PubMed® Discovery Initiative Expands to Search Results Screen

A s previously announced, new resources are being added to the PubMed search results page (Summary display). Drug Sensor was the first (see Drug Sensor Added to PubMed® Results Page) and more will be coming. These resources are being introduced on an experimental basis. They may be made available to a small percentage of users so as to gauge their effectiveness, and may even be presented in different ways in order to see if one format is better than another. Based on what we learn we will decide how soon to enable a feature for all users, whether to try a different format, or even to go back to the drawing board.
The following features may be encountered in PubMed in the upcoming weeks:
- Also Try - Searches done by other users on the same topic for you to try.
- More PubMed Articles - Other articles that, based on your search terms, may be of interest.
- Recent Activity - A display of your recent PubMed searches and AbstractPlus views, PubMed Central® searches and Full Text views, Gene database searches and Full Report views.

Canese K., Nahin AM. PubMed® Discovery Initiative Expands to Search Results Screen. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Jul-Aug; (363):e1.