Electronic Health Record Resources Added to Special Queries

The NLM® Special Queries page now includes a link to a new subject page on Electronic Health Records (EHR).
The US Department of Health and Human Services defines an electronic health record as "An electronic record of health-related information on an individual that conforms to nationally recognized interoperability standards and that can be created, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff across more than one health care organization."
The MEDLINE®/PubMed® Search & Electronic Health Record Information Resources page offers a PubMed search including subject terms and other keywords. Areas of coverage include implementation, attitudes, beliefs and use, data privacy, health data standards, and consumer access to the EHR and personal health records. This search strategy retrieves literature in many languages and from more than 27,000 PubMed citations, including research from many countries.
The resources page provides links to other electronic health record resources such as links to the US and international government agencies, associations, foundations and publications.
Send your comments about this resource to Contact NLM.
For more information on the Special Queries Resource in PubMed, see the article New Special Queries Resource in PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2005 Mar-Apr(343):e1.
A special thanks to the following NLM staff for their assistance in developing the MEDLINE/PubMed Search & Electronic Health Record Information Resources page:
- Bibliographic Services Division (BSD): Lou Knecht
- MEDLARS® Management Section (MMS): Dianne Babski, Annette Nahin, Jan Willis, and Katherine Majewski
- National Information Center on Health Services Research (NICHSR): Lisa Lang, Catherine Selden, Ione Auston, and Vivian Auld
- Reference and Web Services Section (RWS): Terry Ahmed, Ron Gordner, Paula Kitendaugh, Joyce Backus, and Martha Fishel

Burke C. Electronic Health Record Resources Added to Special Queries. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Jul-Aug;(369):e5.