MedlinePlus® and MedlinePlus en español Redesign
On July 14, 2010, the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®) released a redesigned version of MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus en español.
The goals for this redesign were to incorporate suggestions received from users and to update the graphic design, layout, and site architecture for an improved user experience. Here are the highlights of the redesign:
- New homepage features make it easier to find frequently used content
- Navigation simplifies access to Health Topics, Drugs & Supplements, and Videos & Cool Tools
- Updated page designs give the site a vibrant look and feel
- A new MedlinePlus logo provides a consistent look across Mobile MedlinePlus, the @medlineplus4you Twitter feed, MedlinePlus e-mail updates and the full MedlinePlus Web site (see Figure 1)
- Web 2.0 technologies help users share content
- Distinctive color schemes identify English and Spanish pages
The redesigned site contains all of the same reliable health information that users could find on the former version of the site, but in an enhanced user experience.
The homepages have been restructured, making it easier to find the content visitors use most (see Figures 1 and 2). New features include:
- A rotating feature at the top of the page that highlights current interest topics and new content on MedlinePlus
- "About Your Health" boxes, which link to popular MedlinePlus health topic pages
- A Medical Dictionary search box
- The MedlinePlus search cloud widget, plus an embeddable version that anyone can add to his or her own site
- An e-mail updates sign up box so users can receive customized MedlinePlus updates
The redesigned health topics pages include a Share button, which allows users to post a link to a specific topic page on social networks using the Web 2.0 AddThis© technology. The enhanced visual emphasis on the health topic summary, Start Here links, and the encyclopedia links guide users to helpful content (see Figure 3).
The Videos & Cool Tools page (see Figure 4) is a new page that brings together:
- anatomy, surgery and news videos
- interactive tutorials
- health calculators
- quizzes and games
A new search box allows users to search all MedlinePlus videos and tutorials, without having to search the entire site. The page also links to the MedlinePlus resources:
- Understanding Medical Words
- Evaluating Health Information
The MedlinePlus redesign is the culmination of user feedback, formal usability testing, information architecture analysis and graphic design improvements. The MedlinePlus team welcomes your feedback via the Contact Us link at the top of each page of the site.

Ferguson L, Jentsch J. MedlinePlus® and MedlinePlus en español Redesign. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Jul-Aug;(375):e3.