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Images have been selected from the following anatomical atlases in the National Library of Medicine's collection. Each atlas is linked to a brief Author & Title Description, which offers an historical discussion of the work, its author, the artists, and the illustration technique. The Bibliographic Information link provides a bibliographical description of the atlas, so users will know which edition was scanned and if there are any characteristics special to the Library's copy.
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A - B - C - D - E - F
- G - H - K - L - M - Q - P - R - S - T - V
Author: Albinus, Bernhard Seigfried (1697–1770).
Title: Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani.
Publication Information: London: H. Woodfall; J. & P. Knapton, 1749.
Author: Anonymous.
Title: Persian Anatomical Illustrations.
Publication Information: [Iran or Pakistan, ca. 1680–1750].
Author: Anonymous.
Title: [Treatise on physiognomy].
Publication Information: [Netherlands?, ca. 1790].
Author: Berengario da Carpi, Jacopo (ca. 1460–ca. 1530).
Title: Isagogae breues, perlucidae ac uberrimae in anatomiam humani corporis.
Publication Information: Bologna: Benedictus Hector, 1523.
Author: Bidloo, Govard (1649–1713).
Title: Ontleding des menschelyken lichaams.
Publication Information: Amsterdam: Weduwe van Joannes van Someren, et al., 1690.
Author: Blainville, H. M. Ducrotay (1777–1850).
Title: Osté́ographie : ou Description iconographique comparé́e du squelette et du systè̀me dentaire
Publication Information: Paris : J. B. Baillière, 1839–64.
Author: Bouglé, Julien (1868–1903).
Title: Le corps humain en grandeur naturelle: planches coloriées et superposées, avec texte explicatif.
Publication Information: Paris: J. B. Baillière et fils, 1899.
Author: Bourdon, Amé (1636 or 1638–1706).
Title: Nouvelles tables anatomiques.
Publication Information: Cambray: Chez l'autheur; Paris: Laurens d'Houry, 1678.
Author: Braune, Wilhelm (1831–1892).
Title: Topographisch-anatomischer Atlas : nach Durchschnitten an gefrornen Cadavern.
Publication Information: Leipzig: Verlag von Veit & Comp., 1867–1872.
Author: Brunschwig, Hieronymus, (ca. 1450-ca. 1512).
Title: Liber de arte distillandi de compositis.
Publication Information: Strassburg : Johann Grüninger, 1512.
Author: Cheselden, William (1688–1752).
Title: Osteographia, or The anatomy of the bones.
Publication Information: London: [William Bowyer], 1733.
Author: Clorion.
Title: [Anatomical illustrations].
Publication Information: New Harmony, 1830.
Author: Cousin, Jehan, (1522–1593).
Title: Livre de pourtraiture.
Publication Information: Paris: Jean Leclerc, 1608.
Author: Cowper, William (1666–1709).
Title: The anatomy of humane bodies.
Publication Information: Oxford : Printed at the Theater, for Sam. Smith and Benj. Walford, 1698.
Author: Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528).
Title: Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion.
Publication Information: Nuremberg: Hieronymus Formschneyder, 1528.
Author: Estienne, Charles (ca. 1504–ca. 1564).
Title: De dissectione partium corporis humani libri tres.
Publication Information: Paris: Simon Colinaeus, 1545.
Author: Eustachi, Bartholomeo (d. 1574).
Title: Tabulae anatomicae.
Publication Information: Rome: P. Junchus, 1783.
Author: Fotherby, John.
Title: Anatomy, 1729–30.
Author: Gamelin, Jacques (1738–1803).
Title: Nouveau receuil d'ostéologie et de myologie.
Publication Information: Toulouse: J. F. Desclassan, 1779.
Author: Gautier d'Agoty, Jacques Fabian (1717–1786).
Title: Anatomie generale des viscères en situation, de grandeur et couleur naturelle, avec l'angeologie, et la nevrologie de chaque partie du corps humain.
Publication Information: [Paris: Gautier?, 1752].
Author: Genga, Bernardino (1620–1690).
Title: Anatomia per uso et intelligenza del disegno.
Publication Information: Rome: Domenico de Rossi, 1691.
Author: Gersdorff, Hans von (d. 1529).
Title: Feldtbůch der Wundartzney : newlich getruckt und gebessert.
Publication Information: Strassburg: Hans Schotten zům Thyergarten, [1528].
Author: Gessner, Konrad (1516–1565).
Title: Conradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae animalium.
Publication Information: Tigvri : Apvd Christ. Froschovervm, anno MDLI[–MDLXXXVII] [1551–1587].
Author: Hanaoka, Seishū, (1760–1835).
Title: Kishitsu geryō zukan.
Author: Hofmann, Christian Gottlieb, (1743–1797).
Title: Succincta descriptio ossium et musculorum corporis humani.
Publication Information: Nürnberg, 1783.
Author: Hooke, Robert, (1635–1703).
Title: Micrographia : or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses : with observations and inquiries thereupon.
Publication Information: London : Printed by Jo. Marten, and Ja. Allestry ... and are to be sold at their shop ..., 1665.
Author: Hua, Shou (1304–1386).
Title: Jushikei hakki (Shi si jing fa hui. Japanese & Chinese).
Publication Information: [Tokyo]: Suharaya Heisuke kanko, Kyoho gan [1716].
Author: Hundt, Magnus (1449–1519).
Title: Antropologium de hominis dignitate...
Publication Information: Leipzig: Wolfgang Stöckel, 1501.
Author: Hunter, William (1718–1783).
Title: Anatomia uteri humani gravidi tabulis illustrata = The anatomy of the human gravid uterus exhibited in figures.
Publication Information: Birmingham: John Baskerville, 1774.
Author: Kawaguchi, Shinnin (1736–1811).
Title: Kaishi hen
Publication Information: Heian [Kyoto]: Hakubundō Tanaka Ichibe, Meiwa 9 [1772].
Author: Ketham, Johannes de (15th century).
Title: Fasiculo de medicina.
Publication Information: Venice: Zuane & Gregorio di Gregorii, 1494.
Author: Kulmus, Johann Adam (1689–1745).
Title: Kaitai shinsho.
Publication Information: Tōbu [Tokyo]: Suharaya Ichibē shi, An'ei 3 [1774].
Author: Laskowski, Sigismond (b. 1841).
Title: Anatomie normale du corps humain: atlas iconographique de XVI planches.
Publication Information: [Genève: Braun, 1894].
Author: Mansur ibn Ilyas (fl. ca. 1390).
Title: Tashrih-i badan-i insan. [Anatomy of the Human Body].
Publication Information: [Iran, ca. 1390].
Author: Paré, Ambroise (1510?–1590).
Title: [Les Oeuvres]
Publication Information: A Paris : Chez Gabriel Buon, 1585.
Author: Porta, Giambattista della (1535–1615).
Title: De humana physiognomonia libri IIII.
Publication Information: Vici Aequensis [Vico Equense]: I. Cacchium, 1586.
Author: al-Qazwīnī, Zakarīyā ibn Muḥammad.
Title: ‘Ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt wa-gharā’ib al-mawjūdāt (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing) كتاب عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات
Publication Information: 944 [1537 or 1538].
Author: Quain, Richard (1800–1887).
Title: The anatomy of the arteries of the human body, with its applications to pathology and operative surgery.
Publication Information: London: Printed for Taylor and Walton, 1844.
Author: Ruini, Carlo (1530–1598).
Title: Anatomia del cavallo, infermità, et suoi rimedii.
Publication Information: Venice: Fioravante Prati, 1618.
Author: Sarlandière, Jean-Baptiste (1787–1838).
Title: Anatomie méthodique...
Publication Information: Paris: Chez les libraires de médecine, et chez l'auteur, 1829.
Author: Scarpa, Antonio (1752–1832).
Title: Tabulae neurologicae : ad illustrandam historiam anatomicam...
Publication Information: cini [Pavia] : Apud Balthassarem Comini ..., 1794.
Author: Smellie, William (1697–1763).
Title: A sett of anatomical tables... of the practice of midwifery.
Publication Information: London: [s.n.], 1754.
Author: Spiegel, Adriaan van (1578–1625) and Casseri, Giulio (ca. 1552–1616).
Title: De formato foetu liber singularis.
Publication Information: Padua: Io. Bap. de Martinis & Livius Pasquatus, [1626].
Author: Spiegel, Adriaan van (1578–1625) and Casseri, Giulio (ca. 1552–1616).
Title: De humani corporis fabrica libri decem.
Publication Information: Venice: Evangelista Deuchino, 1627.
Author: Straus-Durckheim, Hercule (1790–1865).
Title: Anatomie descriptive et comparative du chat.
Publication Information: ris : Chez l’auteur, 1845.
Author: Trew, Christoph Jacob (1695–1769).
Title: Tabulae osteologicae.
Publication Information: Norimbergae : [s.n.], 1767.
Author: Valverde de Amusco, Juan (ca. 1525–ca. 1588).
Title: Anatomia del corpo humano.
Publication Information: Rome: Ant. Salamanca and Antonio Lafrery, 1560.
Author: Vesalius, Andreas (1514–1564).
Title: De humani corporis fabrica libri septem.
Publication Information: Basel: Joannes Oporinus, 1543.
Author: Vimont, Joseph (1795–1857).
Title: Traité de phrénologie humaine et comparée.
Publication Information: Paris: J. B. Baillière, 1832–35.
Author: Voigtlander, Carl Friedrich.
Title: Die Anatomie des Pferdes.
Publication Information: Dresden, F. Meinhold, 1876.
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