NLM® Training Program: 2007

The 2007 schedule of NLM online searching training classes is available. These classes, along with the remainder of the year 2006 classes, may be found at the //
Classes Offered
NLM Training: PubMed®
Full-day class
7.5 Medical Library Association (MLA) continuing education credits
Cost: free
This class is designed to teach students how to use PubMed which includes MEDLINE® citations. It also includes an overview of the Medical Subject Headings® (MeSH®) and its importance as a tool to both searchers and indexers.
NLM Training: NLM Gateway &
Half-day class
3.5 MLA continuing education credits
Cost: free
This class is designed to teach students how to use the NLM Gateway. The NLM Gateway is a Web-based system that allows users to search simultaneously in multiple NLM retrieval systems. This class also includes a discussion and demonstration of
NLM Training: TOXNET®
Full-day class
6 MLA continuing education credits
Cost: free
This class is designed to convey the basics of searching TOXNET, the NLM Web-based system of databases in the areas of toxicology, environmental health, and related subjects. Students learn the content and structure of files covering toxicology data, toxicology literature, toxic releases, and chemical searching and nomenclature. Among the databases highlighted are TOXLINE®, the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB®), the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), the Toxic Release Inventory, and ChemIDplus®. The Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) Web site is introduced, as well as some additional special resources developed in this subject area by NLM.
How to Apply
View the training class schedule and register online for classes at the National Training Center & Clearinghouse (NTCC) Web site at // Every attempt will be made to place training applicants in the class requested. If a class is filled, applicants will be registered for their second choice and will also automatically be placed on the wait list for their first choice. Please note that all classes are considered "tentative," pending the required minimum enrollment being met one month before the class. Approximately one month prior to the class, registrants will receive information on hotels and local site arrangements. Information on location of training sites and links to many of the sites' Web pages are available from the NTCC Web
Each Person Makes a Difference
Our classes are in demand and usually fill rapidly, often creating a waiting list. In order to help us provide training opportunities to as many people as possible, please notify the NTCC office if you have registered for a class and your plans change. The more advance notice you give us, the more likely it is that someone else can take the available space. It is very disappointing to begin a class with empty chairs that could have been occupied. We are asking for your cooperation to help allow as many people as possible to benefit from this free training program.
Questions/More Information
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:
The National Training Center & Clearinghouse
Web site: //
800-338-7657 (press 2) or
NLM Customer Service
888-FINDNLM (888-346-3656)

Zipser J. NLM® Training Program: 2007. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Jul-Aug;(351):e7.