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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2015 JULY–AUGUST No. 405

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NLM Tox Town: City Neighborhood Updated

NLM Tox Town: City Neighborhood Updated. NLM Tech Bull. 2015 Jul-Aug;(405):b11.

2015 July 30 [posted]

[Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an announcement published as an NLM Toxicology and Environmental Health Information email update from the NLM Division of Specialized Information Services. To automatically receive news on resources, services, and outreach in toxicology and environmental health please see the subscribe page.]

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Tox Town City neighborhood has updated its graphics with a new photorealistic look. It, as well as the Town and Southwest scenes, is now in HTML 5. Location and chemical information remains the same, but the new graphics allow users to better identify real-life city locations.

Tox Town can be accessed on a variety of personal electronic devices, including iPads, iPad minis, and other tablets.

Regardless of where you live, we hope you'll visit the updated Tox Town City neighborhood and learn about potential environmental health risks.

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health