Welcome & Opening Remarks (Patti Brennan, NLM),
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
Session 1: Projects funded by NLM/NIH Extramural Program (Chair: Yanli Wang)
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM ET
NLM Curation at Scale Workshop - Session 1 Video
Technology is not enough. Curation at scale will require mobilizing scientific communities—at scale
Mark Musen, Stanford University
Novel Tools to Enable FAIR and Open Data
Stephan Schürer, University of Miami
From Curation to Community-Driven Artificial Intelligence
Dexter Hadley, University of Central Florida College of Medicine
The GA4GH Phenopacket schema: A computable representation of clinical data for precision medicine
Peter Robinson, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
Automated Data Curation to Ensure Model Credibility in the Vascular Model Repository.
Alison Marsden, Stanford University
Poster Session (Chair: Rezarta Islamaj)
11:55 AM - 12:55 PM ET
Session 2: Curation in the Ecosystem of Science and Scholarship (Chair: Mike Huerta)
1:05 PM - 2:35 PM ET
NLM Curation at Scale Workshop - Session 2 Video
Curation pipelines at scale: how to realize enterprise-level interoperability
Melissa Haendel, University of Colorado School of Medicine
FAIRsharing: curating an ecosystem of research standards and databases
Allyson Lister, University of Oxford
Curating Preprints
Richard Sever, bioRxiv and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Supporting Data Sharing in Scholarly Publishing
Lauren Cadwallader, Public Library of Science (PLOS)
Announcements and Agenda Day 2 and Day 3 (at end of Session 2 by Session 2 chair)
Announcements Day 2
10:00 AM - 10:05 AM ET
Session 3: (Semi-)automated Curation Tools and Systems (Chair: Lynette Hirschman, MITRE)
10:05 AM - 11:35 AM ET
NLM Curation at Scale Workshop - Session 3 Video
Text Mining to Support the Curation and Interpretation of Clinically-relevant Variants
Patrick Ruch, University of Applied Sciences Geneva
Shared infrastructure to support curation workflows at Europe PMC
Jo McEntyre, EBI – The European Bioinformatics Institute
Systematic Benchmarking to Build Trust
Alfonso Valencia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Crowd-powered curation in Wikidata to create a FAIR biomedical knowledge graph
Andrew Su, Scripps Research Institute
Session 4: Putting Automation into Curation Workflow (Chair: Kim Pruitt, NLM)
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM ET
Precision curation: Generating sentence descriptions for new biomedical discoveries
Sheng Wang, University of Washington
BioCreative – Assessing Text Mining Tools for the Biocuration Workflow
Lynette Hirschman, The MITRE Corporation
Expert curation at scale in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Alan Bridge, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Scalable literature integration and biocuration at the Protein Information Resource (PIR)
Cecilia Arighi, University of Delaware
Data and Text Mining of Protein Networks
Lars Juhl Jensen, University of Copenhagen
Session 5: Towards Automated Curation of Model Organisms (Chair: Kimberly Van Auken)
1:25 PM - 2:55 PM ET
Biocuration: getting to the future
Paul Sternberg, California Institute of Technology
Advances in Literature Curation at Mouse Genome Informatics
Cynthia Smith, The Jackson Laboratory
Increasing Curation Efficiency Through Automation-Assisted Manual Curation
Anne Kwitek, Medical College of Wisconsin
A philosophy and its implementation of these requirements for gold standard data and metadata.
Mike Cherry, Stanford University
Announcements and Day 3 Agenda (at end of Session 5 by Session 5 chair)
Announcements Day 3
10:00 AM - 10:05 AM ET
Session 6: Gene/Variant Curation in Precision Medicine (Chair:Cathy Wu)
10:05 AM - 11:35 AM ET
Scaling curation of variant-trait associations in the NHGRI/EBI genome-wide association studies Catalog (GWAS Catalog)
Laura Wiseman Harris, The European Bioinformatics Institute
Curating Clinical and Phenotypic Data for the All of Us Research Program
Robert Carroll, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
LitVar: Literature Mining to Improve Variant Prioritization, Interpretation, and Curation
Zhiyong Lu, National Library of Medicine
ClinGen: Utilizing Volunteer Efforts to Curate the Clinical Genome.
Erin Riggs, Geisinger Health System
Session 7: Adapting Data Curation @NLM (Chair: Susan Schmidt
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM ET
NLM Curation using the Medical Text Indexer
Jim Mork, National Library of Medicine
Enriching Gene and Chemical Links in Biomedical Literature
Rezarta Islamaj, National Library of Medicine
Improving viral sequence data interoperability through targeted curation at scale
J. Rodney Brister, National Library of Medicine
The impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the NCBI curation landscape
Valerie Schneider, National Library of Medicine
Automated validation and annotation of SARS-CoV-2 sequences for GenBank using VADR
Eric Nawrocki, National Library of Medicine
Panel: Curation at Scale in the times of Pandemics (Chair: Lynette Hirschman)
1:10 PM - 2:10 PM ET
Susanna Assunta-Sansone, University of Oxford
Rodney Brister, National Library of Medicine
Theodora Bloom, The BMJ
Andrew Su, Scripps Research Institute
Workshop Closing Remarks (Susan Gregurick, NIH/OD)
2:20 PM - 2:35 PM ET
Posters List for NLM Curation at Scale Workshop
March 28, 2022
1. ACKnowledge: using artificial intelligence to enhance community curation, Kimberly Van Auken
2. International Society for Biocuration (ISB): mission and goals in 2022, Federica Quaglia
3. MANE (Matched Annotation from NCBI and EMBL-EBI): a model for collaborative curated whole-genome annotation at scale, Shashikant Pujar
4. PharmCAT VCF preprocessor for robust pharmacogenomics annotation, Binglan Li
5. Curation beyond the genes: Approaches for producing the RefSeq Functional Elements dataset, Catherine M. Farrell
6. Curation Strategies of the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB), Randi Vita
7. Dug: A Semantic Search Engine for Biomedical Datasets, Alex Waldrop
8. NASA GeneLab: Open Science for Life in Space, Samrawit Gebre
9. Accessibility Check & Fix for Auto-remediation of Archived Docs, Ian Smith
10. FaceBase: A Community-Driven Approach to Large-scale Biocuration, Robert Schuler
11. Heron - Health Knowledge Graph Extraction, Christopher M Cervantes
12. Using expert language for enhanced PubMed search - Visual document comparison assistance in identification of relevant articles, Stuart Eaton
13. Cross-domain and extensible Semantic Metadata Annotation Service adapted to the Medical Domain, Julia Sasse
14. Warfighter Health Data Commons: Design Features for Curation at Scale, Matthew Dinmore
15. HEAL Distributed Data Ecosystem: A Use Case for Curation at Scale, Allie Gartland-Gray
16. Iterative Development of Gold-Standard Data for Machine Curation, Matthew D. Turner
17. Trends in the landscape of biomarkers in Clinical Trials, Janet Piñero Gonzalez
18. COVID-19 preprint review at scale, Anita Bandrowski