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2009 JULY–AUGUST No. 369
August 24, 2009 [posted]

NLM® Launches "Rapid Research Notes" Archive

[Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an announcement published on the NLM Web site on August 21, 2009. To be notified of announcements like this subscribe NLM-Announces e-mail list.]

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The National Library of Medicine® (NLM) announces the introduction of Rapid Research Notes (RRN), a new resource developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a division of NLM, to archive research made available through online venues for rapid scientific communication. The RRN archive allows users to access research that is provided through participating publisher programs designed for immediate communication.

Creating such an archive has been discussed often by NCBI public advisors, but the recent outbreak of H1N1 influenza provided an increased impetus for the project. Responding to the call for a means to quickly share research information about H1N1, the Public Library of Science developed PLoS Currents: Influenza, an open-access, online resource for immediate communication and discussion of new scientific data, analyses, and ideas in the area of influenza. In order to make research available as soon as possible, submissions are not peer reviewed in depth, but are screened by a group of leading researchers in the field who decide whether a contribution is suitable; those judged suitable are immediately posted to the PLoS Currents: Influenza Web site and archived at RRN with a stable ID.

PLoS Currents: Influenza is the first collection to be archived in RRN. NCBI expects the RRN archive to expand over time to include additional collections in other high-interest biomedical fields.

NLM® Launches "Rapid Research Notes" Archive. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Jul-Aug;(369):e1.

  2009 JULY–AUGUST No. 369  
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