Banner featuring Arabic calligraphy in dark blue ink above the words Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine written in burgundy ink.


Amrā al-mukhtaar, fī
(The Book of Homilies)
فى الامراض المختصر
MS A 39, item 1

Amrā al-ra's [wa] dā' al-tha‘lab wa-al-suf‘ah wa-al-qara‘ wa-jamī‘ qurū al-ra's
(Diseaes of the Head, Loss of Hair, Dark Spots, Baldness, and All Ulcers of the Head)
امراض [و] دا الثعلب والسفعه والقرع وجميع قروح الراس
MS A 87, item 5

Akl va shurb, risālah dar
(Essay on Eating and Drinking)
رساله در اكل و شرب
MS P 29, marginal item 32

Aqwāl al-mutaffariqāt
(Miscellaneous Accounts)
اقوال المتفرقات
MS A 70, item 22

Akhlāq-i amīdah, dar
(On Praiseworthy Conduct)
در اخلاق حميده
MS P 29, marginal item 28

Aqrābādhīn fī ‘ilm ibb al-khayl
(Recipe for the Great Theriac)
اقراباذين فى علم طب الخيل
MS A 4

Bayan-i narah va han, dar
(On the Explanation of Male and Female Genitalia)
در بيان نره و هن
MS P 16.1, item 1

Bur' al-sā‘ah manzūm, kitāb
(Cure in an Hour, Versified)
كتاب برؤ الساعه منظوم
MS P 25, item 4

Dā'ir muibb fī ‘ilm al-ibb
(The Turning of the Lover in the Art of Medicine)
داير المحب فى علم الطب
MS A 87, item 17

Duhn, fī
(Concerning Oils)
فى دهن
MS A 87, item 8

Fal al-fatīah, al-qawl fī
(Discourse on the Importance of the Opening Verse [of the Qur'an])
القول فى فضل الفتيحة
MS A 91, item 7

Fawā'id mufradāt, fal dar
(Chapter on the Principles of Materia Medica)
فصل در فوايد مفردات
MS P 25, item 9

Ganjifah, muqaddimah-i
(Introduction to Card Playing)
مقدمه گنجفه
MS P 29, marginal item 21

Ghayhāt al-umniyāt fī ma‘rifat al-ummayāt, kitāb
(The Most That Could be Desired Concerning the Knowledge of Fevers)
كتاب غياة الامنيات فى معرفة الحميات
MS A 15

ajar, fī
(On Stones)
فى حجر
MS A 87, item 4

al-ajar al-mubārak
(The Blessed Stone)
الحجر المبارك
MS A 91.1, item 11

aqīqat-i ‘ālam, dar
(On the Explanation of the Universe)
در حقيقت عالم
MS P 29, marginal item 1

aqīqat-i ūl-i va ‘ar-i aqālīm
(The Explanation of the Longititude and Latitude of the Climes)
حقيقت طول وعرض اقاليم
MS P 29, marginal item 12

ifz al-iah, kitāb
(The Book on the Maintenance of Health)
كتاب حفظ الصحة
MS P 25, margins

isāb, muqaddimāt-i
(Introductory treatise on arithmetic)
مقدمات حساب
MS P 29, marginal item 17

isab-i siyāq-i ayawanāt, dar
(On the Numeration of Animals)
در حسب سياق حيوانات
MS P 29, marginal item 33

‘Ilāj-i va-‘alāmat-i dā' al-asad
(The Treatment and Symptoms of Leontiasis)
علاج وعلامات داء الاسد
MS P 25, item 6

‘Ilm al-ābī‘īyāt al-insānīyah
(The Science of Human Constitutions)
علم الطبيعيات الانسانية
MS A 21

‘Ishq, dar
(On Lovesickness)
در عشق
MS P 29, marginal item 7

‘Ishq, muqaddimah-i
(Introductory Treatise on Lovesickness)
مقدمه عشق
MS P 29, marginal item 5

al-Istifrāgh, fī
(On Vomiting)
فى الاستفراغ
MS P 28, item 2

Jumlat al-adwiyah al-mufradah al-mustahilah li-kull wāid min al-akhlā
(Summary of the Simple Medicaments Beneficial for Each of the Constitutions)
جملة الادوية المفردة المستهلة لكل واحد من الاخلاط
MS A 87, item 7

Kashf ba‘ al-lughah min al-Qānūn wa-ghayrihi
(The Explanation of Some Terms from the 'Canon' and Other Writings)
كشف بعض اللغة من القانون وغيره
MS A 27, item 2

Khāīyat-i zanān, risālah dar
(Essay on the Nature of Women)
رساله در خاصيت زنان
MS P 29, marginal item 14

al-Khawā, kitāb
(On Occult Properties)
كتاب الخواص
MS A 91, item 10

Khawā, risālah dar
(Essay on Occult Properties)
رساله در خواص
MS P 29, marginal item 16

Khawā-i jafrāt
(The Occult Properties of Numerology)
خواص جفرات
MS P 29, marginal item 35

Khawā al-panzahr, risālah fī
(Treatise on the occult properties of the bezoar-stone)
رساله فى خواص الپانزهر
MS A 91, item 5

Khulāah-i rājāwatī
(The Chronologies of Rulers)
خلاصه راجاوتى
MS P 29, marginal item 25

Khulāah-i tawārīkh
(The Explanation of Chronologies)
خلاصه تواريخ
MS P 29, marginal item 24

al-Manāfi‘ al-bayyinah wa-mā yailu bi-al-arba‘ah al-azminah
(The Evident Benefits and What Pertains to the Four Seasons)
المنافع البينة وما يصل بالاربعة الازمنة
MS A 89, item 3

Manzūmah fī al-ibb
(A Poem on Medicine)
منظومه فى الطب
MS A 36

Ma‘rifat al-furūsīyah, fihrist kitāb
(Book of the Knowledge of Horsemanship)
فهرست كتاب معرفة الفروسية
MS A 90, item 3

Mas'alah min Kitāb al-ukamā'
(A Problem from 'The Book of Sages')
مسئلة من كتاب الحكماء
MS A 91.1, item 6

al-Mayāmir, kitāb
(The Book of Homilies)
كتاب الميامر
MS A 39, item 2

Muhimmāt al-dalā'il wa-ummahāt al-masā'il
(Important Symptoms and Basic Problems)
مهمات الدلائل وامهات المسائل
MS A 84, item 5

Mujarrabāt, risālah-i
(Treatise on Tested Remedies)
رساله مجربات
MS P 23, item 2

Muqaddimāt-i isāb
(Introductory treatise on arithmetic)
مقدمات حساب
MS P 29, item 17

Muqaddimah-i ‘ishq
(Introductory Treatise on Lovesickness)
مقدمه عشق
MS P 29, marginal item 5

Muqaddimah-i ganjifah
(Introduction to Card Playing)
مقدمه گنجفه
MS P 29, marginal item 21

Muqaddimah-i nabz
(Introductory Treatise on the Pulse)
مقدمه نبض
MS P 29, marginal item 4

Muqaddimah-i raml
(Introduction to Geomancy)
مقدمه رمل
MS P 29, marginal item 20

Muqaddimah-i sharanj
(Introduction to Chess)
مقدمه شطرنج
MS P 29, marginal item 22

Nabz, muqaddimah-i
(Introductory Treatise on the Pulse)
مقدمه نبض
MS P 29, marginal item 4

Qānūnchah-i manzūm, kitāb-i
(The "Qānūnchah" in Verse)
كتاب قانوﭼﻪ منظوم
MS P 25, item 5

al-Qawl fī fal al-fatīah
(Discourse on the Importance of the Opening Verse [of the Qur'an])
القول فى فضل الفتيحة
MS A 91, item 7

Raml, muqaddimah-i
(Introduction to Geomancy)
مقدمه رمل
MS P 29, marginal item 20

Sakanjabīn, fī
(On oxymel)
فى سكنجبين
MS A 27, item 3

Shar-i pat, risālah-i
(Treatise on Starch)
رساله شرح پت
MS P 29, marginal item 6

Sharanj, muqaddimah-i
(Introduction to Chess)
مقدمه شطرنج
MS P 29, marginal item 22

ifat ma‘jūn nāfi‘ lil-ma‘idah
(Recipe for an electuary useful for the stomach)
صفة معجون نافع للمعدة
MS A 91, item 8

ifat al-tiryāq al-akbar
(Recipe for the Great Theriac)
صفة الترياق الاكبر
MS A 3/I, item 2

Tadbīr al-afāl min Kitāb al-Bayān
(The Management of Infants, taken from the "Book of Explanation")
تدبير الاطفال من كتاب البيان
MS A 87, item 6

Tafsīr anwā‘ al-riyāah
(Exposition on the varieties of mathematics)
تفسير انواع الرياضه
MS A 87, item 16

Ta‘līq nazīf ‘alá mabda'ī al-manzūmah fī uūl ‘ilm al-ibb, kitāb
(A Polished Commentary on the fundamental features of 'The Poem on the Principles of the Art of Medicine')
كتاب تعليق نظيف على مبدئى المنظومه فى اصول علم الطب
MS A 87, item 11

Taqdimat al-ma‘rifah wa-ahkām al-burhān, fī
(On Diagnosis and Prognosis and the Determination of the Crisis)
فى تقدمة المعرفة واحكام البرهان
MS A 27, item 4

arīqah-i naqsh-bandīya, risālah-i
(Treatise on Conducting Certain Ceremonies of the Sufis)
رساله طريقه نقشبنديه
MS P 29, marginal item 8

Tarkīb al-adwiyah al-mufradah, risālah fī
(Treatise on the Preparation of Compound Remedies)
رساله فى تركيب الادويه المفردة
MS A 16, item 2

Tashrī al-abdān
(The Anatomy of Bodies)
تشريح الابدان
MS A 76

Tufat al-wuzarā'
(The Gift of the Viziers)
تحفت الوزراء
MS P 29, marginal item 29

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