March 18, 2003 [posted]
NLM is pleased to announce the availability of the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary on MedlinePlus.
Please see the
announcement on the NLM Web site.
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March 18, 2003 [posted]
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has issued a new Clinical Advisory:
A recent review of the study by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) found that in antiretroviral treatment-na patients, a
combination preparation of three nucleoside analogues, Trizivir, was inferior to two other
efavirenz-containing treatment regimens being evaluated in the study. The data met pre-specified
guidelines for stopping this one arm of the study based on virologic failure. There were no
concerns about the toxicity of the study drugs
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April 03, 2003 [posted]
The Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA) will be held May 2-7, 2003 in San Diego.
Attendees are invited to visit the NLM exhibit booth (May 3-6) to meet NLM staff and see NLM's Web products.
The NLM Theater at the booth will feature demonstrations and tutorials on a wide variety of topics, including:
PubMed, LinkOut for Libraries, PubMed Central, the NLM Gateway, MedlinePlus, the NLM WebClassification,
LocatorPlus/Web Authority, Unified Medical Language System, TOXNET, Gene Indexing and more.
CE Classes
While at the meeting in San Deigo, consider taking a MLA continuing education class taught by NLM staff.
For example:
- Friday, May 2, half-day course
- Adventures in Public Health (Public Health 101)
- Course #321
- Saturday, May 3, full day course
- Digging In: Hands-on Experience with NCBI's Molecular Databases
- Course #345
- Saturday, May 3, half-day course
- Introduction to Reference Sources in the History of the Health Sciences
- Course #481
- Wednesday, May 7, half-day course
- HIPAA: What Health Sciences Librarians Need to Know
- Course #198
Further course details are available at [Note: This link was removed because it is no longer relevant.],
or contact MLA at (312) 419-9094.
Mark your MLA calendars
NLM Online Users' Meeting "Sunrise Seminar" on
Monday, May 5, 7:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Garden Salon One
MEDLINE and MedlinePlus will be featured.
NLM Update on Tuesday, May 6, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Grand Ballroom
Dr. Donald A.B. Lindberg, Director
Betsy Humphreys, Associate Director for Library Operations
Dr. Jack Snyder, Associate Director for Specialized Information Services
The NLM Update will be made available for viewing via the NIH Videocasting Web site a few days after the MLA Annual Meeting concludes.
Friends of the NLM Reception on Sunday, May 4, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Further details and ticket information
are available at [Note: This link was removed because it is no longer relevant.], or contact MLA at (312) 419-9094.
MLA Sharing Roundtables
MLA Chapter Council-sponsored Sharing Roundtables
Sunday, May 4, (Noon - 2:00 p.m.) Ticketed event.
The following roundtables are focused specifically on NLM programs:
- PubMed LinkOut Program Sharing Roundtable
- Electronic Fund Transfer System Roundtable
Further details and ticket information are available at
[Note: This link was removed because it is no longer relevant.], or contact MLA at (312) 419-9094.
Informal Meetings
The NLM DOCLINE Update is planned for
Monday, May 5, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Royal Palm Salon 1/2 [Location added 4/17/2003.]
Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) Update
Tuesday, May 6, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Crescent Room [Location added 4/17/2003.]
Section-Sponsorted Programming
NLM staff will also be participating in the following MLA sessions:
Sunday, May 4, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
The Crest of the Wave - Cool New Health Information Resources for Consumers
Speaker: Angela Ruffin, National Network Office, NLM
Topic: "The NN/LM Electronic Access to Health Information Projects"
Monday May 5 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
MLA Technical Services Section Business Meeting
Topic: 20 minute presentation on the implications of
changes to Chapter 12 in the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd ed. 2002 revision.
Speaker: Alice Jacobs, Technical Services Division, NLM
Tuesday, May 6, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Diving for Treasure: Library Exhibits from Idea to (Virtual) Reality
Moderator: Patricia Tuohy, History of Medicine Division, NLM
Speakers: Manon Parry and Jiwon Kim, History of Medicine Division, NLM
Join Us!
Please join us at these events! Additional information or changes to this
information will be announced in the Technical Notes section of the NLM Technical Bulletin.
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April 03, 2003 [posted]
On March 7, MEDLINE attained a major milestone when the 12 millionth journal citation
was added to the database. The citation is:
Foulder-Hughes LA, Cooke RW.
Motor, cognitive, and behavioural disorders in children born very preterm.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2003 Feb;45(2):97-103.
PMID: 12578235 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The article was indexed using NLM's Web-based Data Creation and Maintenance System
(DCMS) which was implemented in late 2000. When the 10 millionth citation was indexed
on July 10, 1999, NLM was still using the mainframe computer-based indexing system
called AIMS (Automated Indexing and Management System) and PubMed was searched at
the rate of 16 million searches per month and updated with MeSH-indexed MEDLINE
citations once per week. Approximately 30% of data entry came from electronic
submissions and NLM indexed a total of about 434,000 citations from 4,007 journals
by the close of that Fiscal Year. MEDLINE was licensed by 57 organizations.
Today, PubMed is searched at a rate of more than 30 million searches per month and updated
with MeSH-indexed citations 5 times per week. More than 65% of data entry comes from
electronic submissions and NLM reached the all time high of about 502,000 indexed
citations from 4,538 journals at the close of Fiscal Year 2002. MEDLINE is leased
by about 170 organizations (the majority of which are mining the data for research
purposes). What a difference a few years can make!
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April 03, 2003 [posted]
The cow and Caenorhabditis elegans have been added to the list of LocusLink organisms.
Initially there were five organisms in LocusLink - human, mouse, rat, fruit fly, and zebrafish.
HIV-1 was added on May 30, 2002. Cow (Bos taurus) was added on December 2, 2002 and
Caenorhabditis elegans, a nematode, was added on December 31, 2002.
For more information on Gene Indexing see
Ward J. Gene Indexing. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Sep-Oct;(328):e6.
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April 03, 2003 [posted]
- In July 2002, NCBI announced the availability of new programming for the
Entrez Utilities (E-Utilities) and
informed utility users that they should convert URLs to the
new format by the end of 2002.
NCBI will phase out the old utilities completely in June 2003. This may affect customers
of some products such as EndNote®,
ProCite®, and Reference Manager®.
Please contact
user support for your respective product if you have questions. Questions concerning the use
of E-Utilities can be sent to: eutilities@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
- If you have manually created links to PubMed that contain the string: /htbin-post/,
these should be changed to follow the specifications provided on the page,
Linking to
PubMed and other Entrez Databases.
These changes must be in place prior to June 2003.
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April 10, 2003 [posted]
The National Library of Medicine announces release of the new Partners in Information Access
for the Public Health Workforce Web site. This site is one result of a collaboration of U.S. government
agencies, public health organizations and health sciences libraries. The goal of both the Partners project and
the Partners site is to provide the public health workforce with timely, convenient access to information resources.
See the announcement about the new Web site and spend some time discovering the public health
information and resources available from the Partners in Information Access Web site at:
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April 10, 2003 [posted]
Two new books have been added to the National Center for Biotechnology Information's
(NCBI) Bookshelf.
Essentials of Glycobiology. 1st ed. Varki, Ajit; Cummings, Richard; Esko, Jeffrey;
Freeze, Hudson; Hart, Gerald; Marth, Jamey, editors. Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ; c1999.
Eurekah Bioscience Collection. Chapters taken from the Eurekah Bioscience database. Eurekah.com
and Landes Bioscience; 2003.
The books in Bookshelf may be searched directly from the Bookshelf site or via links from the
Links pull-down menu from relevant PubMed® citations.
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April 17, 2003 [posted]
A new version of DOCLINE was released on March 3, 2003. The highlight of the release was the addition
of Mexico as a new region, allowing eligible Mexican libraries to become full DOCLINE
participants. Please review the DOCLINE 1.5
Release Notes for details.
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April 17, 2003 [posted]
NLM is proud to announce that March 19, 2003 at 11:09am Eastern Time
the DOCLINE system processed its 10 millionth
request since the Web version was released in July 2000. The 10 millionth
request was entered by a Loansome Doc patron. The request was filled by the
user's hospital library in San Diego, California in just over 2 hours.
The DOCLINE system processes interlibrary loan and document delivery (including Loansome Doc)
requests, serves over 3,200 libraries and nearly 49,000 Loansome Doc patrons. DOCLINE
libraries report 1.3 million serial holdings for over 52,000 unique serial titles.
Interlibrary loan requests processed in DOCLINE have a 91.5% fill rate. The average
number of libraries to which a request is sent before it is completed is 1.22.
For more information see the following Web sites:
DOCLINE: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/docline/
Loansome Doc:
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April 23, 2003 [posted]
On April 22, 2003, a new version of the NLM Gateway was released. In this version, phrase detection was added so users are no longer required to put search
phrases in double quotes. For more information see
NLM Gateway Implements
Phrase Detection. NLM Tech Bull. 2003 Mar-Apr;(331):e8.
Please see What's New on the NLM
Gateway sidebar for additional details.
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