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2008 JULY–AUGUST No. 363
July 08, 2008 [posted]

Enhancements to HSRProj and HSRR Databases

graphical image of the letter N

NLM is pleased to announce several new features for the HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects in Progress) and HSRR (Health Services/Sciences Research Resources) databases.


HSRProj, a free database coordinated by the National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR) for NLM, contains information about grants and contracts in health services research that have been funded and are still in progress. HSRProj provides access to ongoing research projects before the results are published. Records include grants and contracts awarded by major public and private funding agencies and foundations. Records are indexed with Medical Subject Headings and project abstracts are included whenever possible.

The new HSRProj map feature allows users to see the geographic locations of projects in each state. To access this feature, click on the map icon on the HSRProj homepage. The map of the United States shows each state shaded according to the current number of ongoing and completed projects; the darker the shading, the more projects within the state. Red dots indicate project locations. When you place your mouse pointer over a state, its border becomes yellow, and the number of ongoing and completed projects in that state appears in the area beneath the map.

When you click on a state, a list of ongoing and completed projects in that state is displayed in a brief record format. Click on the project title to see the complete record.


HSRR is a database of information on datasets, instruments, indices, and software employed in health services research and behavioral and social science. With the goal of strengthening the capacity to conduct public health systems research (PHSR), the University of Kentucky has supplemented the HSRR database with a PHSR subset. In addition to brief descriptions of the research resources, HSRR includes URLs of providers in order to allow researchers to gain additional information or access to the resources. A HSRR record includes information about accessibility (e.g., provider or vendor contact information, costs and restrictions on use) and methodology (e.g., sample size, population characteristics, units of analysis, data collection mechanisms). HSRR contains information about the content and format of a tool and is not a repository of the actual resources. When available, relevant published references about resources are accessible through saved searches with links to PubMed.

The HSRR results screen has been enhanced with new display features:

Selden C. Enhancements to HSRProj and HSRR Databases. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Jul-Aug; (363):e1.

  2008 JULY–AUGUST No. 363  
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