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DailyMed® Logs 500th Label

DailyMed® Logs 500th Label

August 04, 2006 [posted]

[Editor's Note: This Technical Note is a reprint of an announcement published in the NLM News & Events.]

DailyMed, the Web site created in November 2005 by the National Library of Medicine® (NLM) in cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration, has added its 500th drug label.

The site is the official distribution mechanism for the latest electronic drug label information approved by the FDA. The information is not only published on the Web, but may be downloaded. The address for DailyMed is //dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/about.cfm.

DailyMed provides a standard, up-to-date source for look-up and download of drug information found in medication package inserts for use by clinicians, patients, and health information providers. Users may choose to be notified electronically when new or updated label information is released. The goal is for DailyMed to contain standard label information for all FDA-approved medications. One benefit will be to aid the development of personal electronic health records.

The information in DailyMed is linked to other key information sources, including ClinicalTrials.gov, MedlinePlus.gov, and PubMed® /MEDLINE® so users may retrieve the latest research results on a specific drug of interest.

DailyMed was created by NLM's Medical Subject Headings Section, working with staff of the Library's Office of Computer and Communications Systems.

  2006 JULY–AUGUST No.   
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